
ɡǎi biān quán
  • right of adaptation
  1. 他曾尝试买下萧伯纳所有戏剧的电影改编权。

    He 'd tried to buy the film rights of all George Bernard Shaw 's plays .

  2. 最后获胜的是环球影业与焦点电影公司(FocusFeatures),它们同意支付500万美元,获取电影改编权。

    Universal Studios and Focus Features eventually won , and agreed to pay $ 5 million for the rights to make the film .

  3. 据Deadline网站报道,派拉蒙公司已经击败环球影业,斥资7位数获得该传记的改编权。

    According to Deadline , Paramount has beaten out Universal for the rights to the adaptation , spending into seven figures .

  4. 派拉蒙影业公司和J·J·艾布拉姆斯的坏机器人电影公司携手拿下了日本大热动画电影《你的名字》的改编权。

    Paramount Pictures and J.J. Abrams ' Bad Robot have won the rights to adapt the blockbuster Japanese animated movie " Your Name . "

  5. 而阿桑奇也打算写作一本自传,电影改编权已由美国著名艺人经纪公司CAA提前拿下。

    The A Sangqi also plan to write an autobiography , the famous American film rights by CAA CAA win in advance .

  6. 2个月前在智利受困的33名矿工的律师埃德加多·雷诺索(EdgardoReinoso)今天向媒体透露,布拉德·皮特(BradPitt)的“B计划”(PlanB)制片公司已经获得了受困矿工故事的电影改编权。

    A Hollywood company owned by movie star Brad Pitt is in talks for film rights to the story of33 miners rescued after surviving two months trapped deep underground in Chile , local media reported .

  7. 梅尔文·马(MelvinMar)是福克斯的一位制作人,正是他购买了黄的著作改编权。马告诉我,黄和电视公司的合作是不同寻常的。

    Melvin Mar , the producer at Fox who bought the rights to the book , told me that Huang 's arrangement with the studio is atypical .

  8. 独家:据称索尼影业目前正与CNN前主席、《时代》杂志主编沃尔特艾萨克森商谈,希望获得由其所著的乔布斯传记的电影改编权。

    EXCLUSIVE : Ive just learned that Sony Pictures is making a hefty deal to acquire feature rights to Steve Jobs , the upcoming authorized biography by former CNN chairman and Time Magazine managing editor Walter Isaacson .

  9. 事实上,她曾两次拒绝出演布鲁克纳一角(电影改编权原为芭芭拉&12539;史翠珊(BarbraStreisand)所有),因为她在这个角色身上只看到了敌意和愤怒。

    In fact , she had already turned down the role of Dr. Brookner twice ( the film option had previously been held by Barbra Streisand ) because she saw only the character 's hostility and rage .

  10. 福克斯很早就买下了这本书的改编权,然后想把它拍成电影,最后却不幸变成了一场好莱坞的灾难,把罗伯特·雷德福(RobertRedford)、朱迪·福斯特(JodieFoster)和雷德利·斯科特(RidleyScott)都给牵扯进来。

    Fox bought the rights to the book way back when , and there was this attempt by Fox to make a movie out of " The Hot Zone , " and it tended tragically in a Hollywood disaster involving Robert Redford and Jodie Foster and Ridley Scott .

  11. 但改编权一直在福克斯的手上。

    But the rights have been sitting at Fox ever since .

  12. 他以500万英镑出售了他著作的影视改编权。

    He sold the screen rights of his bood for $ 5 million .

  13. 蜘蛛侠是漫威中的人物,而自1999年起,索尼就一直拥有该角色的电影改编权。迪士尼此前成功收购了漫威。

    Sony has controlled the movie rights to the Marvel Comics character since 1999 .

  14. 这打响了有关这一传奇事件相关书籍和报刊文章的“独家改编权”的争夺战。

    This has set off a fight for exclusive adaptation rights to the books and articles published about the saga .

  15. 涉及到以下几个法律问题:1著作权2改编权3原作者知晓权。

    Involve issue of the following law : 1 copyright 2 reorganize advantageous position 3 former writers are witting authority .

  16. 斯蒂芬・金一直没有将达拉邦特给他的5000美元电影改编权支票兑现。

    Mr. King never cashed the $ 5000 check Mr. Darabont sent him for the right to turn his story into a movie .

  17. 在此基础上,本文从复制权、发行权、改编权、信息网络传播权四方面分析了链接侵权问题。

    Based on the above disscussion , the paper analyses the copyright problems of hyperlink in the construction of digital library in three aspects .

  18. 头四卷改编权卖给了另外一个导演陆川。他的《九层妖塔》三个月前刚刚上映,票房6.8亿元,口碑不佳。

    The first four volumes were sold to another director , Lu Chuan , whose Chronicles of the Ghostly Tribe debuted just three months earlier to 680 million yuan and general critical panning .

  19. 中国网络平台盛大文学调查显示,2012年盛大文学出售了100部网络小说的改编权,现代都市小说,历史传奇和战争故事是最受欢迎的题材。

    According to a survey by Chinese online literature platform Cloudary , of 100 online novels whose copyrights were sold by Cloudary for adaption in 2012 , modern city novels , historical romances and war stories were the most popular .

  20. 本章在阐述建筑作品著作财产权时,结合建筑物、建筑模型、建筑设计图、建筑动画的自身特点,对各自的复制权、发行权、展览权、改编权进行了分析。

    When the chapter expounds property rights of Architectural works , it combines with the own characteristics of the buildings , building models , building designs , architecture animation to analyze Copy Right , Distribution Right , Exhibition Right , Adaptation Right .