
  • 网络national advertising;National AD
  1. 部分的原因在于,报纸是垄断的,而且自有史以来、到目前也一直都极大地倚重于全国性广告,报纸销售人员等于是报纸的订购者。

    Now , part of the reason is that historically , because it was a monopoly , newspapers heavily depended , and still do , on national advertising , where the salesman is an order taker .

  2. 在前人研究的基础上,首次将零售商的全国性广告及其在竞争环境下的溢出效应引入模型,并探索性地对地方性广告效果进行非线性化处理,使之更贴近实际。

    Based on research results before , we introduce the national advertising investment of retailer and spillover effects of the national advertising into the model at the first time . In order to close to the actual situation , we process the effect of local advertising by nonlinear method .

  3. 提供全国性品牌广告宣传及有效的促销方案。

    Provide a national brand advertising and effective marketing programs .

  4. 这是全国性的广告吗?

    Is this a national ? Is that the case ?

  5. 在此之前,爱沙尼亚出现了持续一年之久的全国性电视广告宣传攻势,督促各商家和雇主参与这次演习活动。

    A year-long national TV advertising campaign has urged businesses and employers to take part .

  6. 新产品的成功在很大程度上应归功于全国性的广告宣传。

    The success of the new product was to a large extent due to a nationwide advertising campaign .

  7. 因此,通过Groupon,JiWire既能为全国性品牌投放广告,又能为家庭经营的小店进行宣传。

    So Jiwire can serve these ads to national brands as well as mom-and-pop stores through Groupon .

  8. 不管怎样,在一些电影指南上刊登广告和在全国性报纸刊登广告一样贵。

    Anyway , advertising in some of the cinema guides is just as expensive as the national newspapers .

  9. 本周末,鲁伯特·默多克在所有全国性报纸的广告版上为旗下新闻集团电话窃听丑闻“严重的错误”公开道歉。

    Rupert Murdoch has apologised for the'serious wrongdoing'of the News of the World phone hacking scandal , in an advertisement to be placed in all national newspapers this weekend .