
  • 网络COMMERCIAL FRAUD;Business fraud;Deceptive Trade Practices
  1. 商业欺诈、财务舞弊和职务犯罪已经成为当今困扰世界各国的问题。

    Commercial fraud , financial fraud and post crime have been the problems obsessed all over the world .

  2. 严厉打击制售假冒伪劣产品、非法传销和商业欺诈行为。

    Producing and marketing counterfeit and shoddy goods , pyramid schemes and commercial fraud must be severely punished .

  3. 但在实际应用过程中,移动agent往往会遭受恶意攻击、数据破坏和商业欺诈等诸多安全威胁。

    But in real application . Mobile agent requires the resolution for several security issues , such as malicious attack , data destroying , commerce fraud and so on .

  4. 也许防止商业欺诈的最好办法是不要试图一夜暴富,要取得成功,商界人士必须努力工作、务实(getdowntobrasstacks)。

    Perhaps the best way to prevent getting ripped off in business is to not try to get rich quickly . To be successful , a person in business works hard and tries to get down to brass tacks .

  5. 我听说反商业欺诈署会发布消费信息。

    I heard that the better business bureau gives out consumer information .

  6. 但在一些应用场合,如各种商业欺诈行为的自动检测,小概率发生的事件(数据)往往比经常发生的事件(数据)更有挖掘价值。

    But in some occasion , data caused by little probability has more Mining value than that of constantly things .

  7. 商业欺诈不仅恶化了市场经济环境,而且造成了社会性失信氛围。

    The fraudulent conducts not only worsen the surroundings for economics development , but also make the whole society lack of integrity .

  8. 该模型描述了用户、角色、许可、活动等要素之间的关系,给出了静态和动态授权约束规则,能有效防止重要信息的泄漏和商业欺诈,满足工作流系统对访问控制的需求。

    The model can effectively reduce the risk of information leakage and fraud , meet the requirements for access control in workflow systems .

  9. 现代经济是信用经济,但我国经济领域却长期存在着比较严重的失信现象,社会各个领域的信用缺失现象十分普遍,假冒伪劣产品充斥市场,合同违约、商业欺诈随处可见;

    Modern economy is credit economy , but breaking credit is a quite serious problem which have been in existence in our economy for a long time .

  10. 该方案不仅提高了交易信息的处理效率,而且有效的防止了来自生产商和购买商的商业欺诈行为。

    This plan not only enhanced the transaction information processing efficiency , moreover effective had prevented comes from the producer and the purchase business commercial cheat behavior .

  11. 近几年来,针对目前互联网上日益增多的商业欺诈行为,一种新的身份鉴别途径&生物特征识别身份系统(Bioindtrics)应运而生。

    In the recent years , a new personal identification - biometrics identification system comes into being which aims at the commercial swindle behavior of increasing day by day on Internet at present .

  12. 收入在50亿美元以上的大型企业,因商业欺诈蒙受的平均损失额超过2000万美元,其中10%的企业损失逾1亿美元。

    The average loss due to fraud at large companies – those with revenues of more than $ 5bn – was more than $ 20m , with one in 10 losing more than $ 100m because of fraud .

  13. 把里子面子都改造得特骗人为止。闪闪发光的大厦全靠偷税漏税,商业欺诈,移花接木和暗箱操作撑着,而楼下负责搞安全研究与数据处理的几个楼层就是这一切发生的地方。

    There were all kinds of tax scams and rackets and graft and shady deals supporting the shining edifice , and down in the secure research and data-processing levels of the building was where it all went on . ~

  14. 他的回归是标志着白领以一种更温和、更能让人理解的方式犯罪?还是仅仅标志着我们已经与时俱进,可以从商业欺诈行为演绎出更大、更夸张的戏剧?

    Is his comeback the sign of a mellower , more understanding approach to white-collar crime – or just a sign that we are moving on and there are bigger , more amplified dramas that can derive , closely or distantly , from business chicanery ?

  15. 除非您已经经历过严重的颠覆性安全问题,例如商业安全欺诈问题,否则问这个问题为时尚早。

    Unless you have experienced an overt or obvious symptom , such as a security breach , this question is premature .

  16. 商业企业价格欺诈行为分析及对策

    Analysis and Countermeasures on Price Deception of Commercial Enterprises

  17. 我国商业银行内部欺诈进化的博弈分析

    An Evolutionary Game Analysis of the Internal Fraud in Commercial Banks of Our Country

  18. 近年来国际上发生的多起商业银行内部欺诈事件,有的造成了巨大损失,有的对银行声誉产生了影响,有的甚至直接导致了银行的破产。

    In recent years , a spate of commercial banks ' internal fraud cases , some have caused enormous losses , some had an impact on banks ' reputation , some of even directly led to the bankruptcy of the bank .

  19. 中国目前经济领域的诚信危机相当严重,如假冒伪劣商品泛滥,三角债务盘根错节,商业欺骗和欺诈层出不重,出口企业信誉不足等等。

    The trust crisis in present economic field in China is rather serious , such as the flooding of fake and inferior commodities , the complication of the debt triangle , the repeated appearing of commercial cheat and swindle , the credit scarcity of export enterprises .

  20. 近几年,我国商业企业的价格欺诈行为愈演愈烈。

    In recent years , there are more and more behaviors of price deception in our commercial enterprises .

  21. 在此基础上,分析了国有商业银行产权主体虚置、委托代理层级过多以及内控制度缺陷导致操作风险的机理,这些都是国有商业银行内部欺诈操作风险产生的深层次的原因。

    On this basis , it is analyzed that the state-owned commercial banks virtual home ownership , too much agency levels and internal control system defects lead to operational risk , which are the deeper level causes leaded to internal fraud operational risk of the state-owned commercial banks .