
qīnɡ yú
  • mackerel
  1. 那些船上有许多鲭鱼,还有几条鳐鱼。

    Boats had plenty of mackerel and a few skate .

  2. 当泳速大于三倍体长/秒(BL/S)时,单位游距几乎不随游速变化,其平均值分别为:鲭鱼0.90体长(BL)、绿青鳕0.88BL、鲱鱼0.70BL。

    The mean stride length is 0.90 body length ( BL ) for mackerel , 0.88 BL for saithe and only 0.70 BL for herring . The tail beat amplitude of all three species does not change with the swimming speed .

  3. 他们已经出海去捕鲭鱼。

    They 'd gone out to fish for mackerel .

  4. 你在浏览78欧元的固定价格菜单时,可以透过厨房窗户观看大厨斯特凡纳·热戈(StéphaneJégo)的精彩表演(和偶尔的坏脾气)。他用大葱酸醋沙司给鲭鱼调味,用牡蛎和兔肉搭配五花肉。

    As you ponder the 78-euro prix fixe menu , watch the theatrics ( and occasional temper ) of the chef , St é phane J é go , through the kitchen window as he perfects dishes such as mackerel in leek vinaigrette and pork belly with oysters and rabbit .

  5. 人体无法产生必须脂肪酸(EFA),所以我们的饮食需要包含必须脂肪酸食物,以使身体健康。鲑鱼、鳟鱼、鲭鱼和沙丁鱼等油性鱼类富含必须脂肪酸。

    Essential fatty acids ( EFA ) can 't be produced by the body , so we need to include EFA foods in our diet to get our fit , and a great source comes from oily fish like salmon , trout , mackerel and sardines .

  6. 美国大西洋沿岸温带水域中大型可食用鲭鱼。

    Large edible mackerel of temperate United States coastal Atlantic waters .

  7. 鲭鱼/鲱鱼:市场情况比较困难。

    MACKEREL / HERRING : The market conditions are difficult .

  8. 图上是一只白尾海雕正在挪威捕食一条鲭鱼。

    A white-tailed sea eagle ( Haliaeetus albicilla ) catching a mackerel inNorway .

  9. 沙丁鱼和鲭鱼是拉拉的最爱,他很喜欢吃这些。

    Sardines and mackerel are his favorites . He loves to eat them .

  10. 我常钓鲭鱼和竹荚鱼。

    I usually catch fish like mackerel and horsemackerel .

  11. 鲭鱼科的多种海鱼之中任一种。

    Any of various fishes of the family Scombridae .

  12. 你在家不煮鲭鱼么?

    You don 't cook mackerel at home ?

  13. 三文鱼、鲱鱼、鲭鱼、金枪鱼和沙丁鱼都是不错的油脂来源。

    Salmon , herring , mackerel , tuna and sardines are all good sources .

  14. 鲭亚目中的多种鱼,体型和特征介于鲭鱼和金枪鱼之间。

    Any of various scombroid fishes intermediate in size and characteristics between mackerels and tunas .

  15. 我们午饭吃了些熏鲭鱼。

    We had Smoked Mackerel for lunch .

  16. 几乎世界各地都能见到的小鲭鱼。

    Small mackerel found nearly worldwide .

  17. 我炖了些鲭鱼汤。

    I made some hard-boiied mackerei .

  18. 她能炖很好的鲭鱼羹。

    She makes good hot-broiled mackerel .

  19. 竹荚鱼科特别是马鲭鱼。

    Scads esp. horse mackerels .

  20. 富含Ω3的鱼包括桂鱼、鲱鱼、鲭鱼和青鱼。

    Fish that provide a lot of omega three acids are salmon , herring , mackerel and bluefish .

  21. 下午3点钟,象往常一样,老霍克在码头兜售他的新鲜鲭鱼。

    As usual , 3 PM , old Hawk is selling his fresh mackerel fishes by the dock .

  22. 金枪鱼,鲑鱼,鲱鱼,鲭鱼和沙丁鱼中都富含维生素D。

    Tuna , salmon , herring , mackerel , and sardines are the top fish picks for Vitamin D.

  23. 38岁的哥伦比亚是在拍摄鱼类照片时发现这一有趣画面的。他来到这一港口是因为在这里能抓拍到鲭鱼飞出海面的画面。

    The 38-year-old Colombian took the fishy photographs at a port a herring 's throw from the sea .

  24. 饮食中有多油的角很有益,诸如鲭鱼、金枪鱼、沙丁鱼、沙瑙鱼。

    It 's good to include oily fish like mackerel . tuna , sardines and pilchards in your diet .

  25. 我们从下列各主菜中选择一项:烤牛肉、鸡或烘鲭鱼。

    We had a choice of the following entrees : roast beef , fried chicken , or baked mackerel .

  26. 有突出长吻的大型鲭鱼;大西洋南部沿海向南到巴西水域重要的食用和猎用鱼。

    Large mackerel with long pointed snout ; important food and game fish of the eastern Atlantic coast south to Brazil .

  27. 鲭鱼的表面炙烤成焦黑,瓦解了鱼肉的肥腻,再佐以酸奶和多汁的旱金莲叶。

    mackerel grilled so that the char cut through the fish 's oiliness , served with yogurt and juicy nasturtium leaves .

  28. 由于鲭鱼是每种一种常见的廉价鱼,它经常在周五被端上餐桌。

    Since mackerel was a common and cheap fish in the United States , it was often eaten for dinner on Friday .

  29. 鱼类如鲭鱼,湖鳟鱼,鲱鱼,沙丁鱼,长鳍金枪鱼和鲑鱼是高奥米加-3脂肪酸。

    Fish like mackerel , lake trout , herring , sardines , albacore tuna and salmon are high in omega-3 fatty acids .

  30. 她指出,主要来源包括阳光照射、像鲑鱼和鲭鱼等鱼脂肪、维生素D强化的乳制品。

    She noted that the main sources include sun exposure , fatty fish like salmon and mackerel , and vitamin D-fortified dairy products .