
  1. B:在全聚德餐厅。我相信你能在那里吃到一顿丰盛的晚餐。

    B : At Quanjude Restaurant . I am sure you can have a good dinner there .

  2. 分析师表示,其它餐饮类企业将会密切关注IPO对全聚德业务的影响。

    Analysts say other food-services companies will be watching closely to see what the IPO does for Quanjude 's business .

  3. 当全聚德完成ipo之后,它将成为中国大陆第一家上市的饭店连锁企业。

    When Quanjude completes its IPO , it will be one of the first mainland-based restaurant chains to have done so .

  4. 中国建银投资证券有限责任公司(ChinaJianyinInvestmentSecurities)分析师曾光表示,虽然全聚德和东来顺在中国北方地区家喻户晓,但它们在南方连锁店规模有限,知名度不太高。

    Zeng Guang , an analyst at China Jianyin Invest Securities , says that while Quanjude and Donglaishun are household names in northern China , they don 't have many chain stores in southern China and aren 't as widely known .

  5. 历史最悠久的北京烤鸭连锁店&中国全聚德(集团)股份有限公司(ChinaQuanjudeGroupCo.,简称:全聚德)即将在中国饮食服务连锁业的上市热潮中打响第一枪。

    The owner of China 's oldest Peking-duck restaurant brand , Quanjude ( Group ) Co. , is set to be the first in a wave of Chinese food-services chains that plan to go public .

  6. 国营的全聚德烤鸭店(QuanjudeRoastDuck)已经在奥运主会场附近的新店推出了奥运菜肴。

    Elsewhere , the state-owned Quanjude Roast Duck has Olympic dishes already on the menu at a new branch near the main stadium .

  7. 申银万国证券研究所(ShanghaiShenyinWanguoResearch&ConsultingCo.)分析师陈海明表示,全聚德品牌的高认知度令其独具优势。

    Chen Haiming , an analyst with Shanyin & Wanguo Research & Consulting Co. , says high awareness of the Quanjude brand gives the company a distinct advantage . '

  8. 曾光表示,他对全聚德的IPO感到乐观,但其他中国连锁餐饮企业的成功取决于它们在门店的标准化方面做得如何,一如外国竞争对手那样。

    Mr. Zeng says he is optimistic about Quanjude 's IPO but that the success of Chinese chains depends on how well they can standardize their restaurants , as foreign competitors have .

  9. 申银万国证券研究所(ShanghaiShenyinWanguoResearch&ConsultingCo.)分析师陈海明表示,全聚德品牌的高认知度令其独具优势。

    Chen Haiming , an analyst with Shanyin Wanguo Research Consulting Co. , says high awareness of the Quanjude brand gives the company a distinct advantage .

  10. Gu指出,全聚德分别在1996年和2001年两次提出了上市申请,但都未获批准,原因是公司资产规模不够。

    Quanjude tried to go public twice before , in 1996 and 2001 , but the applications were rejected because the company didn 't have enough assets , according to Mr. Gu .

  11. 全聚德在这个大排名中位列第七,市场占有率为1.5%。

    Quanjude ranks seventh , with a1.5 % market share .

  12. 欢迎光临全聚德烤鸭店。经巴士德消毒的全脂奶

    Welcome to Quan Ju De Roast Duck Restaurant . pasteurized whole milk

  13. 过去三年中,全聚德的销售及利润增幅平均达到了22%。

    Sales and profit grew an average of22 % over the past three years .

  14. 全聚德烤鸭香味活性化合物分析及其气相色谱指纹图谱研究

    Analysis of Aroma-active Compounds of Quanjude Roast Duck and Research for Its Gas Chromatographic Fingerprint Diagram

  15. 大多数饭店都有烤鸭,可是最好的当然还是全聚德烤鸭店。

    You can find it in most restaurants , but the best place is certainly Quanjude Restaurant .

  16. 中国的饮食服务业历来犹如一盘散沙,不过全聚德的上市标致着这种情况将出现明显改变。

    The move could mark the beginning of a significant change in China 's fragmented food-services sector .

  17. 在取得良好经济效益的同时,全聚德股份公司其他各项工作也取得了优异的成绩。

    Achieve good economic results in the same time , Quanjude stock companies have also made other outstanding achievements .

