
  • 网络merchandise;merchandise inventory
  1. 该店有大批的商品存货供应。

    Typical Use : The store had a large stock of merchandise .

  2. 在永续存盘制度下,商品存货和销售货物的成本帐户通常显示存货和一段时间内销售货物的总成本的平衡。

    The periodic system requires that a physical count of the merchandise on hand be taken to determine the account of goods in the ending inventory .

  3. 可见供应在期货合约到期时可送交,但不能明确数量的商品存货。

    Invisible supply stocks of commodity that are available for delivery upon futures contracts , but whose quantities cannot be accurately identified .

  4. 我方此类商品的存货有限,请尽快订货。

    753 Our stock of this commodity is limited , please place your order without delay .

  5. 因为贵方订货的商品还有存货,本公司将必然尽快发运。

    As the goods you ordered afe now in stock , we will ship them without fail as early as possible .

  6. 由于该商品尚有存货,我们可以保证在5月10日之前将第一批货付运,但是,顺告你方,我们要求每批货结算一次。

    All these items are in stock , and we can guarantee shipment of the first lot well before Apr.10.But for your information , we request that payment be made as each lot is received .

  7. 启动项目所需的条件,如果开一家店,需要经营地址,上架商品,存货仓库,办公用品和设备。

    What will you need to get your business off the ground ? For example , if you want to open a shop you will need : premises , shop fitting , stock , office furniture and equipment .

  8. 目前,射频识别技术(RFID)作为一种能够实现物品供应链操作,商品跟踪和存货控制的技术正广泛受到关注。

    Currently , Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) is receiving considerable attention nowadays as an enabling technology that can improve supply chain operations , asset tracking and inventory controlling .

  9. 阿里巴巴的市场提供了一个连接买家和卖家的平台,京东则从制造商和分销商手中购买商品,把存货放在自己的仓库里,这种模式与亚马逊(Amazon)类似。

    While Alibaba 's marketplace serves as a platform to connect buyers and sellers , JD buys goods from manufacturers and distributors and holds the inventory in its own warehouses , in a model that echoes Amazon 's.

  10. 按购置价格计算的价值在先进先出法下,假设企业首先销售最早购入的商品,期末存货按最近的购货价格计价。

    Under the first-in , first-out method , it is a umed that the first units acquired are the first ones sold ; ending inventory is valued at the most recent purchase prices .

  11. 很抱歉,该商品目前已没有存货了。

    I be sorry , but that product be out of stock at the moment .

  12. 这一期间的销货成本可通过可供销售的商品成本减去期末存货成本而求得

    The cost of goods sold during the period is determined by subtracting the ending inventory from the cost of goods available for sale

  13. 该系统还能告诉顾客,他们想要买的商品目前还有多少存货,以便他们及时选择。

    Additionally , it can also display how many items of a particular size are stocked on the shelf so that shoppers can immediately pick up an item in their size .

  14. 在每一个时期里,存货的增加都意味着购货净额大于商品销售成本,存货的减少都意味着购货净额小于商品销售成本。

    For every accounting period , the increase of inventory indicates that the net purchases are more than the cost of goods sold , and the decrease of inventory shows that the net purchases are less than cost of goods sold .

  15. 尽管阿里巴巴是一个让其他公司销售商品的在线平台,本身没有任何商品存货,但该公司与海尔等在其网站包括天猫(Tmall)和淘宝(Taobao)销售商品的品牌合作。

    Although Alibaba is an online platform for other companies to sell goods and does not stock any products itself , it works with brands such as Haier that sell on its online sites , which include Tmall and Taobao .