
  • 网络global value chain;GVC;Global value added chain
  1. 鉴于此,本文研究了集群价值链延伸并嵌入全球价值链的整合机制,并在全球价值链的分析框架下研究了全球价值链分工与发展中国家产业集群风险形成的关联机制。

    Herein , Paper studies the mechanism of how the industrial cluster 's value chain extends and embeds in the GVC , and paper studies the relationship of the cluster 's risk and the clusters ' global relation in the frame of GVC analysis .

  2. 第二部分主要概述了OEM、全球价值链和可持续发展的相关概念和理论。

    Part two mainly introduces some concepts and theories of OEM 、 GVC and the sustainable development .

  3. 一部手机的生产过程可能涵盖10到15个国家,全球价值链的形成已成为各经济体贸易与产业分工合作发展到新高度的重要标志,也为贸易投资自由化的深入发展增添了新动力。

    About 10 to 15 countries are involved in making a mobile phone . The formation of global value chain is an important sign that trade and industrial cooperation among member economies has reached a new height .

  4. FDI作用下的产业集群往往会嵌入到全球价值链中。

    The industrial clusters under FDI function often inserts into the chain of global value .

  5. 全球价值链上的产品开发知识溢出与OEM企业持续成长

    Product Development Knowledge Spillover on Global Value Chain and Sustainable Growth of OEM Enterprises

  6. 全球价值链类型与OEM企业成长路径

    Study on the Types of Global Value Chains and the Growth Path of OEM Enterprises

  7. 我们分析了OEM企业成长与全球价值链外包体系的动态演变,并归纳出全球价值链外包体系中的OEM企业的一般成长路径。

    This thesis analyzes the dynamic evolvement of the OEM enterprises ' growth and the outsourcing system of global value chain .

  8. 珠三角OEM企业持续成长的路径选择&基于全球价值链外包体系的视角

    Path Selection of OEM Enterprises ' Sustainable Growth in Pearl River Delta & in View of the Outsourcing System of Global Value Chain

  9. 全球价值链上组织间知识溢出和学习为OEM企业学习和持续成长创造了机遇。

    On the global value chain , the knowledge spillover and learning among organizations create opportunities for OEM enterprises ' learning and sustainable growth .

  10. 而且这些服装企业作为OEM生产商往往处在服装业全球价值链的底端,利润微薄。

    Moreover these clothing enterprise took the OEM producer often occupies the apparel industry whole world value chain bottom end , the profit is meager .

  11. 本论文首先对学术界关于全球价值链,OEM、ODM和OBM,以及当前国际代工所面临的问题等理论研究成果进行了梳理。

    Firstly , this thesis studies the theories of global value chain , OEM , ODM , OBM and the problems of the international manufacture industries .

  12. 嵌入于全球价值链(GVC)中的“浙商”企业价值绝对量保持增长,但是价值份额下降的根源在于其价值权力的日趋消蚀。

    The reality that Zheshang firms , embedded in GVC , face the dilemma between value growth and share declining , is for value power waning .

  13. 开发区在嵌入全球价值链的过程中,存在基于外生性嵌入的OEM型和基于内生性嵌入的内源型两种学习场类型。

    In the process of embedding global value chains , the two types of learning field ( the OEM-type based on external embeddedness and the endogenous-type based on the internal embeddedness ) co-exist in the development zones .

  14. 来自宏观、中观和微观等多方面的因素会使得代工企业对代工模式产生路径依赖,被锁定于全球价值链的低端环节,阻碍其从代工向OBM的升级。

    Subcontracting enterprises can be locked into the low value added activities of GVC because of path dependency , which is influenced by different level reasons .

  15. 第三部分构建了OEM企业的持续成长能力,并重点分析了全球价值链类型和治理模式对OEM企业成长能力的影响,为后文的研究打下了坚实的理论基础。

    Part three builds the capacity of sustainable growth of OEM enterprises , and focuses on analysis of the effects of different types and governance of GVC . This part provides a strong support to the next researching action .

  16. 而对于发展中国家的本土企业而言,以代工方式参与国际品牌企业所主导的全球价值链(GVC)分工体系,也成为进入国际市场的一个主要途径。

    However , for the native enterprises in developing countries , GVC division system led by participation into international brand enterprises through OEM / ODM has also been a key way entering into international market .

  17. 全球价值链理论(GVC)的兴起并逐步完善为我们提供一个全新视角来重新审视地方产业集群兴起以及其升级发展之路。

    The rise and gradually developing of the global value chain theories ( GVC ) can be provide an all new angle of view to come to reexamine the local industrial cluster beginning and its upgrading road .

  18. 本文通过分析OEM企业在价值链上的一般成长路径,论证了在全球价值链的代工过程中学习和积累产品开发知识是OEM企业增强自主创新能力和实现持续成长的基本条件。

    By analyzing the OEM enterprises ' general growing-path on value chain , this thesis has proven that in the OEM process learning and the accumulation of Product Development Knowledge are the basis of OEM enterprises which tend to strengthen the independent innovation ability and to keep growing .

  19. 而全球价值链(GVC)这种新的生产和贸易组织方式把片段化的生产集聚区域联结成为一个有机整体,进一步强化了全球贸易一体化倾向。

    And the global value chain ( GVC ), a new pattern of production and trade organizing , integrates these fragmentations of productive agglomeration regions as an organic one , which has further enhanced the trend of global trade integration .

  20. 现阶段我国主要产业类型集中在第二产业,且劳动资源密集型产业占较大比重,位于全球价值链(GVC)的低端。

    At present , the main type of industries in our country lies in the second industry , especially labor resource intensive industry which accounts for a large proportion , is located in the low-end of the global value chain ( GVC ) .

  21. 全球价值链理论与我国制造业升级模式

    Global Value Chain Theory and China 's Manufacturing Industry Upgrading Strategy

  22. 然而,在全球价值链体系中,我国处于最低端,产品附加值低、利润空间小。

    However , Products have low added value and little profit .

  23. 基于全球价值链分工的我国地方产业集群风险研究&以浙江绍兴纺织产业集群为例

    Risk Study of Local Industrial Clusters Based on Global Value Chain

  24. 全球价值链下我国服装业物流整合研究

    Global Value Chain Integration of China 's Garment Industry Logistics Research

  25. 全球价值链下的中国电子及通信产业集群发展研究

    Research on Chinese Electronics and Communication Industrial Cluster in Global Value Chains

  26. 在全球价值链治理中,存在不同的协调模式。

    There are different forms of coordination in global value chain governance .

  27. 第三章,全球价值链下长春汽车产业集群发展构建。

    Chapter three , the developmental framework of Changchun automobile industrial cluster .

  28. 全球价值链下我国汽车产业发展战略

    Development Strategy of Chinese Automotive Industry in Global Value Chain

  29. 全球价值链的微观视角:基于企业层面的综述

    The Microcosmic View of the Global Value Chain at the Enterprise Level

  30. 全球价值链框架下的产业竞争力评价基础

    Evaluation Basis of Industrial Competitiveness in the Context of Global Value Chains