  18. 前面我介绍过,全聚德烤鸭店是北京著名餐馆之一。

    Quanjude roasted duck restaurant , which I introduced above , is one of the well-known restaurants in beijing .

  19. 安迪:我听说“全聚德”是北京最著名的烤鸭店之一。

    Andy : I heard that " Quanjude " is one of the most famous roast duck restaurants in Beijing .

  20. 星期二晚上位于前门大街上的全聚德烤鸭店集团的老出口被关闭。

    The oldest outlet of the Quanjude Group of roast duck restaurants on Qianmen Street closed for renovations on Tuesday night .

  21. 我们将在著名的全聚德餐厅品尝北京的烤鸭,在有名的老舍茶馆欣赏京戏。

    We shall taste Beijing Roast Duck in the famous Quanjude Restaurant and enjoy Beijing Opera in the well-known Lao She Teahouse .

  22. 北京美食也是一绝:全聚德的北京烤鸭、东来顺的涮羊肉。

    Beijing cuisine is famous too , for example the Beijing Quanjude roast duck , the instant-boiled mutton of Peking Eastern House .

  23. 另外,最有名的还属北京的百年老字号饭店-全聚德烤鸭店,这是游客来到北京不可不试的美味。

    What 's more , you can find the famous restaurant Quanjude where you can have a good taste of Beijing roast duck .

  24. 我去了趟食品店,准备晚上来一顿烧烤大餐,还准备了一些肋骨和鸡肉。欢迎光临全聚德烤鸭店。

    I went grocery shopping and prepared for a barbecue supper , complete with ribs and chicken . Welcome to Quan Ju De Roast Duck Restaurant .

  25. 去年年底,中国烹饪协会决定,把“全聚德”、“狗不理”及“兰州拉面”这三个品种确定为推广中式快餐的试点。

    At the end of last year , the Chinese Cooking Association decided to establish Quanjude , Goubuli and Lanzhou Handpulled Noodles as three trial brands to promote Chinese fast foods .

  26. 全聚德在传统中餐饭店中处于相对高端的位置,其极富盛名的招牌菜北京烤鸭荷叶饼卷烤鸭薄片倍受游客青睐。

    Quanjude , a relatively higher-end traditional Chinese restaurant frequented by tourists , is famous for its Peking duck , or roasted duck that is sliced and eaten in a tortilla-like wrap .

  27. 全聚德在北京和上海拥有十家自营店,以及61家特许经营店,其中有五家开在了香港、东京及缅甸等中国大陆以外的市场。

    Quanjude has 10 restaurants , including outlets in Beijing and Shanghai , and 61 franchise restaurants , five of which are outside the mainland in Hong Kong , Tokyo and Myanmar .

  28. 半开放卷帘式鸭舍冬季保温性及其对产蛋的影响研究我们将在著名的全聚德餐厅品尝北京烤鸭,并在有名的老舍茶馆欣赏京戏。

    Study on the Heat Insulating Ability of Half-open Rolling-curtain Duck Shed in Winter and Its Influence on Egg Laying We shall taste Beijing Roast Duck in the famous Quanjude Restaurant and enjoy Peking Opera in the well-known Lao She Teahouse .

  29. 全聚德的开店时间可追溯至清朝年间,至今已拥有143年的历史,它表示自己每年出售的烤鸭多达300万只,去年的净利润和销售收入分别达到了人民币5666万元(合750万美元)和人民币6.656亿元。

    Touting a 143-year-old legacy dating to the Qing dynasty , the restaurant says it sells three million ducks a year , and posted a 56.66 million yuan ( $ 7.5 million ) net profit last year on sales of 665.64 million yuan .

  30. 全聚德在募股说明书中表示,公司希望通过上市来帮助自己扩展业务,运用所筹集资金提升食品加工能力、扩大在特许经营店中的投资,并在明年奥运会举行前整修两家位于北京的连锁店。

    The company is hoping that the exposure and capital raised from its IPO will help it expand its empire by funding increases in food-processing capacity and investing more in its franchised restaurants , as well as renovations in two of its Beijing stores in time for the Olympics next year , according to its prospectus .