
ruǎn ɡuǎnɡ ɡào
  • soft advertisement
  1. 软文就是软广告,吸引的就是眼球。

    Flexible language is soft advertisement , those who attract is eyeball .

  2. 什么是软广告?

    What is soft advertisement ?

  3. 软广告通过潜意识的作用来影响消费者。

    The soft sell approach gets to consumers in a subliminal way .

  4. 就连美国联邦贸易委员会(theU.S.FederalTradeCommission)对软广告也是一知半解。

    Even the U.S. Federal Trade Commission is perplexed ;

  5. 59%的受访者认为,一个新闻网站如果登载了软广告便会失去公信力——不过尽管如此,他们还是觉得软广告的可信度好歹要比《福克斯新闻》(thanFoxNews)强上那么一丁点。

    Fifty-nine percent said they believe that a news site that runs sponsored content loses credibility - although they also said they view branded content as slightly more trustworthy than Fox News .

  6. 【《财富》(Fortune)也决定不再置身事外。】去年广告主们花在软广告上的金额达到了24亿美元,比2012年跃升了77%。

    ( Fortune has also decided to engage in the practice . ) Last year , advertisers spent $ 2.4 billion on native ads , a 77 % jump over 2012 .

  7. 现在,这种广告模式不仅被BuzzFeed等新兴的网络公司所采用,就连《福布斯》(Forbes)和《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)等老牌媒体也打上了软广告的主意。

    The approach has been embraced by newer digital ventures such as BuzzFeed and new digital efforts for very old publications like Forbes and The Atlantic .

  8. 至于软广告的“鼻祖”BuzzFeed,更是有数不清的案例能说明它的广告软文发挥了多么好的作用。

    And BuzzFeed , which popularized the native ad format , has numerous case studies showing how well its sponsored articles work .

  9. 医院创建品牌,软广告是合适的宣传方式。

    But recessive-advertisement was a suitable method to establish hospital brand .

  10. 软广告是媒体发展的产物。

    Soft advertising is the outcome of the development of media .

  11. 都出现几次了,软广告是最让人讨厌的。

    There has been several times , soft advertising is most annoying .

  12. 业内人士在观察之余不免议论纷纷:软广告是不是骗人的?

    Industry peers watched and discussed : Is it deceptive ?

  13. 目前软广告仍然有继续发展的希望。

    There is hope for the native ad yet .

  14. 电视节目中充斥着软广告。

    Television programmes are full of subliminal advertising .

  15. 市场博弈下的软广告

    Soft Advertising under the Conditions of Market Game

  16. 我这可不是在做软广告。

    This is not a product placement .

  17. 去年,它的一个专门委员会开会讨论软广告,但是这次会议“提出的问题比解答的问题还多”。

    a panel on native advertising last year " raised more questions than it answered . "

  18. 浅谈软广告创意

    On Originality of Soft Advertisement

  19. 医疗软广告营销与医院品牌

    Medical recessive-advertisement and hospital brand

  20. 不容否认,读者对软广告的反应是负面的,而且非常强烈。

    But there is no denying that readers ' response to sponsored content is negative and especially strong .

  21. 超过半数的受访者表示他们不会相信软广告,不管它是关于什么的。

    Just over half said they didn 't trust branded content , regardless of what it was about .

  22. 从读者的角度看,软广告貌似根本就不是什么“心灵的旅程”。

    From the perspective of a reader , sponsored content doesn 't look like a spiritual journey at all .

  23. 文章通过具体的案例分析,来肯定软广告和炒作新闻的存在意义和价值。

    Through specific case studies , to confirm press speculation and the soft advertising the existence of the meaning and value .

  24. 同年,《华盛顿邮报》的研究总监将软广告誉为“一场心灵的旅程”。(这是真的。)

    That same year , the Post 's CRO called native ads " a spiritual journey . " ( Really . )

  25. 影响较大的省、市级14家传播媒体中,有11家报纸、电视台和广播电台刊播烟草广告或软广告;

    Direct or indirect tobacco advertisements were also found in 11 of 14 mass-medias such as newspapers , radio stations and TV stations .

  26. 但传媒界仍然需小心:虽然愿意看软广告的读者可能会越来越多,但这并不意味着他们肯定喜欢自己看到的东西。

    But publishers should be careful : though readers may be increasingly looking at sponsored content , it doesn 't mean they like what they see .

  27. 有人片面地认为,在学术期刊上登载的企业文章是软广告,不仅没有可读性,也没有参考价值。

    Quite a lot of people one - sidedly hold that the articles published in scientific journals are all soft advertisements , which have neither readability nor value of reference .

  28. 大家可能会问,以上所说的这些对于Contently这样的公司究竟意味着什么,因为只有软广告在营销市场上大有作为,Contently的业务才可能有钱赚。

    You may wonder what all this means for a company like Contently , which is built on the premise that branded content will become a huge part of the marketing industry .

  29. 在这个多媒介融合的多元化时代,寻求软广告和媒体的和谐发展策略,已经成为媒体、广告主正面临的一大难题。

    In this era of multi-media integration of diversity , to the media and advertisers , it is a big problem to find a strategy which soft ad develops harmoniously with the media .

  30. 根据Contently公司近日发表的一篇调查显示,软广告虽然受到了出版商的欢迎,但消费者却对它很不感冒。

    Native ads may be popular with publishers , but consumers are not in love , according to a new survey conducted by Contently , a startup that connects brands with writers who then create sponsored content .