
  • 网络eye diameter;diameter of eye;eyetracks;eye orbit diameter
  1. 全长、体长、体高、肛前长、眼径、体重与日龄呈明显的指数函数关系,体高与全长的比值开始略有波动,后趋于稳定。

    Highly significant exponential function correlated between days after hatching and total length , body length , body height , pre-anal length , eye diameter , weight .

  2. 在匙吻鲟早期发育中,其吻长、头长增长较迅速,而体高、眼径、尾柄高增长较为缓慢。

    In its early development the length of its kiss and head increases quite rapidly while its body height , eye diameter and tail height grow comparatively slowly .

  3. 雌性个体在眼径、头高随体长的增长速度显著大于雄性个体。

    Female individual 's diameter of eye and head height grow at a remarkably greater speed than male individuals .

  4. 体长/体高、体长/头长、头长/眼径、头长/眼间距的平均值,二种鱼的差异显著,但个体值间相互有交叉。生长速度:尖吻>钝吻;

    There are significant difference in the average value of body length / body height , body length / head length , head length / eye diameter and head length / eye distance between two species .

  5. 测定了黄颡鱼的体长、头长、吻长、眼径、眼间距、眼后头长、头高等形态指标。

    We measured some morphological traits , including the body length , head length , length of proboscis , diameter of eye , eyes interval , head length behind the eyes , and head height of Pseudobagrus fulvidraco .

  6. 该井复配使用K-PHP和PAC-141,控制pH值为8.0~8.5,有效地稳定平原组、明化镇组井壁,减少井眼缩径、钻头泥包现象的发生;

    Such additives as K-PHP and PAC-141 were added into this well , to control the pH value between 8 . 0 - 8 . 5 , this effectively stabilized the borehole , minimized bore shrinkage and bit balling ;

  7. 非均匀地应力场中井眼缩径的粘弹性数值模拟

    Numerical Viscoelastic Simulation of Wellbore Shrinkage in Non-uniform In-situ Stress

  8. 盐岩地层井眼缩径控制技术新方法研究

    A new approach for controlling tight hole in salt formation

  9. 钻井液密度对井眼缩径影响的黏弹性分析

    Viscoelastic Analysis of the Affect of Drilling Fluid Density on Wellbore Shrinkage

  10. 盐岩层井眼缩径粘弹性分析

    Viscoelastic analysis of wellbore shrinkage in salt formation

  11. 在井眼缩径变形弹性解的基础上推导出了粘弹性数学解析表达式,这对解决盐岩层井眼缩径卡钻及井壁稳定问题具有一定的参考价值。

    The expression will provide important reference to solving the problems of wellbore stability and the sticking of drill pipe in salt formation .

  12. 编制了盐岩流变模型辨识及力学参数反演、井眼缩径规律的计算程序。

    And then workout the computational programme to identify the salt rock rheological models and mechanical property inversion , well hole diameter shrinking rule .

  13. 对钻井过程中盐膏层蠕变的速度、位移和井眼缩径的整个过程进行计算机数值模拟。

    Numerical modeling for the entire process of creep velocity , displacement and hole shrinkage of salt and gypsum layers in drilling is carried out .

  14. 液体体积弹性模量与矿化度关系测量实验研究钻井液密度对井眼缩径影响的黏弹性分析

    Experiment Research on Measuring the Relationship between Liquid Bulk Elastic Modulus and Salinity Viscoelastic Analysis of the Affect of Drilling Fluid Density on Wellbore Shrinkage

  15. 在岩盐层和塑性泥岩层中的井眼缩径问题的研究是钻井工程关注问题之一。

    The investigation on the borehole shrinkage problem in rock salt and plastic mudstone formation is one of the problems widely concerned in drilling engineering .

  16. 宝南区块既存在着井壁坍塌的问题,又有一定程度的井眼缩径。井壁失稳是制约该区块钻井速度的瓶颈,因此需要积极开展井壁稳定技术的研究,提高钻井速度。

    Wellbore instability is the bottleneck of the drilling speed of the block , so need to actively carry out the wellbore stability technology , improving drilling speed .

  17. 实验兔66只随机分为手术组60只及对照组6只,手术组依据环扎量分为5组:分别是缩短兔眼周径的5%,10%,15%,20%和25%组。

    Then the operation group was subdivided into 5 groups , 5 % , 10 % , 15 % , 20 % and 25 % of the shortened perimeter of rabbit eyes respectively .

