
  1. 对国际金融交易征税的做法,为类似的发展资助摊派提供了一个良好基础。欧盟理事会(CouncilofEurope)最近曾讨论过这点。

    A tax on international financial transactions , recently discussed by the Council of Europe , offers a sound base for analogous assessments for development financing .

  2. 此举能吸引以美元为单位的国际金融交易到香港来,从而增强本港作为国际金融中心的竞争力。

    This will boost our competitiveness as an international financial centre through attracting to Hong Kong international financial transactions denominated in us dollars .

  3. 世界商品和服务贸易虽然从70年代初以来有很大增长,但与国际金融交易额相比则相形见拙,后者是世界贸易额的五倍多。

    World trade in goods and services , though growing significantly since the early1970s , was dwarfed by international financial transactions of more than five times the value of world trade .

  4. 当金融交易发生于两国国民之间,则叫国际金融交易,而这种交易发生的地方称为国际金融市

    " When a financial transaction takes place between a resident of a country and a non-resident , it is an international financial transaction and the place where the transaction is traded is called an international financial market . "

  5. Liffe是纽泛交易所的国际金融衍生品交易市场。

    Liffe is the international derivatives business of NYSE Euronext .

  6. 国际金融衍生交易的东道国治理机制研究

    Research on Host-Country Governance of International Financial Derivative Transaction

  7. 国际金融衍生交易的治理机制研究&基于交易成本经济学的视角

    A Study of the Administer Mechanism of International Financial Derivatives Transaction & Based on the Perspective of the TCE

  8. 尤其在近十年来,金融衍生产品市场特别是场外交易市场得到迅猛发展,国际金融衍生交易发展迅速。

    Especially in the last ten years , financial derivatives OTC market has a rapid development , especially over-the - counter market , and international financial derivative transactions have developed rapidly .

  9. 就政府在国际金融衍生交易的职能来看,主要包括创造公平竞争的市场环境、完善信用担保体系等。其主要内容包括以下几方面:1.制定交易法规条例,限定监管机构的权限;

    The function of the government in the international finance derives trade are creating the fair market , consummating the sponsion system , and the content as following : 1 . Establishing the rule and restrict rights of the supervision organization ;

  10. 但国际金融衍生交易在给交易者带来保值和规避风险的同时,亦给投机者制造巨大风险提供了可能性,这在客观上就要求必须对国际金融衍生交易进行治理。

    International financial derivative transactions on the financial markets produced a far-reaching implications to the traders to avoid risks , but it has provide the possibility to create a great risk to speculators , which must be objective on the international governance of financial derivative transactions .

  11. 此外,针对当前国际金融衍生交易的发展趋势和治理当中的重点和难点,还强调了东道国要特别对待场外金融衍生交易的治理,并积极参与国际合作治理。

    In addition , the current international financial derivative transactions among governance trends and the focus and the difficult , but also stressed the importance of the host country should be treated in a special way over-the-counter derivative transactions governance , and actively participates in international cooperation in governance .

  12. 它在国际贸易和金融交易中得到广泛使用。

    It is widely used in international trade and finance transactions .

  13. 国际金融和商品交易的成本将会上升。

    International financial and merchandise transactions would become more expensive .

  14. 第二章:国际金融租赁的交易模式及发展概况。

    The part respectively overview the transaction model and development of the international financial leasing .

  15. 国际金融衍生产品交易跨地区、跨国界的性质使这种风险的防范和治理更加复杂和困难。

    The nature of trans-regional and cross-border of international financial derivatives trading make the risk prevention and governance more complicated and difficult .

  16. 股指期货,作为国际金融市场上交易最为活跃的金融衍生品之一,已经成为现代金融体系中不可或缺的一部分。

    Stock index futures , as one of the most actively financial derivatives traded in the international financial markets , has become an integral part of the modern financial system .

  17. 这些国家和国际组织对金融衍生交易规制的相同点在于,十分注重交易所和行业协会的监督作用。

    These countries and international organization have common in the regulation of financial derivatives , which is attaching great importance to the supervision of exchange and guild .

  18. 金融期权是新出现的一种金融衍生品,在国际金融市场上其交易量已越来越大,交易品种日益俱增,交易范围不断扩大,已成为人们关注的一项新的金融业务。

    Financial option , known as a new financial product , with its larger and larger transaction amount , more and more transaction kinds and wider and wider transaction ranges , has become an important new financial practice .

  19. 和传导渠道,包括国际商品贸易渠道和国际金融交易渠道等。

    The transmitting channel includes international merchandise trade and international financial trade , etc.

  20. 借鉴其他国家和国际上对国际金融衍生工具交易的监管法律制度,作者试图构建我国的监管法律体系。

    Adopted from foreign countries ' experience , the author intended to build the supervisory system of China .

  21. 然而,国际社会对国际金融衍生工具交易的特殊性缺乏了解,习惯用普通的金融监管方法来对国际金融衍生工具进行监管,结果导致大量的金融衍生交易风险成为金融监管的漏网之鱼。

    Because of lacking the knowledge of international derivatives instruments , most financial authorities use the common supervisory system to control the risks of financial derivatives .

  22. 目前,国际大额资金划拨对国际金融交易乃至世界经济发展的重要性与日俱增,而对其相应的法律规范却缺乏必要的研究。

    Currently , the importance of international large value transfers to international financial transactions and the worldwide economic development is constantly growing . But there is obviously lack of necessary research on corresponding rules of law .

  23. 国际货币秩序(InternationalMonetaryOrder)是国际经济金融交易过程中最根本的制度安排,包括通货制度、储备结算制度与汇率制度三个方面。

    International Monetary Order is one of the most important institutions in international trade and finance , including currency institution , reserve institution and exchange rate institution .

  24. 与其紧密联系的净额结算是抵销的高级形态,它不仅在ISDA(国际互换与衍生交易协会)文件而且在国际金融衍生交易中都是最基本和最重要的法律问题。

    Netting , as the developed form is most important and fundamental not only in the ISDA Master Agreement but also in the international financial market .

  25. 计算机技术的产生与发展为国际支付带来了划时代的变革,国际货物买卖与国际金融交易已经在越来越大的程度上依靠商业性电子资金划拨系统来调拨资金和清偿债务。

    The development of computer technology has caused a revolution in the international payment .

  26. 近些年来频繁发生的金融风暴表明现有的国际金融监管体系不能有效地防范和治理越来越多的由国际金融衍生产品交易失败引起的全球性的金融风险。

    In recent years , the frequent occurrence of the financial turmoil demonstrates that the existing international financial regulatory system can not effectively guard against and deal with more and more global financial risks arising from the failure of international financial derivatives trading .

  27. 机构投资者是国际金融衍生品的主要投资和投机主体,国际金融衍生品合约的不完全性导致需要对国际金融衍生品交易进行治理。

    Institutional investors are the main dealers in international financial derivatives transactions . The inner governance within the institutional investors is one of the governance mechanisms .

  28. 特别是20世纪90年代以后,信息技术的飞速发展使得国际金融取得前所未有的发展。国际资本流动更加快速,金融衍生产品不断创新,国际贸易和国际金融交易取得飞速发展。

    The international financial have developed than ever before by the developing of information technology in particular after 1990s . The international capital flow more quickly , financial derivative products innovate constantly , international trade and financial dealing develop rapidly .