
shānɡ yè ɡuǎnɡ ɡào
  • commercial advertising;commercial advertisement
  1. 接着从杰罗姆·麦卡锡(JeromeMcCarthy)的市场营销组合理论入手,以商业广告在促销组合和产品生命周期中的作用为基础为商业广告的营销功能定位来确定其文本功能。

    Based on the Market Mix Theory proposed by Jerome McCarthy , the functions of commercial advertising in promotion mix and during product cycle are analyzed to define the language functions of it .

  2. 原告方指出,商业广告是姚明的主要收入来源。

    Commercial advertising is now Yao 's major source of income .

  3. 她很快就从拍商业广告上升到拍电视节目。

    From commercials she quickly graduated to television shows .

  4. 他们在全国的有线电视网上投放商业广告。

    They ran commercials on cable systems across the country

  5. 人们不相信电视上的商业广告。

    The public don 't believe the commercial on tv .

  6. 商业广告牌大大损坏了该地区的优美风景。

    The scenic beauty of this region was marred by commercial signs .

  7. 因为某种原因,当一些电视节目插入商业广告时就会出现几秒很大的噪声。

    For some reason , when certain shows switched into a commercial , a loud noise would sound for a few seconds .

  8. “公益广告”可译为publicserviceadvertisement,publicwelfaread。如:广告可以分为商业广告和公益广告。

    Advertisements can be divided into commercial advertisements and public service advertisements .

  9. 这场表演通过模仿成功地讽刺了那些电视节目和商业广告

    The show successfully spoofs the TV programs and commercials .

  10. 2011年,维斯兰在美国运通公司(AmericanExpress)的比赛中获胜,并在一个商业广告中作为小企业代表出现。

    In 2011 , she won an American Express competition to represent small businesses in a commercial .

  11. 最近一家媒体巨头向eagle先生求助,监视其在非洲全境的电视商业广告。

    Recently a large media firm asked Mr eagle for help in monitoring its television commercials across Africa .

  12. 我是卡尔·阿祖兹,为你带来的是10分钟不含商业广告的CNN学生新闻。

    I 'm Carl Azuz for CNN STUDENT NEWS . Ten minutes of current events , zero minutes of commercials .

  13. 当CNN第一次推出不含商业广告的新闻节目时我们看起来有点不同。

    So we look a little different now than when CNN first launched a commercial free news program for classrooms .

  14. 试论书面商业广告英语中AIDA原则体现方式

    How to Meet the AIDA Requirements in Written English Business Ads

  15. 我是CarlAzuz,将带你进入十分钟的大字标题,且略去了商业广告。

    I 'm Carl Azuz , bringing you10 minutes of headlines , leaving out the commercials .

  16. 目前,Hulu在视频中插播的商业广告数量仅为一般电视节目的一半。

    Currently , Hulu runs about half the amount of commercials that are run on a typical show on TV .

  17. PIX的最终可能出现广告支持的一个载体,而免费的商业广告纷纷表示,将收取额外费用。

    PIX could end up ad-supported on one carrier while free of commercials on another that will charge an extra fee .

  18. 本地商业广告市场有非常大的机会,所以无论像团购巨头Groupon,社交老大Facebook,还是商业评论网站Yelp等都要涉足这个领域。

    The local business ad market is a massive opportunity that has begun to be exploited by Internet companies such as Groupon Inc. , social network Facebook Inc. , and business-reviews site Yelp Inc.

  19. 去年,全球电视观众平均每天收看近70条商业广告,比2001年多出16%。这种情况促使国际传媒买家Initiative发出警告称,消费者对乱哄哄的电视广告已经减少关注。

    Television viewers worldwide saw an average of almost 70 commercials a day last year – 16 per cent more than in 2001 – prompting a warning from Initiative , the international media buyer , that consumers pay less attention to advertising on cluttered airwaves .

  20. 招幌广告是中国古代社会商业广告的一种重要形式。

    Billboard is one of important commercial advertisements in ancient China .

  21. 浅析我国商业广告中幽默的缺欠

    Analyses of Lack of Humorous in Commercial Advertisement in Our Country

  22. 让我们再做一次商业广告的彩排。

    Let 's do a dry run of the commercial again .

  23. 我听说她被选中去拍商业广告了。

    I heard that she was chosen to shoot a commercial .

  24. 我不喜欢电视上有这么多商业广告。

    I don 't like so many commercial breaks on TV .

  25. 你知道我看过你的商业广告对吗?

    You know , I 've seen your commercials , right ?

  26. 三十年代《申报》商业广告版式设计探析(1927-1937)

    Thirties " Declaration " of Commercial Ads Layout ( 1927-1937 )

  27. 这是你不含商业广告的新闻课堂。

    This is your commercial free news source for the classroom .

  28. 欢迎收看10分钟不含商业广告的最新最热时事新闻。

    Welcome to ten minutes of current events with no commercials .

  29. 研究对象是报纸的商业广告排版问题。

    The layout problem of business advertisements on newspapers is studied .

  30. 探究商业广告语与语用学礼貌原则的关系。

    The thesis explores the interrelationship between commercial slogans and pragmatics .