
  • 网络The discount window
  1. 美联储还缩短了部分贴现窗口贷款期限,并提高了向银行提供隔夜资金的短期拍卖工具(termauctionfacilities)最低竞价。

    The Fed also shortened the term of some discount window loans and raised the minimum bid in the term auction facilities it uses to supply overnight funds to banks .

  2. 上述流行性安排包括贴现窗口、根据定期拍卖安排(TermAuctionFacility)向银行发放贷款、与其它央行的货币互换、收购商业票据,以及为资产支持证券(ABS)投资者提供融资。

    Those include discount window and Term Auction Facility loans to banks , currency swaps with other central banks , purchases of commercial paper and financing for investors in asset-backed securities .

  3. 但一旦设在了这里,它们为何不向商业银行领域扩张,以充分利用存款保险公共保障制度与美联储(Fed)的贴现窗口呢?

    But once here , why would they not expand into commercial banking , to gain full access to the public safety net of deposit insurance and the Federal Reserve discount window ?

  4. 欧元问世后,商业银行可在欧洲央行(ecb)的贴现窗口,为自己所持有的政府债券进行再融资,而监管者认为这些债券是无风险的。

    After the euro came into force , commercial banks could refinance their holdings of government bonds at the discount window of the European Central Bank and regulators treated such bonds as riskless .

  5. 2007-08年的危机毁掉了这种微妙的平衡,不仅迫使欧洲各国政府出手纾困大银行,还迫使美联储(fed)向高盛和摩根士丹利(morganstanley)敞开贴现窗口、为它们提供保护。

    The 2007-08 crisis destroyed that delicate balance , not only making European governments rescue large banks but leading to the US Federal Reserve extending the protection of its discount window to Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley .

  6. 这也是美联储为何要在最近承诺以2000亿美元的抵押证券来置换美国国债(Treasuries),此后又在上周日采取历史性的步骤,允诺通过其贴现窗口来向投行借贷。

    That was why the Fed offered to swap up to $ 200bn of mortgage securities for Treasuries last week and then took the historic step on Sunday of offering to lend to investment banks through its discount window .

  7. 各银行争先恐后地求助中央银行的贴现窗口,要求获得资金。

    Lenders queued up at their central banks'discount windows , clamouring for funds .

  8. 贴现窗口[中央银行]

    Discount window [ central Bank ]

  9. 一级交易商信贷工具是,对会员银行贴现窗口的一种扩展。

    What the PDCF is it 's really an extension of the discount window beyond member banks .

  10. 美联储以最后贷款人身份通过其贴现窗口发放贷款。

    The Fed lends at its discount window in its capacity as a lender of last resort .

  11. 它们的贴现窗口一直闲置其作用是按照惩罚性利率向有偿付能力的金融机构发放贷款。

    Their discount windows , which lend to solvent institutions at a penalty rate , have been idle .

  12. 2008年金融危机期间,数百家银行曾多次利用贴现窗口。

    Hundreds of banks took advantage of the discount lending window on many occasions during the 2008 crisis .

  13. 传统观点认为:从贴现窗口借钱是经济实力弱的象征。

    The traditional opinion of borrowing from the so-called discount window was that it represented a sign of weakness .

  14. 对于那些拒绝合作的央行,欧洲央行可以对其关闭贴现窗口,而可以由其所在国政府接管。

    It could close its discount window to , and the governments could seize , the banks that refuse to co-operate .

  15. 它降低了银行从美联储贴现窗口借贷的成本,向金融系统注入流动性。

    Instead , it reduced the cost for banks to borrow from the Fed 's discount window and injected liquidity into the system .

  16. 周日美联储也在其贴现窗口扩大了其贷款可接受的附属担保物的列表,甚至包括股权;

    On Sunday the Fed also expanded the list of collateral it will accept for loans at its discount window , to include even equities ;

  17. 一级交易商信贷工具中,最本质的东西是,他们将会员银行的贴现窗口,向一级交易商打开了。

    What 's essential about the Primary Dealer Credit Facility is that they 're opening up the discount window of lending beyond the member bank to primary dealers .

  18. 此举将把贴现窗口贷款与主要利率之间的息差减半。目前美国的主要利率联邦基金利率为4.5%。

    That would halve the interest penalty on discount window borrowing compared to the main interest rate , the Fed funds rate , which is currently 4.5 per cent .

  19. 不过,这些银行并未就2013年提交的计划得到警告称,它们不再能假定在遭遇麻烦时能求助于贴现窗口。

    The banks , however , did not receive any warning that they could no longer assume access to the discount window in the event of trouble in 2013 plans .

  20. 不论根据美国还是其它国家的宪法,保险公司都没有理由享有权利,把资产拿到美联储的贴现窗口贴现,换取短期贷款,来维持资产负债表的流动性。

    There is no reason , in the US constitution or elsewhere , why an insurance company is entitled to swap assets at the Fed discount window for temporary loans to keep its balance sheet liquid .

  21. 多德表示,伯南克还指出,市场对美联储上周五决策的反应令他感到不满。美联储上周五做出决定,将通过贴现窗口以优惠利率直接向银行放贷。

    Mr Dodd said Mr Bernanke also indicated that he was not satisfied with the market 's response to the Fed 's decision last Friday to make direct loans available to banks on attractive terms through its discount window .

  22. 如果任由银行为所欲为,在政府的隐性支持和野心勃勃的股东的怂恿下,银行会过度使用杠杆,在艰难时期则依赖少得可怜的资本、贴现窗口和其它由纳税人负担的资产支持,勉强维持。

    Left to their devices , banks with implicit government backing and ambitious shareholders will over-leverage themselves , relying on a thin layer of capital , the discount window and other taxpayer-backed forms of asset backing to remain afloat when times are tough .