
  • 网络international credit markets
  1. 但这些银行试图点石成金,将问题贷款重新包装为AAA级证券,这样做的后果就是令国际信贷市场完全冻结,并陷入全球性的经济衰退。

    But the consequence of the banks ' attempts to turn lead into gold by repackaging dodgy loans as triple A rated securities has been the freezing up of international credit markets and a slide into global economic recession .

  2. 譬如,许多新兴市场经济体依赖国际信贷市场来延期偿付其债务,而随着投资者撤回资金,它们可能会在2009年遭遇融资难题和货币贬值。

    Many emerging market economies , for example , rely on international credit markets to roll over their debt and in 2009 they may face funding problems and weakening currencies as investors withdraw cash .

  3. 发展中国家希望富裕的国家在国际信贷市场上提供大量借贷,来为本国国内的开支提供资金。

    Rich nations are expected to borrow heavily in world credit markets to finance spending at home .

  4. 自九月国际信贷市场切断其筹措资金的主要来源,迫使他卑躬屈膝向英格兰银行求助那段时间,北岩一直是在靠公共补贴艰难度日。

    Northern Rock has been kept afloat by public subsidy since September , when international credit markets cut off its main source of funding and forced it to go cap in hand to the Bank of England .

  5. 随着国际小额信贷市场的发展和国内经济形势的变化,小额信贷已经逐渐演变为了一种金融创新,做为一种新型金融创新产品被推向市场。

    With the development of international microfinance markets , microfinance has evolved into a financial innovation .