
fù zhì quán
  • right of reproduction;right of duplication
  1. 基于数字图书馆构建中的复制权问题

    On the question of the right of duplication based on the construction of digital library

  2. 谷歌图书搜索;复制权;合理使用;著作权;利益均衡;

    Google Books ; Right of reproduction ; Fair use ; Copyright ; Interests balance ;

  3. 文章从复制权、数据库保护权、技术措施和权利管理信息的扩张三方面对后TRIPS时期版权经济权利的扩张进行了阐述和评析。

    The article gives an elaborate explanation and evaluation for the expansion of economic rights of copyright in the post - TRIPS period from three aspects : the expansion of reproduction right , database protection , technical measures and right management information .

  4. 第二章对美国、欧盟、WIPO的网络环境中著作权立法从复制权、网络传播权、技术措施、权利管理信息的保护和合理使用制度的规定等方面进行了比较研究。

    And the WIPO from the aspects of the reproduction right , the right of spreading writings in the internet , the technical measure , the right management information , the fair use and so on .

  5. 在德国,全国音乐作品演出权与复制权管理协会GEMA正试图要求酒吧和夜总会为播放的所有音乐缴纳使用费。

    In Germany , the national performance rights group GEMA is trying to make bars and clubs pay a commission on all music they play .

  6. 复制权是著作权的一项最基本权利。

    Reproduction right is the copyright of a fundamental right .

  7. 在复制权制度中,复制权的定义是基础。

    The definition of reproduction right is the basis of reproduction system .

  8. 复制权是版权立法的主要问题。

    Reproduction right is the main issue in copyright legislation .

  9. 第二章复制权概述。

    The second chapter is the outline duplication power .

  10. 复制权和传播权是版权人享有的基本权利。

    The right of reproduction and communication is a basic of that th .

  11. 网络时代的复制权

    Reproduction Rights in the Internet Age

  12. 然后从四个方面对网络时代数字图书馆面临的著作权问题进行论述:网络环境下的复制权问题;

    Then research the copyright problem of the digital library from four aspects in the network environment .

  13. 权利内容包括转播权、录制权、复制权。

    The rights system includes the right to broadcast , recording rights , the rights of reproduction .

  14. 第五章基于上文为导向,提出完善我国数字环境下复制权的构想。

    The fifth chapter proposes the conception of duplicate power under the digital environment in our country .

  15. 文章分析了信息网络传播权的概念、特征和性质,尤其是对它与发行权、播放权、复制权的区别进行了详细的分析。

    In addition , the paper distinguishes among issue right , broadcast right and duplicate right in detail .

  16. 网络技术的发展也使知识产权的增加了新内容和新形式,网络环境下特有的网络传播权虽自传统的复制权、传播杠多示生出来,但具有自己崭新的特点。

    The development of network technology also adds new contents and new forms to the intellectual property right .

  17. 版权法赋予艺术家、作家和音乐家支配自己作品的使用权和复制权。

    Copyright laws give artists , writers , and musicians control over how their work is used and reproduced .

  18. 复制权是著作权的一项重要权利,由于其固有性质,因此常常让人误解。

    Copy right is an important right of the copyright , due to its inherent properties , so often misleading .

  19. 相同的是:无论是实体环境下的盗版,还是网络环境下的盗版都侵犯了著作权人、邻接权人的复制权。

    The similarity is that piracy in practical and internet both violate the right of reproduction of copyright owner and neighboring rights owner .

  20. 在此基础上,本文从复制权、发行权、改编权、信息网络传播权四方面分析了链接侵权问题。

    Based on the above disscussion , the paper analyses the copyright problems of hyperlink in the construction of digital library in three aspects .

  21. 数字化传输动摇了复制权的基础地位,控制传播比控制复制具有更大的意义。

    Digital transmission has shaken the basic position of the right of reproduction , and control the spread of greater significance than the control copy .

  22. 所以,依我之见,如果我们能够至少获得那种权利,获得那种复制权,那就迈出了第一步。

    So , to my mind , if we can at least get that right , get that duplication right , that 's the first step .

  23. 复制权是版权人一项重要的财产权利,也是版权立法的一项主要问题。

    The reproduction right is one of the most important property rights of the copyright owners , and one of the main issues in copyright legislation as well .

  24. 历史上,复制权经历了以保护出版商利益为核心的皇家特许权到以保护著作权人利益为核心的现代意义复制权的转变。

    Reproduction right has experienced a history of transformation from royal authorized right which just supplied publishing houses with protection to modern copyright which emphasizes authors ' right .

  25. 向公众传播权的财产性权利是该权利的核心内容,包括复制权、技术措施保护权和其他财产性权利等内容。

    The property right of Right of Communication to the Public which is the core one includes the right of copying , the right of technical protection and other rights .

  26. 复制权是构建数字图书馆的主要问题,文章就此以构建数字图书馆面临的复制权问题、数字传输与侵权、数字图书馆与合理使用等方面加以阐述。

    The copyright of duplication becomes the important problem of the digital libraries . The article expounds the transmission , the violation of copyright , digital libraries and reasonable utilization , etc.

  27. 第二部分主要阐述了建筑作品著作人身权与所有权的冲突与调和以及建筑作品复制权的行使与限制。

    The second part mainly elaborated the construction work work personal rights and the property rights conflict and is well distributed as well as construction work duplication power exercising with the limit .

  28. 但在信息网络中,该范围出现了扩张,体现在信息网络传播权、数字化复制权、技术措施权和权利管理信息权;

    Whereas the scope of the rights have been expanded in information network , including the communication right of information network , digital reproduction right , technological measures right and rights management information right .

  29. 因此,图书馆管理工作应当在著作权法允许的范围内合理使用复制权、出借出租权、信息网络传播权等,以更好地服务读者。

    To be exact , all the copyrights concerning copying , loaning and renting , online information should be used in a lawful way in order to ensure the maximum benefit for the readers .

  30. 分析了数字图书馆建设中所涉及的著作权保护的领域以及著作权的种类,指出在数字化资源建设中要注意对著作权人复制权和汇编权的保护;

    Analyzing the fields and categories of copyright protection during the construction of digital library , an attention shall be emphasized and paid to the reproduction of the works without the consent of copyright owners .