
  • 网络Global sourcing;Global Procurement;global purchase
  1. 埃里克森电话工业公司电子加工企业CP公司的全球采购战略研究

    Research of Global Sourcing Strategy for CP Company , an Electronic Manufacturing Service Provider

  2. 本论文主要以公司现有项目为背景,即研究V集团动力系统部门的在全球采购项目中的供应商质量保证系统。

    This paper is based on the current project which is the supplier quality assurance system of V group powertrain department in global sourcing project .

  3. 作为一家外资的风电设备制造商,G公司正在积极的实施供应链下全球采购战略。

    As a foreign wind turbine manufacturer , Company G is actively carrying out a global procurement strategy under supply chain .

  4. 更甚的是,虽然印度已成为IBM在美国以外地区的第二大运营中心,IBM却将全球采购总部由纽约迁往另一个地区&中国深圳。

    Even as India has become the company 's second-biggest operation outside America , it has moved the head of procurement from New York to Shenzen in China .

  5. Net-a-Porter全球采购部副总裁莎拉•罗森(SarahRutson)说,衬衣的“东山再起”完全在预料之中。

    For Sarah Rutson , vice-president for global buying at Net-a-Porter , shirting 's renaissance is no surprise .

  6. 卡夫食品(kraftfoods)表示,其购买的巴西牛肉仅用于在意大利出售的肉制品,其全球采购在巴西牛肉总产量中所占比例不足0.2%。

    Kraft Foods said it only bought beef from Brazil for local meat products sold in Italy , and its global purchases accounted for less than 0.2 per cent of total beef production from Brazil .

  7. 经济学家们称,昨日发布的由摩根大通(JPMorgan)和Markit编制的全球采购经理指数(PMI)表明,一场可持续复苏的基础正得到奠定。

    Economists said the global purchasing managers ' index , compiled by JPMorgan and Markit , and published yesterday , suggested the foundations for a sustainable recovery were being laid .

  8. 上海汽车零部件全球采购中心地处上海西北部的嘉定区安亭镇,轨道交通R3线终点站。

    Shanghai Auto Parts Global Sourcing Center is situated in Anting town of Jiading district of Shanghai west , at the terminal of R3 light track .

  9. 东方海外物流的国际物流的集团是全球采购和服务客户supply-chain-management需求。

    The OOCL Logistics'International logistics group focuses on serving customers with global sourcing and supply-chain-management needs .

  10. 摩根大通(JPMorgan)编制的全球采购经理指数从7月的50.7跌至8月的50.1,表明制造业继年初强劲扩张后,如今又难以扩大产出。

    The global purchasing managers ' index , compiled by JPMorgan , fell to 50.1 in August from 50.7 in July , indicating the manufacturing sector was again struggling to increase output , having been growing strongly at the start of the year .

  11. 其次通过对目前代工行业的环境和Flex公司当前采购体系分析研究,发现当前Flex公司全球采购体系中存在的与各个工厂实际脱节的问题,进而研究评估了集中采购实施的价值。

    Secondly , through the analysis and investigation on the environment of the EMS industry and the current procurement system of Flex , it discovers the split existed between the global procurement system and the plants , then assesses the advantages of the centralized procurement .

  12. 因为销售方式的差别,它们的价格有所升高。如果使用全球采购机制销售3亿个FC2型女用避孕套,那么它们每个的价格将会节省三分之二。

    The cost savings could be greatly increased if300 million FC2s were acquired through a global purchasing mechanism , which would cut the price per condom by two thirds .

  13. 跨国零售企业在华全球采购研究

    A Study on Multinational Retail Company 's Global Sourcing in China

  14. 中国制造业应对全球采购的对策分析

    The Measures for China 's Manufacturers to Deal with Global Sourcing

  15. 1998年,威廉姆斯加盟苹果公司,担任全球采购总监。

    He joined apple in 1998 as head of worldwide procurement .

  16. 全球采购:大型企业发展战略中重要的一环

    Global Sourcing , a Key in Large-sized Enterprise Development Strategy

  17. 全球采购中一种新的决策工具

    A Kind of New Decision Working Tool in International Procurement

  18. 确认全球采购办公室以及与设计室的工作关系。

    Identify world-wide procurement offices and working relationship with the design office .

  19. 中国汽车企业全球采购对策初探

    On Tactics of Global Procurement of China Antomobile Enterprises

  20. 湖北省汽车零部件企业应对全球采购的思考

    On Global Purchase of Auto Parts and Countermeasures of Hubei Auto Part Enterprises

  21. 对我国企业进入全球采购系统的探究

    The Investigation on Chinese Enterprises Entering the Global Purchase

  22. 中国企业进入全球采购的平台

    International sourcing fair : a platform for Chinese Enterprises

  23. 现代企业的全球采购进一步增强了港口企业之间的竞争。

    Global procurement of modern business enterprise further enhanced the competition between ports .

  24. 第三届重庆全球采购会丰收在即

    Bumper Harvest of the 3rd Chongqing World Commercial Fair

  25. 中国在全球采购与供应链整合中的作用和策略

    China 's Role and Strategy in the Global Purchasing and Supply Chain Integration

  26. 我国轿车零部件全球采购成本分析

    The Analysis on Global Purchasing Cost of Auto Parts and Components of China

  27. 东方钽业公司钽原料全球采购战略研究

    Research on Global Purchase Strategy of the Oriental Ta Industry Co. , LTD

  28. 商业采用全球采购和即时生产。

    Businesses use global sourcing and just-in-time production .

  29. 一汽&大众全球采购策略研究

    Study on the Global Sourcing Strategy of FAW-Volkswagen

  30. 全球采购环境下的供应源选择方法研究

    The Study of Supplier Selection on Global Purchasing