
shānɡ yè shòu huì zuì
  • crime of commercial bribery
  1. 试论商业受贿罪主体之拓展

    On the Range Expansion of the Main Bodies of Commercial Bribery Crime in Legislation business vision

  2. 最后,本章对商业受贿罪与诈骗罪的区分界限作了说明。

    Finally , the chapter on commercial bribery and fraud offenses limits of the distinction between an explanation .

  3. 在这波研究浪潮中,商业受贿罪行为要件是人们研究的重点。

    In this wave of research wave of commercial bribery crime element is the people the focus of the study .

  4. 本文认为区分商业受贿罪和诈骗罪的关键点在于行为要件和犯罪本质。

    This article holds that the distinction between commercial bribery crimes and fraud is a crucial point of the elements and criminal nature .

  5. 刑法继续保留商业受贿罪之“为他人谋取利益”要件是不合适的;

    It is not right for the criminal law to continue providing " seek interests for others " as a condition of construction of taking business bribes ;

  6. 在商业受贿罪中,所惩治的受贿主体主要是企业法人或其他组织中的推销人员、采购人员或业务人员。

    In the business of accepting bribes , punishable by bribery is the main corporate or other organizations of the marketing staff , procurement or operational staff .

  7. 但纵观学界对商业受贿罪行为要件的研究,似乎又存在两种值得反思的倾向。

    If we look at the academic elements of commercial bribery crimes for the research , it also seems to reflect on the existence of two worthwhile tendencies .

  8. 商业受贿罪在我国刑法史上,经历了从无到有,逐渐从受贿罪中分离出来,并趋于逐步完善的过程。

    In the history of Chinas Criminal Law , commercial bribery crimes experienced from scratch and gradually separated from the crime of accepting bribes , and tends to gradually improve .

  9. 现行刑法对商业受贿罪主体之规定存在缺陷,不利于遏制商业贿赂现象的滋生和蔓延,因此立法上拓展该罪的主体范围实为必要。

    There exist defects in the definition of the main bodies of commercial bribery crime , which makes it hard to contain the growth and extension of commercial bribery , so it is necessary to expand the range of the main bodies in legislation .

  10. 学界对商业受贿罪行为要件的研究,要么流于表面,照搬公务受贿罪的研究思路和研究结论,要么走入误区,以竞争法上的商业受贿行为等同于刑法上的商业受贿罪。

    Scholars on commercial bribery for the Elements of Crimes , or superficial and copy the official accepting bribes of ideas and the conclusion of the study , or go astray and to competition law on commercial bribery acts tantamount to criminal law on commercial crime of accepting bribes .