
  • 网络cowboy culture
  1. 论时尚牛仔文化

    On Fashionable Cowboy Culture

  2. 每个牛仔都需要一顶帽子和一双靴子,特别是在一个庆祝牛仔文化的节日上。

    Every cowboy needs his hat and boots , especially on a day for celebrating cowboy culture .

  3. 对于中国而言,越野车文化决不是单纯的牛仔文化。

    To China , cross-country car culture is pure bull-puncher culture anything but .

  4. 略论美国历史上的牛仔与牛仔文化

    A Cultural Perspective of the Cowboys in American History

  5. 牛仔神话:美国文化的表征

    Cowboy Myth : A Representation of American Culture

  6. 通过许多事实和传奇故事,牛仔已经成为美国文化的伟大代表。

    Through fact and stories , the cowboy has become the great culture hero of Americans .

  7. 持续仅1/4世纪的牛仔时代,何以生发具有恒久魅力的牛仔文化,确是美国文化史上一个值得探究的课题。

    The permanent glamour of cowboys is an interesting and important topic of American cultural history which merits our attention .

  8. 至于好莱坞西部片中的浪漫放荡、好勇斗狠的牛仔形象,虽为世人津津乐道,其实不过是牛仔文化的误读而已。

    The gallant and bellicose image of cowboys portrayed in Hollywood movies is nothing but a distortion of historical facts .

  9. 随着牛仔电影的世界化及西部牛仔小说在美国文学及文化中的重要地位和贡献,牛仔小说及牛仔文化必将会受到越来越多的重视。

    With the globalization of the Hollywood and the increasing importance of cowboy novels in American literature , more stress will be put on cowboy novels and cowboy culture .