
  • 网络All-in-One PC;All in one PC;All-in-One LCD PC
  1. 本公司销售国内第一款标准台式机的配置液晶电脑一体机,可自由配置,轻松组装。比笔记本更强劲,比台式机更轻薄装。

    The first LCD computer-integrated of standard desktop can be configured and assembled freedom , which is stronger than notebook and lighter and thinner than desktop computer .

  2. 苹果公司主要通过出售苹果手机、平板电脑和一体机等硬件设备盈利,而脸书公司的所有业务则基于广告销售,他们为客户提供信息,并以此为其定位目标用户。

    Apple makes the vast majority of its money selling hardware , including iPhones , iPads and Macs . Facebook , on the other hand , has built an entire business on selling ads that target users based on information they provide .