
  • Poet Translator;The Translator
  1. 他的叔叔是个作家兼翻译家。

    His uncle is a writer and translator .

  2. 傅东华是第一位将美国畅销小说Gonewiththewind(《飘》)翻译介绍给中国读者的翻译家。

    Fu Donghua is the first translator who introduced Gone with the Wind , a best seller prevailed in America to Chinese readers .

  3. 吉迪恩·图里(GideonToury)是当代著名的翻译家,以色列特拉维夫大学翻译理论教授。

    Gideon Toury is a distinguished contemporary translator and a professor of Translation Theory in Tel Aviv University .

  4. 本文从SailingtoByzantium的主题与风格出发,对两位翻译家查良铮和顾子欣的两种不同译本进行了评析,并作出相应的解释。

    Starting from the theme and style of Yeats ' poem " Sailing to Byzantium ", the paper examines its two Chinese translation versions , makes comments and criticisms , and offers corresponding explanations .

  5. 著名翻译家Nida指出:语言是文化的一部分,任何文本的意义都直接或是间接反映一个相应的文化,词语意义最终也只能在其相应的文化中找到。

    The famous translator Nida points out : Language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it . The meaning of texts reflects the corresponding culture directly and indirectly .

  6. 魏理(ArthurWaley)不仅是20世纪西方最著名的汉学家与翻译家之一,也是英语现代诗歌运动中的一个重要人物。

    Arthur Waley is not only one of the most famous Western sinologists and translators of the 20th century , but also a key figure in the movement of modern English poetry .

  7. 威利斯·巴恩斯通(WillisBarnstone)是一位博学强识的作家,著有70多部作品&他是诗人、翻译家,同时也是研究诺斯替教和《圣经·新约》的学者。

    Willis Barnstone is a polymath author of more than 70 books & a poet , translator and scholar of Gnosticism and the New Testament .

  8. 埃兹拉·庞德(EzraPound,1885-1972)是20世纪英美文坛举足轻重的人物之一,他不仅是现代派著名诗人,而且也是著名批评家和翻译家。

    As a well-known modern poet and outstanding critic and translator , Ezra Pound ( 1885-1972 ) is one of the most influential figures in 20th century , who occupies a pivotal position in both British and American literary world .

  9. 翻译理论界关于翻译伦理的研究大约始于20世纪80年代,一般认为,法国当代翻译理论家、翻译家AntoineBerman是最早提出翻译伦理概念的学者。

    It is generally believed that the study of translation ethics began in the 1980s , marked by the proposal of the concept of translation ethics by French translation theorist Antoine Berman .

  10. 伟大的翻译家郭沫若:创作·思想与翻译

    The Great Translator Guo Moruo : Creation . Ideology & Translation

  11. 卡莫•罗姆布奇是匈牙利著名的女翻译家。

    Kamo Luo Mbuji is a well known Hungarian women translator .

  12. 对,玄奘是中国历史上伟大的翻译家。

    Yeah , Xuanzang was a great translator in Chinese history .

  13. 林语堂,不仅是一位作家,语言家还是一位翻译家。

    Lin Yutang was a translator as well as writer and linguist .

  14. 二十世纪中国女性翻译家研究

    A Study of Chinese Women Translators in the Twentieth Century

  15. 你知道谁是符号象征学学者或者那个翻译家吗?

    Do you know who the Symbolist or interpreter is ?

  16. 学者型翻译家梁实秋翻译思想研究

    On the Perspectives in Translation of Liang Shi-qiu as a Scholarly Translator

  17. 梁实秋是中国现代著名文学评论家、散文家、翻译家。

    Liang Shiqiu is Chinese famous literature critic prose writer and translator .

  18. 夏济安是著名的文学评论家,也是一流的翻译家。

    Tsi-an Hsia was a famous literary critic and a first-class translator .

  19. 作为一位具有强烈的爱国热情的翻译家,林纾的翻译活动带有明确的目的。

    Lin Shu was a sincere patriotic translator with distinct translation purpose .

  20. 《浮生六记》英译者林语堂是我国当代著名的文学家,翻译家。

    Lin Yutang is a famous writer and translator in modern China .

  21. 借助语言学的研究成果,翻译家们取得了诸多丰硕成果。

    Translation experts have acquired great achievements by use of linguistic theories .

  22. 同为大翻译家的鲁迅与傅雷也是如此。

    So did Luxun and Fulei , who were great translators too .

  23. 当时的佛典翻译家大都是西域人或印度人,由于不熟悉汉语,译文难免粗糙。

    Most of the translators are from the Western Regions and India .

  24. 傅雷是一位伟大的翻译家,也是一位杰出的艺术批评家。

    Fulei is a great translator as well as an outstanding art critic .

  25. 他对语言的热爱使他想以翻译家为职。

    His love of languages inclined him towards a career AS a translator .

  26. 这位出色的西班牙语翻译家却从没到过西班牙。

    The pre-eminent translator of the Spanish language has never been to Spain .

  27. 他又是作家又是翻译家。

    He is both a writer and a translator .

  28. 如何将汉语文化传递到外国去成为翻译家们思考的问题。

    Translators are thinking about how to transmit Chinese culture to foreign countries .

  29. 本文以我国著名翻译家鲁迅为研究对象。

    The research object of this thesis is the great translator Lu Xun .

  30. 许多翻译家和翻译理论家对于该理论的发展和完善做出了贡献。

    Many translators and translation theorists have contributed to its evolution and perfection .