
  • 网络of an enterprise;IPO
  1. 乡镇企业改制上市后的比较优势和经营效果研究

    Business Effect and Comparative Advantage Study of Reorganized and Listed CTE

  2. 对建筑施工企业改制上市的分析与思考

    The analysis and thought about the reorganized and listed of construction enterprises

  3. 医疗卫生机构改制上市的策略

    Strategies for medical and health institutions to transform ownerships and go public

  4. 铁路企业改制上市的战略问题研究

    Strategic Study on Reform & Marketing of Railway Enterprises System

  5. 乡镇企业改制上市后经营效果分类比较分析

    Classified Comparision Analysis of the Business Effects in the Reorganized and Listed CTE

  6. 然后分析了我国企业改制上市新的发展趋势。

    Secondly , this thesis analyses the new trend of enterprise ' listing .

  7. 乡镇企业改制上市问题研究

    Study on Reorganizing Township Enterprises and Having Them Listed on the Stock Market

  8. 我国国有商业银行改制上市的必要性分析

    The necessity analysis on the state-owned commercial banks ' restructure in the stock market

  9. 改制上市是国有商业银行改革的关键

    System-transforming and Listing Are the Keys of the Reform of the State-owned Commercial Banks

  10. 本部分主要介绍了对企业改制上市的若干模式及其相关案例分析,包括分拆模式、买壳上市模式、借壳上市模式、退壳合资模式、联合发起及技术资本联盟。

    It mainly introduces the models and SME 's going public and analyzes some concerned cases .

  11. 重点国有保险企业重组改制上市,促进了保险业迅速发展。

    Key state-owned insurance firms were reorganized and went public , promoting rapid development of the insurance industry .

  12. 对于企业改制上市需提供的会计资料,法律、法规有强制性要求。

    For enterprise go on market , must supply accounting data , law , code and concern force demand .

  13. 我国的国有企业在改制上市的过程中,由于传统体制的原因,形成了错综复杂的关联关系,从而使关联交易在上市公司中表现得非常突出。

    Because of traditional system , there are cognate relation in complicated state-owned enterprises and cognate trade widely in listed company .

  14. 同时,鼓励符合条件的国有大型企业改制上市。

    At the same time , we encouraged eligible large state-owned enterprises to get listed after the stockholding system was established .

  15. 因此,在国有银行改制上市过程中,要充分研究公允价值计量的影响,慎重做出相关决策,将负面影响减少到最低限度。

    For the lowest negative influence , to pay attention to the influence of fair value and make careful decision is necessary .

  16. 伴随着经济体制改革,特别是企业改制上市,经济业绩对企业经营行为的指导作用日益突出。

    With the economic reform and listing of enterprise , profit begins to play an increasingly important role in guiding operation of enterprise .

  17. 在石油企业重组改制上市后,建立了新的管理模式和经营机制。

    New administrative model and management system are set up inside the petroleum enterprise after its reorganizing and going on the stock market .

  18. 通过海外上市可以满足企业资金需求,并且海外成熟证券市场对上市公司的约束有利于企业在改制上市过程中建立更为完善的现代企业制度,规范上市公司治理。

    It is beneficial to satisfy the capital needs and set up modern enterprise institution , especially corporate governance by listing oversea security markets .

  19. 从拆分重组到改制上市,再到企业内部的改革,电信行业和电信企业均发生了翻天覆地的变化。

    Separation from the reorganization of the restructuring and listing , and then the internal reform , The telecom industry and the telecommunications industry have undergone earth-shaking changes .

  20. 改制上市不是灵丹妙药&由日本的教训看我国银行改革的制度缺陷与制度设计

    Reforming System and Subsequent Listing is not a Panacea - the System Flaw and the Design of the Reform of Chinese State - owned Commercial Banks Learned from Japan

  21. 改制上市是我国国有上市公司渐进性改革的起点,也是并购重组的现实基础。

    Share issue privatization ( SIP ) is the start of the gradual reform of the Chinese state-owned listed companies and the practical basis of mergers , aquisitions and restructurings .

  22. 论森林资源采伐权&兼述国有森工企业改制上市过程中采伐权的处置

    On the Right of Cutting Forest Resources & Also on the handling of Right of Cutting in the course of reorganizing and getting state-owned enterprises in lumber industry into listed ones

  23. 本文主要分析了目前我国四大国有商业银行改制上市与金融稳定的关系以及会计披露在金融危机中的角色。

    This paper studies the relationship between the restructuring and listing of state-owned banks ( SOBs ) and financial stability arguments and the role of the accounting disclosure in financial crisis .

  24. 中国建设银行股份有限公司作为国内最早改制上市的国有商业银行,在做好传统银行业务的同时,非常重视金融创新。

    China Construction Bank Corporation , as the earliest restructuring and listed state-owned commercial bank , has paid great attention to financial innovation while doing a good job in traditional banking .

  25. 通过对中小企业改制上市的模式从理论和实践的角度进行讨论和分析,能为那些期望通过进入资本市场来获得快速发展、壮大的中小企业提供有益的借鉴。

    Through the discussion and analysis from the points of theory and practice for SMEs . this thesis can provide reference for those SME which wants to get developing quickly by entering capital market .

  26. 我国商业银行通过改制上市其治理水平已得到提升,但与国际先进商业银行相比还有很大差距。

    Chinese commercial banks have improved their governance levels through their processes of system reorganization and listing , however there are still big gaps between listed Chinese commercial banks and top international commercial banks .

  27. 本文的研究方法和结论不仅可以作为M公司改制上市的指导,同时,还能为有意向上市融资的民营企业提供参考。

    The research methods and conclusions were not only the instruction of reform and listing scheme of M company , but also brought references for other private enterprises that had ideas of listing on stock market .

  28. 本文对国有独资商业银行的上市模式进行了研究,分析提出了国有独资商业银行上市路径以及对国有独资商业银行改制上市所应注意的问题进行了探讨。

    In this article , through study and analysis of the model of state-owned listing , to present the listing path of wholly state-owned commercial bank , and discuss the problem of reform and listing of wholly state-owned commercial bank .

  29. 本文的研究结论进一步证实了推行国有企业整体改制上市的意义,并为监管层如何推行整体改制上市的策略、方式提供了政策性的建议。

    In this paper , the conclusions of the study further confirm the meaning of the overall reorganization of SOEs on list , and provide policy recommendations for government on how to reform strategy and way of the overall reorganization .

  30. 培养企业的核心竞争力,通过创新经营管理和推行价值管理提升企业价值自然成了一致的选择,移动公司改制上市、战略和品牌管理走在了运营商前列。

    Training the core competitiveness , through innovative management and the implementation of value management to enhance corporate value naturally became the unanimous choice , the mobile company restructuring and listing , strategy and brand management is in the forefront of operators .