
  • 网络Deposit of Capital Discounted
  1. 概率准则具有一定的现实意义,其投资决策是以期望贴现资产为导向的。

    Probability criterion has its practical significance , its investment decision-making is guided by the expected discounted wealth at terminal time .

  2. 随机贴现模型资产市场定价方法

    Stochastic Discount Model-Based Assets Pricing Method

  3. A省的实际审批情况显示,保险代理、信托代理、票据贴现、资产转让等新业务试点目前只是针对经营情况较好、规模较大的少数国有小额贷款公司。

    The A province is actual examination shows , insurance agent , trust agent , bill discounting , transfer of assets and other new business pilot is only for better operating conditions , large minority small loan company .

  4. 动态风险厌恶、随机贴现因子与资产定价

    Dynamic Risk Aversion , Stochastic Discount Factor and Asset Pricing

  5. 多级无赔款优待系统的定价动态风险厌恶、随机贴现因子与资产定价

    Pricing NCD System with Different Discount Levels Dynamic Risk Aversion , Stochastic Discount Factor and Asset Pricing

  6. 金融大爆炸之后,零售银行收购了许多做市商、经纪公司、贴现公司和资产管理公司。

    At Big Bang market makers , brokers , discount houses and asset managers had been acquired by retail banks .