  18. 在大量模型计算求解的基础上,得到了地层倾角、最大主应力方向及最大水平主应力方向对倾斜蠕变地层段井眼缩径影响的一般规律。

    On the base of large numbers of model calculation and plot analysis , found the general rule of borehole shrinkage under the effect of formation dip , maximal principal stress orientation and maximal horizontal stress orientation .

  19. 方法:采用CT方法,对成年男性45人73只正视眼的前后径与横径的内外径进行了活体测量,并对其中23人33眼的眼轴同时进行A超测量。

    Methods : The inner and outer ones of the anteroposterior and horizontal ocular dimensions of 736 emmetropic eyes of 45 adult men were measured in vivo with CT . The 33 ocular axes of 23 men were simultaneously measured with A-ultrasonic method .

  20. 方法:对46例甲状腺相关眼病患者及50例健康成人对照组行眼眶冠状面和横轴面CT扫描,测量各眼外肌径线及CT值,并将患者组CT表现与其内分泌变化作相关性分析。

    Methods : 92 orbits of 46 patients with thyroid associated ophthalmopathy were evaluated by CT in respect to the density and the size of extraocular muscles , and 100 normal orbits of 50 healthy persons were evaluated with the same indices for comparison .

  21. 结果:患者组与对照组眼外肌径线及CT值有显著性差异,Ⅰ型甲状腺相关眼病患者眼外肌最大径线值与其T3、T4呈正相关,与TSH之间呈负相关。

    Results : There was significant difference in the density and the size of extraocular muscles between the patients and the healthy adults . The maximal size of extraocular muscles was in positive correlation with T_3 , T_4 in TAO - ⅰ, and in negative correlation with TSH .

  22. 介绍了有机盐钻井液在DH1-8-6井的现场应用情况。应用结果表明,该井二开段井眼平均井径扩大率为5.4%;

    Its field using in well DH1-8-6 is presented , and using results show that the average hole enlargement for the second section is5.4 % ;

  23. 倾斜盐岩层段井眼蠕变缩径分析

    Analysis of wellbore creep shrinkage in inclined salt formation

  24. 目的:活体测量成年男性正视眼的前后径与横径。

    Objective : To measure the anteroposterior dimensions and horizontal dimensions of emmetropic eyes of adult men in vivo .

  25. 研究了新疆某油气田钻遇的盐岩层段钻井液密度、地层倾角与井眼蠕变缩径的关系。

    The relationship of drilling fluid density and formation dip with borehole undergauge creep deformation encountered in salt beds in Xinjiang Oilfield drilling was studied .

  26. 从变形量级的分析和现场观测的结果可以发现,采用小变形理论分析井眼的缩径具有明显的缺陷。

    From the analysis of deformation order of magnitude and the results observed on site , it is found that the defect is obvious to analyze borehole shrinkage in small deformation theory .

  27. 随钻电阻率受井眼(井径,泥浆)、围岩(高阻或低阻邻层)等环境因素的影响,其测井值常不同于实际地层的电阻率值。

    Resistivity logging while drilling is affected by such environmental factors as borehole ( hole diameter , mud ) and shoulder beds ( high resistivity or low resistivity shoulder beds ), its logging value is always different from actual formation resistivity .

  28. 由于小井眼的井径较常规井径减小,相应地要求完井、采油的井下工具及工艺技术进行改进,以适应小油套管尺寸所带来的特殊需要。

    Because the diameter of the slim hole is smaller than that of the conventional one , the downhole tools and technologies for completion and production should be improved so as to meet the special requirements of smaller tubing and casing .

  29. 塔河油田碳酸盐缝洞型油藏在打水泥塞施工中,由于裸眼段井径不规则、地层缝洞发育、井深计量误差等因素影响,打水泥塞施工一次成功率很低。

    During drilling cementing plug in wells located on carbonate crack reservoirs in the Tahe Oilfield , it is very difficult to complete such operation without failure because of irregular open hole diameter , extensively fractured formation , measured depth error , etc.

  30. 在钻井工程中,盐岩层井眼易发生缩径卡钻。

    In drilling engineering , drill pipe often sticks in salt formation because of wellbore shrinkage .