
fān dòng
  • turn;stir;ruffle
翻动 [fān dòng]
  • (1) [stir]∶拨动某物微粒或部分的相对位置

  • 翻动表土层

  • (2) [ruffle]∶变动原来的位置

  • 带着它到钢琴那里,翻动着书页找那个地方

翻动[fān dòng]
  1. 人们翻动书页时发出沙沙的声响。

    There was a rustle of paper as people turned the pages .

  2. 我胡乱翻动桌上的文件。

    I shuffled the documents on my desk .

  3. 戈德斯通翻动书页,大拇指按到他正在寻找的那个段落上。

    Goldstone flipped through the pages and stabbed his thumb at the paragraph he was looking for

  4. 他迅速翻动纸牌找出其中的“王”牌。

    He riffled through the cards and found the king .

  5. 一阵风吹来,翻动着摊开的书页。

    A gust of wind blows in , ruffling through the leaves of the book .

  6. AndroidWear的使用者可以通过手势翻动处理通知消息和互动。

    With a series of touch gestures , the Android Wear wearer can scroll through alerts and interact .

  7. 它的触控和翻动操作的感觉也很不错,很像苹果(Apple)的iPhone或iPad。

    Swiping and pinching , much like on an apple ( AAPL ) iPhone or iPad , are present as well .

  8. 该机通过机械传动,使两个不对称的v型圆柱体内的物料做往复翻动,达到均匀混合之目的。

    The machine through mechanical transmission , the machine makes material in two asymmetry V shape cylinders to turn over to-and-fro . The purpose of uniform can be got .

  9. 新型拖链刮板翻动式(FECCTM)浸出器最新的无源光网络GPON就引入了FEC这一功能。

    New Type Extractor ( FEC CTM ) FEC is adopted in Gigabit Passive Optical Network ( GPON ) .

  10. 人们还能通过这一系统翻动PowerPoint演示页,这样演示者就可以腾出双手自由地做手势了,因为他们只需要咬咬牙,不用再按键了。

    The system could also allow users to flip through pages of a PowerPoint demonstration , allowing the presenter to gesture freely by clenching teeth instead of pressing buttons .

  11. 翻动他的太阳镜,我们就没事。

    Flip his sunglasses up and down , we 're fine .

  12. 切记煮时要翻动肋排以免黏底。

    Remember to turn the ribs during cooking and stir occasionally .

  13. 土壤被翻动过的地方探针就会插得深些。

    The probe goes deeper where the soil 's been disturbed .

  14. 他一边翻动一些报纸,一边又把她打量了一番。

    He looked her over again as he stirred among some papers .

  15. 像一头猪在泥浆中翻动一样。

    Roll around , as of a pig in mud .

  16. 感谢收看“怎样翻动伤员”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Log Roll An Injured Victim .

  17. 她开始飞快地翻动书页,一边嘴里念念有词。

    and started flicking frantically through the pages , muttering to herself .

  18. 犁田用犁来开垦和翻动土地。

    To break and turn up earth with a plow .

  19. 她小心地翻动着珍本书的书页。

    She turned over the leaves of the precious volume very carefully .

  20. 她在慢慢地翻动那本美丽旧书的书。

    Slowly , she turned the leaves of the beautiful old book .

  21. 用犁翻(土)用犁来挖开并翻动(土壤)

    To break and turn over ( earth ) with a plow .

  22. 术中身体翻动不受影响。

    The turn over of the body was not affected during operation .

  23. 即使现在,对手也不停地翻动书页。(累不累啊)

    Even at this very moment your competitors will not stop flipping pages .

  24. 其间再翻动一次鸭胸。

    Turn meat at least once during this time .

  25. 纸张被手指翻动得污垢不堪、又烂又软。

    The pages had been thumbed into a state of extremely dirty softness .

  26. 他哗哗地翻动着文件以掩盖他的窘迫。

    He rustled his papers to hide his embarrassment .

  27. 谁在小阁楼上翻动东西?

    Who 's that poking about in the attic ?

  28. 他声称在飞行途中有人翻动过他的公文包。

    He claimed that his briefcase had been tampered with on the flight .

  29. 翻动洋葱数次以使其均匀干燥。

    Turn the bulbs a couple of times to help them dry evenly .

  30. 你在我家到处窥视,还翻动我的东西。

    Snoop you snooped around my house , and went through my stuff .