
yǎn qiú pò liè
  • ophthalmorrhexis
  1. 重度眼球破裂伤术后疼痛的影响因素及护理

    Analysis of influential factor and nursing care for occurrence of postoperative pain in the severe ophthalmorrhexis patients

  2. 眼球破裂的CT分型与临床意义

    CT classification and clinical significance of rupture globe

  3. 目的回顾性分析49只眼球破裂伤,讨论眼球破裂伤的CT表现、CT分型及其临床意义,进一步提高正确诊断率,指导临床治疗。

    Purpose To discuss CT appearances of the rupture globe , and CT classifications and their clinical significance .

  4. 对准备作RK手术的病人应明确告知,术后10年内眼球破裂的潜在性风险较常人增大。

    The potential RK patients should be informed of an increased risk of globe rupture within ten years of surgery .

  5. 挫伤性眼球破裂的相关因素与视力预后的关系

    Factors associated with eyeball rupture and its relationship with visual outcome

  6. 重度眼球破裂伤的护理研究

    Nursing Study in the Patients with Serious Eye Perforating Injury

  7. 严重眼球破裂伤Ⅱ期玻璃体手术的效果观察

    Effects of vitrectomy in secondary surgery for severe ocular rupture

  8. 眼球破裂伤视网膜病变的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on Retinopathy of Traumatic Eyeball Rupture

  9. 重度眼球破裂急诊眼球摘除的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of enucleation after severe rupture of globe

  10. 放射状角膜切开术后迟发性眼球破裂

    Late onset globe rupture after radial keratotomy

  11. 结论眼球破裂伤后视网膜发生不可逆变化是在6~12h之间。

    Results Changes in each layer of the retina occured after 6h-12h rupture with light microscope .

  12. 眼球破裂伤的手术治疗

    Surgical Treatment for Eyeball Rupture

  13. B超早期诊断眼球破裂伤32例分析

    Ultrasonography Diagnosis of Eyeball Rupture

  14. 目的眼球破裂伤常合并严重的虹膜、晶状体和玻璃体视网膜的损伤。

    Purpose : Traumatic rupture of the globe is often associated with serious iris , lens and vitreoretinal damage .

  15. 手术取出异物34例,2例因眼球破裂行眼球摘除术。

    Operation : 32 cases were found foreign bodies in operations and 2 cases of ruptured globe were treated by enucleation .

  16. 早期眼球破裂伤视网膜感光细胞可能有很多原因,而细胞凋亡是早期视网膜感光细胞损伤的重要因素。

    The injury is caused by many factors , in which the apoptosis of the photoreceptor cells is an important mechanism .

  17. 结论严重眼球破裂伤、眼内炎和眼球外伤并发症是外伤后眼球丧失的主要原因。

    Conclusion Causes of evisceration of eyeball after ocular trauma were sever eyeball rupture , endophthalmitis and complications of ocular trauma .

  18. 结论放射状角膜切开术降低了眼的张力强度,受钝挫后易发生眼球破裂,造成视功能严重受损。

    Conclusion RK can weaken the eye which will rupture easily and their visual function will be disturbed severely after abortive trauma .

  19. 方法7例患者7只眼因严重眼球破裂伤无光感合并角膜血染接受2期临时人工角膜下玻璃体切割联合角膜移植手术。

    Methods Seven severely ruptured eyes of 7 patients with blood staining of cornea and non-light perception underwent second-stage penetrating keratoplasty combined with vitrectomy using temporary keratoprosthesis .

  20. 眼球破裂伤的常见部位是上方角膜缘(占45%),颞侧、鼻侧角膜缘和肌止点后巩膜(各占15%)。

    The most common rupture location is superior limbus ( 45 % ), then temporary , nasal limbus and sclera posterior ocular muscle insertion 15 % , respectively .

  21. 由此显示改良式的甘德森结膜皮瓣合并口腔黏膜移植是另一种简单的手术方法可用来解决棘手的角膜溶解及伴随而来的眼球破裂。

    The combination of an oral mucosal graft to the modified Gunderson conjunctival flap provided an easy alternative to resolve a case of intractable corneal melting and impending perforation .

  22. 其次为眼球破裂伤41例,眼球萎缩10例,绝对期青光眼8例,眼内炎5例,角巩膜葡萄肿2例,脉络膜肿瘤1例。

    41 cases with rupture of the eyeball , 10 cases with atrophy of the eyeball , 8 cases with absolute glaucoma , 5 cases with endophthalmitis , 2 cases cornea-scleral staphyloma , and 1 case with tumor of choroid .

  23. 结果191只眼中眼球穿通伤56只眼,眼后节异物70只眼,眼球钝挫伤41只眼,眼球破裂24只眼。

    Results The study included penetrating injury in 56 eyes , foreign bodies in the posterior segment in 70 eyes , blunt injury in 41 eyes , and globe rupture in 24 eyes .