
  1. 随着Web开发的迅速发展,开发者为了使开发效率提高、为了使软件开发成本得到减少,在各种Web应用的实际开发过程中,软件复用的技术得到了广泛的应用。

    With the fast development of Web applications , developers have the willing to improve developing efficiency and reduce developing costs , so that in the practical web application developing procedure the technology of software reuse has been widely used .

  2. 其中,Web服务组合是最重要的一个研究课题,它通过复用和组合已有的Web服务,降低软件开发成本。

    In the research area of web service technology , web service composition is one the most important research topic and has drawn the attention of many researchers . Web services composition is technology that reuses and aggregates existing web services to reduce software development costs .

  3. 基于人工神经元网络的软件开发成本预测

    Cost Budget of Software Development Based on Artificial Neural Networks

  4. 软件开发成本估算技术综述

    An Overview of Software Development Efforts and Cost Estimation

  5. 新方法既可降低软件开发成本又可减少软件维护费用。

    This new method can reduce software development cost and software maintenance cost .

  6. 软件开发成本的降低也使得面向专业的空间数据挖掘软件日新月异。

    Reduction of software developed cost also makes professional-oriented spatial data mining system , with each passing day .

  7. 良好的需求不仅有助于避免或剔除开发前期的错误,而且可以降低软件开发成本,改进软件质量。

    The good demand not only helps to avoid or eliminate the early error for the development of software development , but also can reduce the cost , improve the software quality .

  8. 本文分析了软件开发成本估算精确性的影响因素,并对现有的软件开发成本估算技术进行分类和比较,探讨了软件开发成本估算技术的应用策略及其发展方向。

    Some factors of software estimation accuracy are analyzed in this paper , and some existing software cost estimation technologies are classified and compared in detail . Furthermore , the application approaches and the main research directions on software cost estimation are discussed .

  9. 车辆检测是工业控制技术应用的一个方面,早期的工业控制一般采用单片机,随着系统机价格的下降,软件开发成本的提高,系统机在工业控制中得到了广泛应用。

    Vehicle checking is one kind of application of industry control technology . Single-chip microcomputer was used in early industry control . With the reduction of the price of the system machine and the rising of software cost , the system machine is widely used in industry control .

  10. 这些模式的应用,不仅降低了软件开发的成本,同时也保证了Web应用系统的质量。

    The application of these patterns can not only reduce the cost of software development , but also guarantee the quality of Web applications .

  11. 提高生产率:MDD通过从模型生成代码和工件来减少软件开发的成本,这样做提高了开发人员的生产率。

    Increased productivity : MDD reduces the cost of software development by generating code and artifacts from models , which increases developer productivity .

  12. 作为进一步确定软件的开发成本的依据,我们结合非协同竞争游戏中的优胜原则和MCL价格模型,提出了一个基于AHP分析方式的同类软件产品的市场价格模型。

    In order to get more elements to decide the software development cost , we use for references of the principle in non-cooperative game and the MCL model in economic field , than propose a market price model based on AHP analysis method .

  13. 这种开发模式能减少软件开发的成本和周期,提高软件产品的质量和开发效率;

    It also can improve products ' quality and develop efficiency .

  14. 航天型号软件项目开发成本估计

    Development Effort Estimation for Aero Space Project Software

  15. 软件项目开发成本的估算对软件开发项目的成功与否有着至关重要的影响。

    An evaluation of the development costs on a software project is a key element to its success .

  16. 生产力通过由模型生成代码和工件的方式,减少了软件开发的成本,同时增加了开发人员的生产力。

    Productivity Reduced cost of software development by generating code and artifacts from models , increasing developer productivity .

  17. 软件开发项目成本的估算,对一个软件专案项目的成功与否,是个非常重要的因素。

    An evaluation of the development of cost on a software project is a key element to its success .

  18. 维护:那是软件开发的成本,包括软件测试基础结构开发,这一点每个人都忘了去记住。

    Maintenance : That 's the cost of software development , including software test infrastructure development that everyone forgets to remember .

  19. 姚键带领一个工程师小组开发了指纹系统和软件,开发成本约为14.6万美元。

    Mr. Yao led a team of engineers to create the fingerprinting system and the software , which cost roughly $ 146000 to develop .

  20. 缩短多线程系统的开发周期,降低软件的开发成本,提高分布式系统的可复用性成为了目前软件开发的重点问题。

    It becomes a pressing problem to reduce the application system development cycle , development costs and difficulties as well as improve the system scalability and reusability .

  21. 实验结果表明,这种成本测算方法在对软件开发间接成本进行测算时起的积极作用。

    The experimental results also show that this method of cost estimation of software development in the indirect cost of the software exploitation plays an active role .

  22. 但是,在当今企业IT架构中,尤其是中小企业,其组织结构及业务流程都在不断变化,而且工作流软件的开发成本及硬件成本,对于这些中小企业来说根本无法承受。

    However , in the Information Technology architecture of most enterprises , especially for medium and small enterprises , their organizational structure and business processes are constantly changing .

  23. 通过深入研究,证明了这三项技术能够提高射频天线的效率,加速信号处理的速度,降低软件开发的成本。

    Through the deep research , it proves that these three techniques can increase the efficiency of the RF antenna , accelerate speed of signal process , and save the cost of the software development .

  24. 然而,对于不同功能领域的PDA,其硬件以及软件开发方法及成本有着很大的差异。

    However , PDAs in different application areas have great differences in costs of hardware / software development .

  25. 有利于降低软件价格和开发成本。

    Can help lower the price and development cost of the software .

  26. 面向对象软件开发中的成本估算研究

    Study on Cost Estimate in Object-oriented Software Development

  27. 利用该模型和面向软件元素开发的成本函数,提出了一个多模块软件系统的最优发布原则。

    Use this model and software development cost function , we present an optimal release policy of multi-modular software .

  28. 据统计,软件开发的总成本中软件测试的开销占40%左右。

    According to the statistical data , the expense of testing occupies 40 percent of the total cost of software development .

  29. 然而开发数字保存系统是一项大型的软件工程,开发成本高,周期长,维护困难,如何实现数字保存系统是当前数字保存领域一个重要的研究课题。

    However , developing digital preservation system is a large-scale software engineering , which needs high cost , long cycle and difficulty maintenance .

  30. 这样导致软件质量和开发成本不稳定,软件后期的维护、升级出现麻烦,同时最终也损害了用户的利益。

    This resulted in the instability of the software quality and the trouble of the after-sales service and update . Ultimately , this harmed to the users as well .