
  • 网络improved grassland
  1. 对有林地、未成林造林地和天然草地的影响效应滞后5年;对灌木林地的影响效应滞后3年;对疏木林地、改良草地、人工草地的影响效应滞后1年。

    The time lag of impact for woodland , unwoodland and natural grassland is 5 years , shrub 3 years . Of sparse forest land , improved grassland , artificial grassland lagging effect for 1 year .

  2. 温性草原类、温性草甸草原类、低地草甸类、沼泽类及改良草地面积占草地总面积的比例分别为85.11%、1.23%、12.19%、1.19%和0.28%;

    The area percentages of temperate steppe type , temperate meadow steppe type , lowland meadow type , marsh type and temperate forage improved grassland are separately 85.11 % , 1.23 % , 12.19 % , 1.19 % and 0.28 % .

  3. 黑河流域除绿洲地区外有160万hm2的草地,进行草地分户、围栏封育、人工改良草地;

    In addition to the oasis area in the Heihe river drainage basin , there is also 1.6 million hm2 of pastureland .

  4. 通过羊群宿营建植改良草地的研究

    A Study on Establishment of Improved Pasture through Sheep Camping

  5. 胡枝子的栽培利用与改良草地技术研究报告

    Research Report on the Culture and the Utilization of Lespedeza and the Technology of Grassland Improvement & the Group for the Task of

  6. 该研究为研究草地植物竞争、群落演替及利用内生真菌改良草地提供了科技支撑。

    The research provided technology support for future study on plant competition , community succession and improvement of grassland productivity with the help of endophyte fungi .

  7. 本文报道了在贵州高原山地条件下通过绵羊夜间宿营的方法建植改良草地的研究。

    A field experiment was conducted to study the establishment of improved pasture by means of sheep night penning at the unimproved camping site on a hill country farm in Guizhou Plateau area .

  8. 华北驼绒藜属于藜科驼绒藜属旱生雌雄同株异花半灌木,为中国特有植物种,主要分布在内蒙古中东部和华北地区,其营养丰富,抗逆性强,是生态建设和改良草地的优良植物。

    Ceratoides arborescens belongs to Chenopodiaceae , Ceratoides genera , monoecism subshrub . It is endemic to China and mainly distributed in Mid-Eastern Inner Mongolia and North China . It has rich nutrition and strong resistance and is an important plant that is used for constructing ecology and improving grassland .

  9. 工程与生物措施结合改良碱化草地效果

    Alkaline Grassland Improvement by Combination of Engineering and Biological Mea-sures

  10. 改良天然草地,治理退化草地;

    Improve natural grassland and father degraded grassland ;

  11. 贵州南部地区绵羊卧地改良人工草地提高产草量的研究

    Study on improving artificial grassland increasing grass yield with sleep LAND-LYING in Southern Guizhou

  12. 这项试验研究为同类地区改良退化草地提供了科学依据。

    This experimental results may provide the scientific foundation for the improvement of degenerated grassland .

  13. 因此,对于毒草型退化草地的改良,草地补播是可供参考的有效措施之一。

    Thus , reseeding treatment could be regarded as one of the optimal measures for restoration of poisonous plants-dominated degraded grassland .

  14. 种子丸衣化可以提高种子的发芽率以及提高豆科植物的共生固氮作用,对改良退化草地,促进农业可持续发展的起着重要意义。

    The method of seed balls of clothing may raise the germination percentage of the seed and improve the intergrowth nitrogen fixation of the legume .

  15. 该地区发展草业的自然和社会经济条件优越,但必须采取以下措施才能达到畜草平衡的目的:加强合理利用和改良天然草地;

    The natural and social economic conditions of developing prataculture were superior , but the following measures must be taken : Strengthening to rationally utilize and improve natural grassland ;

  16. 经1994年至1996年的攻关研究取得轮作与改良后草地土壤有机质含量比原有提高0.44%~1.39%,轮作的粮豆平均亩产398.3kg,增产20%。

    It has been researched in three years ( from 1994 to 1996 ) . The results are as follows . The content of organic matter in soil raised 0 . 44 % - 1 . 39 % , after rotation cropping and improved grassland .

  17. 选用不同草种改良干草原草地试验研究

    An experiment on reforming dry grassland by selecting different variety of grass

  18. 优良禾草苇状羊茅改良退化人工草地试验研究

    A study on improving degraded sown grassland with tall fescue

  19. 为改良和利用草地资源提供科学依据。

    This paper provides a scientific basic for the improvement and utilization of grassland resources .

  20. 在温带草原改良和人工草地建植过程中,杂草和害虫的防治是关键的两个问题。

    Weed and pest control are two major problems , when pasture establish in temperature climate .

  21. 可见,减轻刈割强度是改良天然割草地的有效措施之一。

    It is one of the most efficient way to alleviate the mowing intensity for improving the natural mowing grassland .

  22. 补播改良措施对沙化草地植被恢复的作用

    Effects of Reseeding on Vegetation Restoration in Desertification Grassland

  23. 草地改良是轻度退化草地生态恢复的主要途径,草地封育是中度退化草地生态恢复的主要措施,人工草地建植是重度和极度退化草地生态恢复的主要手段。

    Grassland improvement , grassland fencing and establishment of artificial grassland are the feasible measures of ecological restoration for light , medium and heavy degraded grassland respectively .

  24. 该品系适宜在我国北方年降水量200~400mm的干旱、半干旱地区种植,可用于放牧地的建植、改良及退化沙化草地植被恢复。

    It is suitable to grow in arid and semiarid area of the northern China , and also a excellent seeding material for the grazing-land planting and improvement , and degraded pasture restoration .

  25. 结果表明:松栎混交林对土壤的改良效果最好,草地次之,马尾松纯林则较差。

    The results indicated that the effect of mixed masson pine and oak forest on soil amelioration was the best , that of grass was the second and the pure masson pine forest was the worst .