- mackerel shark

Powerful mackerel shark of the Atlantic and Pacific . Regular roe , charming grass , fierce dragon head !
But they did not come as the Mako had come .
The third inspiration was a mako shark that Mitchell caught while deep-sea fishing .
It was a fierce Mako , and it came in fast to slash with raking teeth at the dead marlin .
Large eyes , which are even larger in the rare longfin variant of the species , render them highly successful hunters .
Mako shark ( about 8 feet ) : secretly an elite shark . Did you know mako sharks can hit up to 45 mph while swimming ?
He was a very big Mako shark built to swim as fast as the fastest fish in the sea and everything about him was beautiful except his jaws .
Descended from a Cretaceous Era giant of the sea , the Mako of today tops out at around 500 pounds - and bears all the hallmarks of evolutionary success .
Results shows that there are 13 pelagic sharks occurring in the Atlantic longline catch and dominant species are short mako ( Isurus oxyrinchus ) and blue shark ( Prionace glauca ) .
Much like their larger cousins , the Great Whites , Mako sharks are found in waters all over the world , though they are particularly well-adapted to surviving in cold water .