
hé zuò zuò pǐn
  • work of joint authorship;composite work
  1. 对学报近年载文作者进行统计,按照著作权法分析什么是合作作品,它有哪些特征;

    On the basics of copyright law what is the work of joint authorship and what is its features are analyzed ;

  2. 网络环境下的特殊合作作品著作权归属研究

    Research on the Copyright of Special Cooperating Works in the Internet

  3. 合作作品的著作权归属和保护

    The Attribution and the Protection of the Copyright of the Cooperated Works

  4. 合作作品的构成条件及分类的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Constituents and the Classification of the Cooperated Work

  5. 对于表现形式不同的合作作品,均应认定为“共同创作”。

    All the joint works with different manifestations should be regarded as joint works .

  6. 合作作品含义探析

    A Probe into the Connotation of Collaborative Works

  7. 论合作作品的认定

    On the Cognizance of the Joint Works

  8. 合作作品研究

    A Study of Collaborated Works

  9. 其中,自然人作品和合作作品的智力投入者和财力投入者是相统一的,没有独立的智力投入者或是独立的财力投入者,故属于独立创作作品类型。

    Among these , natural person works and joint works ' Intellectual input and financial investment are unified .

  10. 奖项评审委员会并没有透露哪四部“人机”合作作品在第一阶段胜出。

    The prize committee didn 't disclose which of the four computer co-written entries advanced in the competition .

  11. 小区车库归属问题研究&兼评《物权法(草案)》第76条合作作品的著作权归属和保护

    Right of Attribution of Garages in the Community The Attribution and the Protection of the Copyright of the Cooperated Works

  12. 由于合作作品具有主体多元化的特点,在实践中比较容易引发纠纷。

    Due to the characteristic of " multi-subject " of collaborated works , it is easy to cause dissension in practice .

  13. 在这部分中,笔者也对署名顺序应否为署名权的内容和合作作品的署名权如何行使进行了分析。

    The paper also discusses whether signature sequence relates to the right of authorship and how to execute the rights of collaborated works .

  14. 根据创作的原因关系,我国的著作权法把作品分为自然人作品、职务作品、委托作品、法人作品和合作作品。

    In this way works are divided into natural person works , duty works , commissioned works , corporate works and the joint works .

  15. 自2008年底以来,艾柯·努格罗荷的创作进入了一个新领域,创作合作作品加入皮影戏的表演。

    Since the end of2008 , Eko has entered a new territory in his creative process by creating collaborative works performed in a shadow puppet performance .

  16. 从合作作品的概念与分类、合作作品的认定标准、如何确定合作作品作者的身份以及合作作品著作权的行使几个方面对合作作品的相关问题进行探讨。

    This paper will study this subject from the following aspects : the definition and classification of collaborated works , the cognizance standard , how to identify the authorship and the exertion of the copyright .

  17. 根据《著作权法》关于作品著作权归属的规定,具体分析了高等学校教材作品著作权的一般归属以及合作作品、职务作品、汇编作品和委托作品等的特定归属。

    In accordance with Copyright Law pertaining to the regulation on the ownership of the copyright of the works , this paper particularly analyzes the common copyrights for college teaching materials as well as the special copyrights of the co-works , duties works , compilation works and custom-made works .

  18. 2007年与上海山水传画廊合作,作品在上海展出。

    2007-starting with the Shanghai Landscape Gallery , works on display in Shanghai .

  19. 这张超新星仙后座A残骸的照片简直绝了,它是美国宇航局三家大天文台合作的作品。

    This stunning picture of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A is a composite of images taken by three of NASA 's Great Observatories .

  20. 无论是独立的或是合作的作品,都表现了各种各样的丰富的观点和形式。

    Their refusal to adhere to a singular style or formula allows them to explore a wide range of conceptual ideas , together and independently .

  21. 目前已知是达·芬奇的画作不超过20件,而卢浮宫就拥有其中的5幅,还有一幅认为是达·芬奇和弟子合作的作品。

    No more than 20 paintings in existence are attributed to Leonardo . The Louvre owns five and one believed a co-work by Leonardo and his students 。

  22. 画廊经常与当代出色的艺术家合作及展示作品。

    We have been constantly cooperating with many excellent contemporary artists and holding various exhibitions .

  23. 柯南·道尔遗产基金会现在由阿德里安·柯南·道尔独自打理,他不得不寻找新的合作伙伴改编作品。

    The Conan Doyle Estate , now controlled solely by Adrian Conan Doyle , would have to look elsewhere for screen adaptations .

  24. 第十三条两人以上合作创作的作品,著作权由合作作者共同享有。

    Article 13 Where a work is created jointly by two or more co-authors , the copyright in the work shall be enjoyed jointly by those co-authors .

  25. 《气候》是苏珊·洛斯和她的演员即兴合作完成的作品。

    Weather is a result of improvisational and collaborative work between Susan Rose and dancers Kelli King , Laura Manor , Sue Roginski , and Hannah Schwadron .

  26. 评论说,这部电影不是他们联手合作的优秀作品,然而,仅在片中短步小走的玛丽莲却赢得了观众的赞扬。

    Critics said it was not one of their better efforts . Marilyn , though , earned praise for simply taking a short walk in the movie .

  27. 而事实上,她在星期五晚上,与符腾堡州爱乐乐团合作的最后作品系列音乐会上的出色表现,证明她确实做到了。

    In fact , she did so on Friday evening in her performance with the W ü rttemberg Philharmonic Orchestra in the last Work Concert of the Series .

  28. 跟以往一样,这次与台湾公司合作的动漫作品,在立项、审批等环节,政府也是一路绿灯。

    As always , this time in cooperation with Taiwan 's anime , in the project , approval and other sectors , the government is the way the green light .

  29. 并举出具体实例,针对衔接与连贯、语境、语篇的指向性,书面语篇的表现形式、时体形式和叙事时态、会话的合作原则在作品赏析中的应用进行更清晰的阐述。

    Above all , typical examples are taken to illustrate more clearly the application of'cohesion and coherence , linguistic contexts , textual orientation , forms of written discourse , tense , aspect and narrative tense , cooperative principles'in appreciation of literary works .

  30. 不过,其他购物艺术中心在博物馆或画廊体验上添加了可供租赁的展览空间或者在整个购物中心进行的不定期展览,与艺术家、策展人或画廊合作,有时作品可供购买。

    Other art malls , however , tack on the dressings of the museum or gallery experience by adding rentable gallery space or staging sporadic mall-wide exhibitions in collaboration with artists , curators or galleries , sometimes making works available for purchase .