
fān yì quán
  • right of translation;translation rights
  1. 因此,研究和保护作者的翻译权就显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , the study and protection of translation right is particularly important .

  2. 第三部分主要针对翻译权许可过程中需要注意的一些操作问题进行论述,对翻译权许可实践有一定的指导作用。

    The third part mainly discusses the operational issues in the licensing process for the purpose of guiding practice .

  3. 翻译权作为著作权人一项财产权利,尤其在国际版权贸易中,会给权利人带来丰厚的经济利益。

    Translation right as a property right , especially in the international copyright trade , the right will bring huge economic benefits .

  4. 本文的最后一部分是文章的创新点,即通过研究翻译权,对我国翻译产业的发展提出自己的建议。

    The final part is innovation of this paper . In this part I put forward my own proposals on the development of translation industry in China through studying .

  5. 翻译权属于著作财产权的一种,翻译作品属于新的作品,在《著作权法》整体框架下属于演绎作品的范畴。

    Translation right is subordinated to property right of an author . Translation works are new works , which can be defined as derivative works within the framework of Copyright Law .

  6. 针对翻译权保护的国际性,进一步提出了我国著作权法引入强制许可制度的必要性。

    With regard to the international dimension of the protection of translation right , it is further put forward that the introduction of compulsory license system for Copyright Law in China is a must .

  7. 翻译工作者有权获得能使他切实完成其所负社会任务的生活条件。

    The translator must be assured of living conditions enabling him / her to carry out with efficiency and dignity the social task conferred on him / her .

  8. 在网络时代,读者借助网络提供的特别空间,在某种意义上为自己赢得了文学翻译批评的话语权。

    In the age of internet , readers can use the web space as a forum for literary translation criticism , and thereby acquire the discursive power of literary translation critics .

  9. 美国购物网站内所有商品中文说明属翻译创作,翻译人为翻译作品的著作权人-美国购物网。

    The Art of Shaving has devoted years of research and development to its trademarked wet-shaving system .