
tào huì
  • arbitrage;arbitrage of exchange;currency arbitrage;illegal procurement of foreign exchange;illegal exchange of foreign currency
套汇 [tào huì]
  • (1) [arbitrage]∶利用一种货币在两个或三个不同市场上有短暂的价格差别,立即同时进行买卖以牟利的作法

  • (2) [illigal exchange of foreign currency]∶套换外汇

套汇[tào huì]
  1. 把套汇问题转化为网络规划中找负回路问题,用Floyd算法解决了套汇问题。

    The arbitrage problem is translated into finding negative loop problem in network programming . The arbitrage problem is solved by Floyd algorithm .

  2. 国际外汇市场无风险套汇路径的优化搜索

    Optimizing the Method of Seeking for the Foreign Exchange Arbitrage Route

  3. 这也是诈骗犯查尔斯•庞齐(CharlesPonzi)所遵循的原则。他在1920年承诺向45天期存款支付50%的利息,宣称自己正通过套汇套息创造出巨额回报。

    It is also the principle on which the fraudster Charles Ponzi operated , promising in 1920 to pay 50 per cent interest for 45-day deposits . He claimed to be generating huge returns from currency and interest rate arbitrage .

  4. 非法套汇的其他行为。

    Other acts of illegal foreign exchange arbitrage .

  5. 空间套汇的条件

    The Conditions of Space Arbitrage

  6. 套汇问题研究

    Research on Arbitrage Problem

  7. 套汇、逃汇、套利与资本管制的博弈分析

    The theoretical game analysis of exchange arbitrage , interest arbitrage and illegal capital flows versus capital account control

  8. 同时建立套汇国债市场以疏导国际流动资本的套汇压力。

    And also put forward an advice of establishing a market for arbitrage debt in order to leading the international hot money .

  9. 套汇商是利用市场间暂时的汇率差额低价买进,高价售出的人。

    Arbitrageurs are individuals who take advantage of any temporary difference in exchange rates across markets to buy low and sell high .

  10. 交叉汇率(套汇汇率)是从两个与同一货币有关的汇率中计算出来的、本来没有汇率的两种货币之间的汇率。

    Cross rate is the rate two currencies without exchange rate calculated from two exchange rates which are related to the same currency .

  11. 一位股票投资者已经在地方法院控告你,他宣称你和一位股票经纪人合谋非法套汇。

    A stock investor has commenced an action against you in the district court . He claimed that you had conspired with a stockbroker for illegal arbitrage .

  12. 如果伦敦的现汇率较高,套汇者就会赶快在纽约用英镑买进美元,然后在伦敦卖出美元,买进英镑。

    The spot rate is higher in london , an arbitrage dealer would quickly buy dollars with pounds in New York and sell the dollars in London for pounds .

  13. 另一个问题是:一些风险套汇交易可以保密,进一步限制了个人通过公开文件了解对冲基金收益情况的能力。

    Another issue : Some risk arbitrage plays can be kept confidential , further limiting the ability of individuals to realize hedge fund returns just by keeping an eye on public filings .

  14. 在国际外汇市场中,由于市场在地理位置上的分离、经营时间的差异以及信息的差异,可能在某一时刻存在着无风险套汇的机会。

    In the international foreign exchange market , there exists opportunities of no risk arbitrage sometimes , because of the separation of position , different operating time and discrepant information among different markets .

  15. 不同到期债券的套汇是该证券支付的现值,利用当期或预期短期利率折现的。

    Arbitrage between bonds of different maturates implies that the price of a bond is the present value of the payments on the bond , discounted using current and expected short-term interest rates .

  16. 为保证双方利益不受损失,网站上有一套自我制约机制。套汇、逃汇、套利与资本管制的博弈分析

    In order to protect the two partners , the web sites have their own self-restraint systems . The theoretical game analysis of exchange arbitrage , interest arbitrage and illegal capital flows versus capital account control

  17. 外汇宝业务是银行为客户提供的一种方便理财、避免汇率风险、通过套汇保值增值的投资方式。

    Foreign Exchange Arbitrage is that the bank provides the form of managing finance affairs , avoiding the risk of the Exchange Rate and passing through arbitrage business for maintaining the original of the monetary purchasing power .

  18. 套价,套汇汇率,裁定外汇行情虽然汇率跟一国的购买力平价有关,但是决定汇率的是贸易商品的价值和外汇市场的供求。

    Although the exchange rate is related to the parity of a country 's purchasing power , it is the value of commodities traded and the supply and demand on the exchange market that determine the exchange rate .

  19. 而在此时,中国央行因多次加息,导致中美利差反转并逐渐扩大,人民币升值因素进一步加剧了热钱套汇冲动。

    At the same time , China Central Bank increased interest for many times , which leading the balance between China and USA reversed and enlarged . The rising of RMB in value intensified the urge of arbitrage further .

  20. 一种意在取得微小价格差额的不正当投资;在两个套汇市场中某物的价格有一个差额。

    A kind of hedged investment meant to capture slight differences in price ; when there is a difference in the price of something on two different markets the arbitrageur simultaneously buys at the lower price and sells at the higher price .