
shānɡ yè zhōu kān
  • Business Week
  1. 当时我是《商业周刊》(businessweek)杂志的出版经理,必须让杂志按时出来。

    I was a production manager for business week and had to get the magazine out .

  2. 在品牌咨询公司interbrand和《商业周刊》(businessweek)编制的全球100强品牌(globaltop100brand)排行榜中,没有一家台湾公司入围。

    There is not a single Taiwanese entry in the global top 100 brand list compiled by branding consultancy Interbrand and business week .

  3. 1997年9月1日,《圣地亚哥商业周刊》在报道美国通用汽车EV1电动车司机的焦虑时首次使用了“里程焦虑”这个词。

    The term range anxiety was first reported in the press on September 1 , 1997 in the San Diego Business Journal by Richard Acello referring to worries of GM EV1 electric car drivers .

  4. 2004年,一位匿名人士在商业周刊杂志《金融邮报》(FinancialMail)指责她迫害黑人人才。

    One anonymous speaker in the Financial Mail , a weekly business magazine , accused her in 2004 of undermining black talent .

  5. 蒂姆库克(timcook)对《彭博商业周刊》(bloombergbusinessweek)表示,苹果将投资逾1亿美元,让一小部分制造业务在2013年回流美国。

    Tim Cook told Bloomberg business week that Apple would invest more than $ 100m in reshoring a small portion of manufacturing in 2013 .

  6. AvianSecurities的报告中有几处将《商业周刊》和《华尔街日报》的报道揉到了一起,并建议说,iPhone5很可能会推迟到明年发布。

    Several accounts of the avian note conflate the two reports and suggest that the iPhone 5 might be pushed back to next year .

  7. Groupon首席执行官安德鲁•梅森为保住饭碗而战《彭博商业周刊》

    Groupon CEO Andrew Mason fights to keep his job [ Bloomberg BusinessWeek ]

  8. 这些出版物包括《福布斯》这样的商业周刊以及俄罗斯版的《花花公子》、《大都市》、《Vogue》以及《时尚芭莎》等休闲杂志。

    The offerings include business journals such as Forbes , as well as Russian editions of glossy magazines from Playboy and Cosmopolitan to Vogue and Harper 's Bazaar .

  9. 据《商业周刊》(Businessweek)报道,到了5月份菲尔德斯坦已重回首位。

    But Feldstein was back in front by may , according to BusinessWeek .

  10. 就市场份额而言,它是管理分布式环境的头号平台,《VAR商业周刊》及《信息周刊》杂志都将其列为1997年同类产品中最佳的产品。

    In terms of market share , it is the number one platform for managing distributed environments , and both VAR Business and Information Weak magazines rated it as the best product in its category in 1997 .

  11. 他的文章被知名行业博客转载,他还应《福布斯》(Forbes)和《商业周刊》(BusinessWeek)之约撰写有关国际商务的文章。

    His articles were linked to by well-known industry blogs , and he was asked to write on international business topics for Forbes and BusinessWeek .

  12. 《商业周刊》(Businessweek)指出,过去的几个月里,谷歌一直在努力解决上文提到的后两个问题。

    According to BusinessWeek , Google has spent the last few months trying to fix the latter two problems .

  13. 商业周刊资深记者ChrisPalmeri在视频中为我们提出了专业的建议:我在30岁之前真的能够成为百万富翁吗?

    Chris Palmeri ( Senior Correspondent , BusinessWeek ) gives expert video advice on : Can I really become a millionaire by 30 ? ;

  14. 周一下午,穆斯克在接受《彭博商业周刊》(BloombergBusinessweek)采访时表示,他还设想了一种运载汽车的吊舱:“只需要把车开上去,然后吊舱就会启程。”

    He told Bloomberg BusinessWeek this afternoon that he also envisions pod filled with cars : " you just drive on , and the pod departs . "

  15. 彭博的业务还包括一个庞大的新闻服务部门、彭博《商业周刊》(BusinessWeek)以及电视金融新闻业务,但这些业务都处于严重亏损中。

    But its operations also include a huge news service , Bloomberg BusinessWeek , and a TV financial-news operation - all big money-losers .

  16. 美国商业周刊和MIT技术评论在预测未来技术发展的报告中,都将无线传感器网络列为21世纪最有影响的21项技术和改变世界的10大技术之一。

    U.S. Business Week and MIT Technology Review , in the prediction report of future development of technologies , both regard the Wireless Sensor Networks as one of the 21 most influential technologies and 10 changing world technologies in 21st century .

  17. 据两位知情人士介绍,在确定《商业周刊》为非核心业务后,出版商麦格劳-希尔已指定精品投资银行evercore负责出售这块业务。

    The publisher has appointed evercore , the boutique investment bank , to sell the business after concluding it was non-core , two people familiar with the decision said .

  18. “欲占领客厅,苹果需要开创一项堪与iPhone媲美的创新,这项创新必须能让电视机发生脱胎换骨的改变,”媒体战略家本•昆兹在《商业周刊》(BusinessWeek)的专栏文章中称。

    To " win the living room , Apple will need an innovation comparable to that of its iPhone & something that changes TV sets in a fundamental way , " argues media strategist Ben Kunz in a column for BusinessWeek .

  19. 上周,在公司旗下新闻杂志《彭博商业周刊》(BloombergBusinessWeek)创刊85周年的庆典上,布隆伯格展示了对公司新闻业务的深度参与,他与来宾详细地讨论了这本杂志,并在活动中滔滔不绝地发表了演说。

    At last week 's 85th anniversary celebration for Bloomberg BusinessWeek , the organization 's newsmagazine , Mr. Bloomberg displayed a deep engagement with the news side of his company . He spoke with guests about the magazine in detail and spoke extensively at the event .

  20. 《商业周刊》认为钢铁生产急剧的下降才刚刚开始。

    Business Week held that steel 's slump is just beginning .

  21. 美国《商业周刊》系全球销量第一之商业类杂志。

    BusinessWeek is a leading business magazine in the world .

  22. 安娜:为一个商业周刊写文章,早上9点到5点。

    Anna : Writing for a business weekly magazine , 9 to5 .

  23. 作者是行业观察员,给中国商业周刊供稿。

    The authors are industry observers and contributors to China Business Weekly .

  24. 1984年商业周刊宣称“通用汽车进入了一个新时代”。

    " G.M.Moves Into a New Era ," Business Week announced in1984 .

  25. 这期《商业周刊》有什么特别报导?

    What is the special report in this week 's business week ?

  26. 美国《商业周刊》:一扇眺望全球的商业之窗

    The US-based Business Week a business window through which to overlook the globe

  27. 现金收支的详细情况。商业周刊(2001)。

    The Ins and Outs of Cash Flow . Business Week ( 2001 ) .

  28. 我每年定购商业周刊。

    I order the Business Weekly every year .

  29. 目前国外在上市公司评价方面有较权威的美国《财富》和《商业周刊》杂志对上市公司的评价方法;

    American has the authoritative magazine of " wealth " and " Business Weekly " ;

  30. 该公司拥有华盛顿邮报、商业周刊以及数家重要的电视台。

    The company owned the Post , Newsweek , plus several television stations in major markets .