
  • 网络hasee
  1. 例如,10000台ThinkPad膝上电脑的报价可能只在收到报价后10天内有效。

    For example , a price quote for10,000 ThinkPad laptops may only be valid for10 days after the quote was received .

  2. 我已要求我的朋友给予帮助星期三王景荣为爵士乐的电脑设备报价。

    I have asked my friend PT Ong to help give quote for the computer equipments for Jazz . I copied thee-mail to you .

  3. 现在,在移动电话或掌上电脑获取实时股票报价或最新贷币汇率是可能的。

    It is now possible to get up-to-the-minute stock quotes or updated currency exchange rates on a mobile phone or palmtop .