
  • 网络refurbished mobile phone
  1. 三星表示,在确定何时何地重启翻新手机前,一定会与“监管机构和运营商”联络并衡量当地需求。

    Samsung said it would have to liaise with " regulatory authorities and carriers " and measure local demand before determining where and when refurbished handsets would be released .

  2. Hulger公司曾经成功改进翻新过一款手机外形,那是专门使用网络语音工具Skype的产品。最近他们参加设计的有iPad。

    Hulger already has one design success in its past , an array of retrofitted handsets designed for use with the internet-calling tool - Skype , and more recently the iPad .

  3. 该公司相信翻新的3310型手机将为用户提供针对现代生活的完美折中方案。

    The firm believe the revamped 3310 offers users the perfect compromise to modern life .