
  • 网络Network transaction;online trading;e-commerce
  1. 电子签名是网络交易的重要环节。

    Electronic signature is an important element in network transactions .

  2. 在网络交易中,电子合同是一个关键的组成部分,是交易双方互相信任的基础。

    In the network transactions , electronic contract is a key component and the basis of mutual trust .

  3. 网络交易时间(Networktransactiontime):客户机需花多长时间向远程Web服务发出一个请求。

    Network transaction time : How long it takes the client to make a request to the remote web service .

  4. 基于MAS的关系网络交易成本分析仿真模型

    MAS Based Analysis Model for Transaction Cost in Relation Networks

  5. PKI应用能满足人们对网络交易安全保障的需求。

    The PKI application can satisfy the demand of network transaction safety control .

  6. 研究表明,采用在认证过程中要求Agent向供应商服务器出示许可证的方法,可以更好地提高协同商务链系统的网络交易安全性。

    Research results showed that Agent 's submission permit to the supplier server during authentication process could enhance the network bargain security of the collaborative commerce chain system .

  7. C2C网络交易中维持阶段顾客信任前因研究

    Antecedents of Consumer Trust During Lasting Period in C2C Internet-based Transaction

  8. 随着互联网的快速发展,依托Internet平台多渠道、高效率地发展中介型电子商务,是网络交易成功的关键。

    Along with the rapid development of Internet , developing the brokerage mode of E-business with high efficiency and multi-channels relying on the platform of Internet is the key for successful trade on the network .

  9. 尤其是在C2C网络交易中,网络交易失信行为屡屡发生。

    The behaviors of mistrust often occur in electronic trade , especially in C2C electronic trade .

  10. 网络交易有不同的模式,本文中涉及到的是以淘宝网为典型的c2c网络交易模式。

    Internet transactions have different models , this article is related to the c2c network Taobao typical trading patterns .

  11. 支付宝网站是国内先进的网上支付平台,由全球最佳B2B公司阿里巴巴公司创办,致力于为网络交易用户提供优质的安全支付服务。

    It was founded by the best B2B Company , Alibaba Company , devoted to providing high quality safe payment service for network transaction customers .

  12. VSAM可用于成批处理,联机操作及数据库环境。网络交易的形式多种多样,网络交易平台起着联系销售者和消费者的桥梁作用。

    VSAM supports batch users , online transactions , and data base applications .

  13. 如果你希望在Halifax进行实时交易,网络交易佣金为11.95英镑。

    If you do want to deal in real time at Halifax , the online cost is 11.95 .

  14. 提出并实现了一种针对K-Java手机和个人数字助理(PDA)的无线网络交易安全模型。

    A wireless trade security model for K-Java handset and PDA ( Personal Digital Assistant ) is proposed .

  15. CA作为电子商务安全策略的重要组成部分,承担着验证电子商务网络交易中传递的信息以及各方身份的重任。

    Certification Authority ( CA ) is an important part of the strategies of E business security , and its main task is to authenticate the information in the E business network exchange and the participants ' identities .

  16. 特别近年来,随着银行业和计算机行业的快速发展,部分业务已经实现了网络交易和ATM交易,信息安全就更为重要。

    Especially in recent years , with the banking industry and the rapid development of the computer industry , part business has achieved the network trade and ATM transactions , information security is more important .

  17. 感恩节一周过后,美国零售商通常会在“网购星期一”(cybermonday)提供大量网络交易折扣,但由于很多商家决定上周就开始促销,其重要性被稀释了。

    After the Thanksgiving weekend , US retailers typically offer a blizzard of online discounts on Cyber Monday , but its relevance has been diluted by the decision of many to start unveiling deals last week .

  18. eBay作为全球最大的网络交易平台之一,为个人用户和企业用户提供国际化的网络交易平台,取得了巨大成功。

    As one of the biggest network transaction platforms all over the world , eBay has achieved great success for providing an e-commerce platform for thousands of individuals and enterprises .

  19. 互联网信息提供商comScore数据表示,与去年相比,今年“黑色星期五”网络交易额更大。

    The industry group comScore Data says that Black Friday consumers shopped more online this year than in previous years .

  20. 瓦里安强调称,谷歌价格指数不能直接替代cpi,因为网络交易商品的构成与整个经济体中的商品构成有别。

    Mr Varian emphasised that the GPI is not a direct replacement for the CPI because the mix of goods that are sold on the web is different to the mix in the wider economy .

  21. 设计了一种基于椭圆曲线密码体制的认证、加密和签名方案,以代替RSA算法,使网络交易的安全性、性能和速度获得显著的提高。

    This paper presents a new scheme of authentication , digital signature and digital envelop based on elliptic curve cryptosystem which replaces RSA algorithm . It is proved that the scheme greatly improves the security , performance and speed of internet transaction .

  22. 在详细分析了网络交易平台业务流程的基础上,建立了相关E-R图,并对该平台的各个模块进行了详细的数据库及流程设计,实现该交易平台的购买、支付、派送管理等基本功能。

    Based on the analysis of Online Shopping Mall in detail , we establish related E-R diagram , and design the database and process for each module of the platform . Finally we implement functions of purchase , payment , delivery management for our agricultural Internet trading platform .

  23. 很多人都担心网络交易的安全性。

    Many people are concerned about the security of online transactions .

  24. 网络交易中信用评价方法研究

    The Study on Evaluating Method of the Creditability in Electronic Transaction Platforms

  25. 网络交易中的信用及信用管理初探

    An Overview of Credit and Credit Management in Internet Trading

  26. 基于网络交易的垄断性市场结构分析

    The Analysis of the Monopoly Market Structure Based on Fictitious

  27. 随着互联网广泛应用,网络交易活动也在得到了蓬勃的发展。

    With the applications of Internet technology , online trading has rapid development .

  28. 网络交易安全性与可靠性技术探讨

    Discussion on the Security and Reliability in Network Transaction

  29. 三是大力发展功能完善的第三方网络交易平台;

    Third , it must vigorously develop the third-party functionary network transaction platform ;

  30. 建立健全市场信用体系,保障网络交易安全;

    Set up a sound credit system to guarantee the safety of network transaction ;