
  1. 翻译机构返回翻译后的XML文档后,所有的字符串都重新插入原始文档。

    Once the translation agency returns a translated XML document , all strings are reinserted in the original document .

  2. TMX这样的开放标准可以帮助翻译人员、翻译机构和需要本地化的公司在一定程度上独立于工具厂商。

    Open standards like TMX give translators , translation agencies , and companies that need localisation a reasonable degree of independence from tool vendors .

  3. TMX的目标是减缓不同工具和/或翻译机构之间译文记忆数据的交换,在交换过程中减少或者避免重要数据的损失。

    The purpose of TMX is to allow easier exchange of translation memory data between tools and / or translation vendors with little or no loss of critical data during the process .

  4. 不是所有的翻译机构都能处理所有的格式。

    Not all translation agencies can handle all formats .

  5. 包括三个方面的内容:(一),政论文翻译机构的形式。

    Including three aspects as below : ( 1 ) Translation organization form of political essay .

  6. 文档准备好后就发送给翻译机构或者几位独立的译者。

    Once documentation is ready , it is sent to a translation agency or several independent translators .

  7. 作为实体存在,翻译机构为译学学科建构与发展提供外部条件。

    They exist as entities in the society , providing physical conditions for construction and development of translation discipline .

  8. 琅文外语中心创办于2004,是一家专业外语培训和翻译机构。

    Being founded in2004 , Loreman foreign languages center is a professional organization specialized in foreign language training and translation .

  9. 如果要为翻译人员或者翻译机构提供可用的术语表,必须采用适当的格式。

    If a glossary is made available to a translator or translation agency , it should be in a useful format .

  10. 这一阶段通常由翻译机构或者第三方专家完成,这是因为通常这些专家配备处理多种语言的工具。

    This is often handled by the translation agency or third-party specialists because , generally , these specialists are equipped to deal with multiple languages .

  11. 依托教育、科研、翻译机构和文艺传媒、互联网传承新老文字及典籍文化,建立文博场馆保护金石文物;

    We should make good use of educational , research and translating organizations , media and the Internet to propagandize old and new characters and works .

  12. 为了了解外面的世界,林则徐在广州四处寻求通译人才,并创立了中国近代史上第一个官方翻译机构。

    In order to keep him informed of the changing world , Lin Zexu sought qualified translators in Canton and set up the first official translation institution in modern China .

  13. 本文旨在通过对翻译机构进行尝试性研究,以对其有一清楚明了的认识,并指导其发展。

    The dissertation is intended to make initial research on this land so as to get a clear and thorough knowledge of translation institutions and provide guidance for their further development .

  14. 有些翻译机构以进行翻译研究为主,有些以培养翻译人才为主,有些以出版发行翻译出版物为主,而有些是以提供翻译服务为主的。

    Some mainly play their role on translation theory , some are primarily involved in cultivating translation professionals , some in translation publishing , and there are other providing translation services .

  15. 翻译机构的桥梁作用关键而必要,其进行的具体操作活动使得翻译理论与实践方面的研究得以实现。

    Without specific operation of translation institutions , any efforts related to translation studies can not be fulfilled , so the bridge role of translation institutions is rather crucial and necessary .

  16. 他成为了一名教师,但很快就放弃了这一被普遍认为没有风险且受人尊敬的职业,然后在1994年开办了自己的公司&一家翻译机构。

    He became a teacher , but soon gave up what was widely regarded as a safe and reputable profession to set up his own business , a translation agency , in 1994 .

  17. 当前中国内地的翻译机构主要涉及四类,即翻译研究机构、翻译教育培训机构、翻译出版机构和翻译服务机构。

    Current translation institutions in Chinese mainland include four main types according to their distinctive function , i.e. translation research institutions , translation education institutions , translation publication institutions and translation service institutions .

  18. 各类翻译机构在准则、目标、活动以及功能方面存在差异,他们从不同角度服务译学学科的发展,并满足社会对翻译的需求。

    Based on distinctive functions , these translation institutions have their own working principles , goals , activities . They serve development of translation discipline , and satisfy social demand for translation from different regards .

  19. 计算机辅助名词学和翻译问题机构间联席会议

    Joint Inter-Agency Meeting on Computer-Assisted Terminology and Translation

  20. 对于行业协会和其他翻译服务机构而言,即时接触不再遥不可及。

    For professional associations and other bodies serving the translation industry , access to once-remote contacts has never been easier .

  21. 而编撰工程管理是一个复杂的系统工程不仅涉及编者,词典使用者而且还涉及到出版社和专业的翻译研究机构。

    Lexicographical compilation is a complicated and systematic project which involves compilers , dictionary users and publishing houses and institutions .

  22. 最终接受调查的对象包括34名在市场上比较活跃的专业同声传译员和26家翻译中介机构。

    Respondents include 34 professional interpreters active in the Chinese freelance market and 24 translation companies which frequently broker simultaneous interpreting tasks .

  23. 新式翻译及出版机构的涌现;

    The emergence in large numbers of the new style translation and publishing organization ;

  24. 面向机器翻译的中文机构地址切分方法

    Chinese Organization Address Segmentation Approach for Machine Translation

  25. 大多数大都市都提供翻译服务的机构,这些机构能够提供专业的长期可用的翻译。

    Most major metropolitan areas have translator services that can provide professional translators for extended use .

  26. 请注意,一些加拿大移民签证处可要求该翻译是认证监管机构作为一个翻译。

    Please be aware that some Canadian immigration visa offices may require that the translator is certified by a regulatory body as a translator .

  27. 本章结合上述六章的内容,提出影响杨宪益依着风格形成的主要因素有教育经历、社会背景、翻译目的、出版商或翻译组织机构、预期读者与意识形态。

    It proposes that educational experience , social background , translation objectives , publishing house or translation organizations , expected target readers and ideology exert influence on translation style .

  28. 澳大利亚总理的一名女发言人表示,白皮书中文版翻译工作由澳大利亚翻译资格认可局认可的翻译机构完成。

    A spokeswoman for the Prime Minister said the translation was done by a service accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters .

  29. 改革开放以来,我国翻译学科获得长足发展,翻译需求日益增加.翻译机构作为与之配套的硬件体系也在规模和数量上得到迅速发展。

    With development of translation discipline and increasing demand for translation , translation institutions as their matched systems , have consequently enjoyed fast growth in scale and number since reform and opening up in China in 1978 .

  30. 如果需翻译,原件的复印件也必须附上。两者必须由官方翻译机构或大使馆证实。

    If they have been translated then a copy of the original must be supplied along with the translation and both must have been verified by an official translation agency or by your embassy as authentic .