
  1. 国际金融信息交换标准略谈

    Brief talks on Standards of International Financial Information Exchange

  2. 因此证券市场需要引入国际标准化的金融信息交换协议FIX(FinancialInformationExchange)。

    Therefore , the securities market needs to introduce international standardization of financial information exchange protocol FIX ( Financial Information Exchange ) .

  3. 进行国际交流和为有关国际金融组织提供信息资料。

    Exchange information with international community and provide statistic information to relevant international financial organizations .

  4. 日益开放的国际金融市场需要我国建立更加开放、更加健全的服务体制,信息就是其中一项关键技术,因此对国际金融信息法律规制提出了更高的要求。

    The increasing open international financial markets require China to construct a service system with more opening and sounder . Information is one of the key techniques . So , it asks for a higher level legal regulation of the international financial information .