
  • 网络Comprehensive marketing;holistic marketing
  1. 基于全方位营销理论的聊城建行营销策略研究

    Research on Marketing Strategy of CCB Liaocheng BR . : Based on the Holistic Marketing Theory

  2. 将给FJ公司的发展提出全方位的营销策略建议,希望对FJ公司后期营销策略的制定和选择提供参考和帮助。

    This marketing strategy recommendations hope to be helpful for the future development of the FJ company .

  3. 通过系统的应用,解决传统人工票务管理中的缺陷,实现景区管理的现代化,提高劳动生产率,提供全方位的营销策划支持平台,显著提高旅游景区的经济效益。

    The using of this system solved the limitation of the traditional manpower ticket management , realized the modernization of scenic spot management , enhanced the laboring productivity , provided the all-sided Sale Scheme supported platform , obviously enhanced the economic profit of the touring scenic spot .

  4. 包括将市场链理论和业务流程再造理论植入电信内部、对现有客户经理制进行创新、构建全方位的营销服务渠道、综合客户服务平台、特许经营、虚拟经营、窗口营销等。

    The papers include reengineering the market chain and business process theory into the internal telecommunications , innovation of the existing client manager system , constructing all-round services of the channel marketing , integrated customer service platform , franchising business , virtual management , window marketing , and so on .

  5. 实施全方位的金融营销策略;按市场规律筹集银行资本金。

    Out the financial market and raise capital in accordance with the market rules .

  6. 公司立足于汽车行业,以互联网为载体,为客户提供全方位的整合营销传播服务。

    Specialized in auto industry and taken Internet as carrier , GCS is capable of providing a full range of integrated marketing communication services with clients .

  7. 因此对中国企业营销实践有一定建设意义的两条建议是,大力推行组织结构柔性化与实行全方位的关系营销。

    And the author proposes two suggestions on building the marketing practices in Chinese enterprises , namely to increase the flexibility of the structure framework of Chinese enterprises and to build and implement all-directional Relation Marketing .

  8. 提高城市营销的效率,必须全方位对城市政府营销能力进行加强和培育。

    The validity of city marketing lies in an all-around improve - ment of city government marketing capacity .