
  • 网络DCF;Discounted Cash Flow
  1. 相对估价法是以贴现现金流量法为内在基础的有多种变化形式的定价方法;

    Ratio pricing is a method based on DCF and has many variant forms .

  2. 期权定价法是一种既不同于贴现现金流量法又与其有密切联系的定价方法。

    Option pricing is an approach different from DCF , but it also has some relationship with DCF .

  3. 传统的投资分析工具如贴现现金流量法(NPV)将未来的现金流量按照一定的贴现率折算到决策时点,以项目的净现值与投资额的比较结果决定投资与否。

    Traditional investment analysis tools , such as NPV , discount the future potential cashflow at a certain discounting rate to the time point where the decision is made and compare the NPV versus Investment , and by which to determine whether the investment is valuable or not .

  4. 贴现现金流量法是矿业权价值评估中应用最为广泛的方法,贴现率是贴现现金流量法的关键参数。

    Discounted Cash Flow is the most widely used method in mining right evaluation .

  5. 目前,国内常用的采矿权价值评估方法是贴现现金流量法。

    At present , the common approach is the Discounted Cash Flow in our country .

  6. 贴现现金流量法&立足于收益。这三种价值评估方法在假设前提、使用方法、评估结果、优缺点等方面有所区别。

    Which are different in assumption premise , methods , results and advantages and disadvantages .

  7. 企业并购中目标企业价值评估贴现现金流量法探讨

    On the Discussion about the Flow Law of the Discount Cash of the Value Assessment of Target Enterprise in the Merger

  8. 目前比较适合国情的企业价值评估方法是贴现现金流量法和资产价值基础法。

    At present , the appropriation value evaluation method in corporation merges is discount cash flow method and asset value baic method .

  9. 论文最后分析了贴现现金流量法在运用中存在的一些问题,并提出了相应的对策。

    Finally , the thesis analyzes some problems in the application of discount cash flow in our country and puts forward the homologous counterplans .

  10. 贴现现金流量法在评估采矿权价值时存在一些不足,没有考虑各种不确定性因素对采矿权价值的影响。

    The Discounted Cash Flow has some deficiency when appraisaling the value of mining titles , it does not take the effect of uncertainty into consideration .

  11. 由实例计算可知,用实物期权方法计算出来的价值远远大于用贴现现金流量法计算出来的价值。

    Through calculating the real example , it can be conclude that the value calculated by the approach of real option is far larger than that calculated by the approach of DCF .

  12. 最后应用修正后的贴现现金流量法对亚马逊公司和新浪公司的价值进行了评估,初步验证了本文评估思路的可行性。

    At last , author assess respectively the value of Amazon , com and Sina by modified discounted cash flow method , the result of analysis preliminary verify feasibility of evaluating method .

  13. 文中阐述了目标企业分析的内容,并选用贴现现金流量法,以实例说明目标企业估价方法和兼并交易价格的确定。

    The contents of aim enterprise analysis are elaborated , and the method of discount cash flow is selected to illustrate the way of evaluation enterprise value and defining M & A price in the use of practice example .

  14. 系统地论证了企业并购的选择过程,论述企业并购重组过程中适用价值评估的四种定价模型:资产价值基础法、收益法、贴现现金流量法和公式评估法。

    The course of choosing the merger was systematically demonstrated , and 4 modes of assessing the objective agribusiness ' value ( asset basement method , income method , discount cash flow method and formulary assessment ) were presented and discussed .

  15. 但在日益崇尚现金至尊的现代理财环境中,贴现现金流量法因其以现金流量预测为基础,充分考虑了目标企业未来创造现金流量能力对其价值的影响而倍受推荐。

    The discount cash flow method suffers to recommend all the more firmly in the modern financial environment of emphasizing the " cash sovereign ", because of its regarding cash flow estimate as the foundation and fully considering the ability that the enterprise creates cash flow .