
  • 网络reformer;innovator
  1. 他是一个激进的改革家。

    He is a militant reformer .

  2. 但在幕后,这个18世纪改革家托马斯潘恩(thomaspaine)的故乡正在实践其社会激进主义的传统。

    But behind the scenes the hometown of 18th-century reformer Thomas Paine is living up to his tradition of social radicalism .

  3. 人民支持改革家。

    The people are at the back of the reformers .

  4. 然而,在19世纪40年代,出于对农村教育不足以及儿童过度使用大脑可能导致神经紊乱的担忧,教育改革家,如霍勒斯·曼,将这两个日历结合了起来。

    In the 1840s , however , educational reformers like Horace Mann moved to combine the two calendars out of concern that rural schooling was not enough and that overusing of young minds could lead to nervous disorders .

  5. 一些国家已经拥有温和的土地税,但其产生的税收收入还远不足以像19世纪改革家亨利乔治(henrygeorge)设想的那样取代所有其他税种。

    Land taxes of a modest kind exist in several countries , but do not yield nearly enough to replace all other taxes , as envisaged by the 19th century reformer Henry George .

  6. 亨利·巴纳德(HenryBarnard,1811-1900)是美国著名的普及公共教育思想家、改革家,也是一位比较教育学家。

    Henry Barnard is a well-known American universal public education thinker and reformer , at the same time , he is also a comparative educationist .

  7. 鲍桑葵(BernardBosanquet,1848-1923)是19世纪末20世纪初期英国哲学家、政治理论家、社会改革家,是英国唯心主义的代表人物之一。

    Bernard Bosanquet ( 1848-1923 ), British philosopher , political theorist , social reformer of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century , was especially a notable member of the British school of idealist philosophers .

  8. 威廉姆·贝弗里奇(WilliamBeveridge,1879-1963)是英国著名社会改革家、经济学家,他毕生致力于消除社会贫困、维持充分就业、建立和完善英国社会保障制度。

    William Beveridge ( 1879-1963 ) is a well-known British social reformer , economist , he devoted his life to the eradication of social poverty , the maintenance of full employment , and the establishment and perfection of Social Security System in England .

  9. 他早年的经历使他成了一个热情的社会改革家。

    His early experiences turned him into a passionate social reformer .

  10. 王安石是北宋著名的改革家。

    Wang Anshi is a famous reformer in the Song Dynasty .

  11. 不过,经济改革家目前握有一张王牌。

    Yet economic reformers now have an important card to play .

  12. 柳宗元开一代文风的改革家

    Liu Zhongyuan-A Reformer to an Era of Style of Writing

  13. 她是一位社会改革家,一位高瞻远瞩的人。

    She was a social reformer and a great visionary .

  14. 她是那些伟大的教育改革家中的最后一个。

    She was the last of the great educational reformers .

  15. 社会改革家有时会提出某些极端理想主义的想法。

    Social reformers sometimes come up with some blue-sky thoughts .

  16. 但他已经获得了改革家的称号。

    But he had gained a reputation as a reformer .

  17. 民族器乐作曲家、演奏家、教育家以及中国民族乐器改革家。

    He was Chinese traditional musical instrument composer , instrumentalist and educators .

  18. 这些任命使亲市场的改革家沮丧万分。

    The style of these appointments has disheartened pro-market reformers .

  19. 作为一个知名改革家,雅伊梅自称与这些安排没有关系。

    Mr Jaime , a leading reformist , distanced himself from the arrangements .

  20. 现在很少有社会改革家谈论禁止私立学校了。

    Nowadays few reformers talk about banning independent schools .

  21. 他是历史上最早的改革家。

    Zhuan Xu was the earliest reformist in history .

  22. 宗教改革家的婚姻观及意义

    The Marriage Outlook of Religion Reformers and Its Implications

  23. 军事理论家和改革家&约翰.C.卡尔霍恩

    John C.Calhoun & Early American Military Thinker and Reformist

  24. 改革家们呼吁撤消阻碍法律执行的条令。

    Reformers are calling for a rollback of rules that hinder law enforcement .

  25. 政党的忠诚支持者和改革家们通常是从政治的前途来看待警察这个机构;

    Party regulars and reformers generally viewed the institution from a political perspective ;

  26. 失业这一社会弊端阻碍改革家们的努力。

    Unemployment , a serious evil , putts back the efforts of the reformers .

  27. 他是一位伟大的改革家,拥有丰富的学识和教养。

    He was a great reformer , a remarkable man of learning and culture .

  28. 乔伊斯:西方现代文学史上的改革家

    Joyce : Reformist in Western modern Literary History

  29. 那老教授是一位著名的社会改革家。

    The old professor is a famous reformer .

  30. 宗教改革家试图修改传统的宗教。

    Religious reformers attempted to adapt traditional religion .