
fān gēng
  • turn over;turn;fit
翻耕 [fān gēng]
  • (1) [turn]∶使草皮翻入土里或把土翻上来

  • 收获后应该翻耕土壤

  • 他急于回家,急于翻耕他的田地

  • (2) [fit]∶耕[地]以备种植

  • 带着耕畜和大耙,从田里走出来,刚才他正在那里翻耕豆地

翻耕[fān gēng]
  1. 要保证收成好,地要翻耕两遍。

    To ensure a good crop the soil had to be turned over twice .

  2. 薄暮充满紫丁香和新翻耕的泥土的香味。

    Twilight was sweet with the smell of lilac and freshly turned earth .

  3. 翻耕对冬闲农田CH4和CO2排放通量的影响初探

    The Influence of Tillage on CH_4 and CO_2 Emission Flux in Winter Fallow Cropland

  4. 施肥和翻耕措施对减少水稻吸收~(137)Cs的效应

    Effect of fertilizer application and deep rooting measures on the absorption of 137 Cs by rice

  5. 免耕、轮耕和翻耕秸秆还田处理小麦的峰值粘度和崩解值比CT高,不会降低小麦的食用品质。

    Peak viscosity and breakdown value of no tillage , rotation tillage and CTS treatments were higher than CT , which would not reduce wheat edible quality .

  6. 并对连作达20年以上的棉田结合土壤深度翻耕,肥料深施等措施提高中部土层K及微量养分含量。

    Combined with the measures of soil deep tillage and fertilizer deep fertilizing , improves the content of K and microelement in the central earth layer .

  7. 通过连续观测,比较了冬闲农田翻耕和不翻耕情况下甲烷(CH4)和二氧化碳(CO2)的排放通量。

    The difference of methane ( CH_4 ) and carbon dioxide ( CO_2 ) emission in winter fallow cropland under tillage and non-tillage condition were compared .

  8. 而且免耕田耕作层有机质、全N、全P、有效K、速效P、有效N含量均高于翻耕对照,但是Zn和全K低于对照。

    The contents of the organic matter , total N , total P , available N , available K and instant P in plough layer by no-tillage cultivation were higher than those in ploughing cultivation ( CK ), but Zn and total K were lower than CK .

  9. 干旱期在1m以上,各处理储水量比较接近,而在1m以下,覆盖、免耕的土壤储水量增加量分别比翻耕高31.6%、28.6%;

    During arid period , soil water storage of different treatments is the same above 1m depth while soil water storage of Sub-tillage and No-tillage increase 31.6 % and 28.6 % than Tillage'soil water storage ;

  10. 在小麦成熟期,免耕、轮耕RNT和翻耕秸秆还田土壤碱解氮、速效钾比CT均有一定的提高,而对土壤速效磷增加不明显。

    At the wheat maturity stage , alkali-hydrolyzable N , available K of no-tillage , RNT and convention tillage and straw returning treatments were higher than CT , while available P was not significantly increased . 2 .

  11. 降雨后,苜蓿不翻耕处理(T2)的饱和导水率为55.07mm/h,比苜蓿-春小麦轮作翻耕(T3)处理的几乎高2倍;

    Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity of Lucerne field without plowing ( T2 ) was 55.07 mm / h , as the three times of that of Lucerne-spring wheat rotation field under plowing ( T3 ) after simulated rainfall ;

  12. 0~0.1m土层中免耕亚硝酸氧化细菌数量高于翻耕和铁茬,0.1~0.2m土层免耕与翻耕亚硝酸氧化菌数较多,而铁茬较少。

    Nitrite oxidizing bacteria were increased in no-tillage soils in 0 ~ 0.1m soil layer , but in 0.1 ~ 0.2m soil layer it were more in no-tillage and conventional tillage soils .

  13. 2覆盖量为1.62t/hm~2时,保护性耕作农田的土壤温度比传统翻耕低。

    When residue cover maintained at 1.62t / hm2 , soil temperature of conservation tillage was lower than conventional tillage all the time .

  14. 浅旋耕有利于养分和根系在表层(0~5cm)聚集,深翻耕处理土壤深层有效养分含量和根系指标要高于浅旋耕。

    Shallow tillage can be in favour of nutrient gather on surface layer ( 0-5cm ) . While in deep tillage method , the available nutrient and root in deep soil layer were higher than shallow tillage in the same layer .

  15. 应用盆栽试验和模拟小区试验相结合,研究增施磷肥和钾肥、土壤翻耕后对减少水稻植株(尤其是稻谷)中137Cs积累的效应。

    Effects of the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and deep rooting on reducing the absorption of 137 Cs by rice ( especially in the seed ) were estimated using pot and plot experiment .

  16. 深松和免耕较传统翻耕显著改善了冬小麦苗期的土壤水分状况,对越冬期0~60cm耕层土壤水分状况的改善有利于冬小麦的越冬。

    Compared with conventional tillage , the soil water could be improved by subsoiling and no-tillage during seedlings period of winter wheat , Subsoiling and no-tillage also advantage to winter wheat during wintering period in the depth of 0 ~ 60cm .

  17. 适时的翻耕后,对照组的细沟侵蚀发生时间要晚于黄花菜植物篱处理的发生时间;从坡上至坡下表层0~5cm土壤的临界含水量有逐渐增加的趋势。

    Timely tillage , the control group occurred late in the day lily time to deal with the occurrence of hedgerow time ; from slope to slope the surface of 0 ~ 5 cm of soil water content , there have been critical of the increasing trend .

  18. 翻耕蝗区土壤对东亚飞蝗蝗卵的影响

    Effects of Plowing Locust Area Soil on East Asian Locust Egg

  19. 大面积的劣等草场均进行了翻耕。

    Large areas of rough grazings were brought under the plow .

  20. 他们四周,拖拉机正在翻耕土地。

    Around them , tractors were turning up the earth .

  21. 我们即将翻耕那块土地。

    We 'll break up that plot of ground soon .

  22. 翻耕极显著抑制了2种柑橘的菌根侵染率。

    And tillage significantly inhibited the root mycorrhizal colonization of two citrus .

  23. 保护性耕作技术是相对于传统翻耕的一种新型耕作技术。

    The conservation tillage technology is a new-style cultivation relative to the traditional farming .

  24. 春天播种以前,先要把地翻耕一下。

    Before sowing seeds in the spring , one must first till the land .

  25. 保护性耕作与传统翻耕在玉米的发育速度与生长速度上并没有非常明显的差距,保护性耕作前期的土壤低温不会对玉米的生长造成严重的影响。

    There was no significant difference between two tillage systems in com development and growth .

  26. 说明对土壤表层的翻耕能够延缓细沟侵蚀发生的时间。

    Description of tillage on the soil surface to retard rill erosion occurred at a time .

  27. 所有的司法行为,誓言,并翻耕,也不准在这一天。

    All judicial acts , vows , and tilling were also prohibited on that day Bez .

  28. 一些专家建议每15厘米翻耕的土壤中加入5厘米的堆肥。

    Some experts advise adding five centimeters of compost for every fifteen centimeters of turned soil .

  29. 翻耕施肥处理的渗漏水氮素浓度和氮渗漏总量都显著低于免耕施肥处理。

    Tillage fertilization of three nitrogen concentrations and total nitrogen leakage were significantly lower than no-tillage fertilization .

  30. 翻耕农田时,始终存在着土壤的运动;

    While turning over and ploughing the farmland , there is a movement of soil all the time ;