
quán jú ɡuān niàn
  • global views
  1. 沿江各省应有全局观念,把长江流域作为一个整体,开展Cd异常的区域生态地球化学评价。

    The relevant provinces along the Yangtze River should be considered as a whole in regional ecological geochemical assessment on Cd anomalies .

  2. 地方财政工作要有全局观念

    The overall situation should be taken into consideration in local financial work

  3. 谈增强高校领导干部全局观念的途径

    Approaches of Building up Overall Idea of Leading Cadres

  4. 树立全局观念,建立矿产资源储量管理新体系。

    Acquiring a whole idea and building up a new system for mineral resources reserves management .

  5. 要树立全局观念,增强责任意识和贯彻落实《办法》的自觉性。

    Adopt an overall point of view and deepen consciousness of responsibilities and implementing the Measures .

  6. 从全局观念来保护与研究,而不是单独静止的看待历史文化遗址。

    The global idea is to protect and research , rather than individual static view historical and cultural sites .

  7. 要树立全局观念,进一步增强保护知识产权的自觉性,营造良好的创新环境。

    Related agencies should establish the overall concept , enhance IPR protection awareness and create a favorable environment for innovation .

  8. 电化教育是多学科、多专业交叉的事业,因而全局观念显得尤为重要。

    The audio-visual education programme is the multi-disciplinary , multi-specialized undertakings that cross , therefore the overall point of view seems particularly important .

  9. 强调必须把握新形势下医政工作的方向任务,转变政府职能,树立全局观念和群众观念;

    The paper focus on the tasks and direction , governmental function changing , establishment of the view of overall situation in the new condition ;

  10. 电网结构是电力系统安全稳定运行的基础,电网规划历来强调全局观念和远近结合。

    Grid structure is the basis of power system safe and stable operation . Power grid planning has always emphasized the overall concept combining with distance .

  11. 两个大局构想在全局观念、实践品格、辩证思维、创新精神、时机意识等方面具有鲜明的理论特色。

    The " two situation " thought possesses vivid theory trait in whole conception , practical character , dialectic approach , innovation energy , timing consciousness , etc.

  12. 在全局观念的前提下,提出了一种税务系统从数据集市到数据仓库实现方法。

    On the basis of overall situation , we put forward a kind of realize method , which from the data mart to the data warehouse in tax administration system .

  13. 确立系统思维方式要求政治工作主体树立全局观念,增强整体意识;

    Building up systematic thinking mode demands that the subjects of political work adopt an overall point of view , enhance the concept of viewing the situation as a whole ;

  14. 无论是邮路主干线的开通延伸,还是邮站的布局设点,无不具有全局观念,是从上到下的整体思维模式下的产物。

    Both postman opened extension of the main line , is a postal station layout of presence , all with a global concept , is the overall mode of thinking from top to bottom .

  15. 在解决这一问题时,必须着眼于现代市场经济体制的需要,反映市场经济的要求,树立全局观念和超前意识。

    Resolving this problem , we should fix attention to the demand of the modern market economic system , reflect its request and set up the overall situation idea with a sense of transcending before period .

  16. 而本文拟摆脱这一问题的一些传统探讨模式,而是从整体上从全局观念出发重新审视我国农村金融体系的历史与现状,甚至是由此引发的一个更为深层的问题&逆工业化。

    The author is trying to avoid the traditional paths and to rebuild the new form of rural financial system from the whole parts , so as to carry out a further comprehensive question of anti-industrialization .

  17. 加强党性教育必须坚持党的绝对领导;加强党性教育必须充分发动群众,接受批评与监督;加强党性教育必须树立全局观念。

    To carry out the education of Party character , it is necessary to stick to the Party 's leadership , mobilize the people , be open to criticism and surveillance , and have a comprehensive vision .

  18. 秘书应解放思想,培养实事求是的精神,树立全局观念,强化服务意识、责任意识、信息意识、竞争意识和超前意识。

    A qualified secretary should open his minds , cultivate the spirit-seeking the truth from fact , establish the overall point of view , stress the consciousness of service , responsibility , information , competition , and advancement .

  19. 地方政策执行政策过程中存在的问题有:缺少全局观念,执行手段粗暴,方法单一;

    The question existing is as follows , that the local policy pursues a policy in the course Lacking the overall point of view , it is rude to carry out the means , the method is single ;

  20. 我从这些高贵品格中看到了最可靠的保证:其一,任何地方偏见或地方感情,任何意见分歧或党派敌视,都不能使我们偏离全局观念和公平观点,即必须维护这个由不同地区和不同利益所组成的大联合;

    In these honorable qualifications I behold the surest pledges that as on one side no local prejudices or attachments , no separate views nor party animosities , will misdirect the comprehensive and equal eye which ought to watch over this great assemblage of communities and interests ,

  21. 在这种思想指导下,项目执行者缺乏全局的观念,并且CPM假设资源无限,只考虑在资源不受限的工序间的相互关系。

    So , a project manager with this thought lacks an overall concept and only considers the inter-relationship with unlimited resource assumed by CPM .

  22. 传统的后备保护以单元件的保护为出发点,缺乏系统全局的观念。

    The traditional back-up protection is based on protecting a single equipment and lack of global concept .

  23. 与过去的研究模式即单个基因的表达研究相比,分子生物学工作者的观念将由此发生巨大改变,使得人们能够在基因组水平上以系统的、全局的观念去研究生命现象及其本质。

    Molecular biologist will investigate the life phenomenon and its nature from genomic level in systematic and global way .

  24. 而这决定了全球性领导者的培训具有不同于以前管理者培训的特点:进行文化敏感性和全局性观念的培训。

    And this leads to the differences between the training of global leaders and the general managers : training on culture acumen and global ideas .

  25. 想问题、办事情从整体出发,树立全局、大局观念;

    Think of the question , act from setting out wholly , establish the overall situation , overall situation idea ;

  26. 为了克服一个问题是影响全局的错误观念,你必须立即控制这个问题的某些方面。

    To overcome the false belief that a problem is all & encompassing , you must take control of some part of it immediately .

  27. 为了得到确定精确的电路时延,将全局伪路径的观念引入到电路时钟特性分析中,提出了一种改进电路模块时钟周期准确性的方法。

    In order to obtain more accurate circuit delay , the notion of the global false path is applied to a previous timing analysis of circuits and a new timing characterization method was presented for improving the accuracy of timing models .

  28. 全局观教学对于职初教师的专业化成长的意义显而易见,于是对他们的全局观念的培养就尤为重要。

    Global view of teaching makes a obvious meaning of the professional growth of the occupational early teachers , so their overall concept of culture is particularly important .