
  • 网络orphan work
  1. 孤儿作品是指作者身份不明或者虽然身份明确但查找无果的作品。

    Orphan works refer to the author unknown , though clearly identified but find nothing works .

  2. 所以在孤儿作品公共利用过程中对作品著作权的保护也应得到重视。

    So in the orphan works public use process to the works copyright protection should also get attention .

  3. 此外,孤儿作品的这种尴尬境况又会阻碍演绎作品的创作。

    Moreover , this awkward situation blocks the development of derivative works .

  4. 本章在对孤儿作品进行定义之后,确定了受利用的孤儿作品范围。

    It clarified the exploitation range of the orphan works after defining the term .

  5. 这种理论能在一定程度上解决大部分孤儿作品问题,同时不会带来目前的解决机制中所存在的诸如垄断等种种问题。

    This theory can solve most of the orphan works problem without bring some other problems such as monopoly question .

  6. 接着又提出了两种辅助制度:孤儿作品公共利用的登记制度和著作权集体管理制度。

    Then puts forward two kinds of auxiliary system : orphan works public use registration system and copyright collective management system .

  7. 其中包括孤儿作品公共利用的基本原则,具体规则的设计以及相关的辅助制度。

    Including orphan works public use of the basic principle , the specific rules of the design and relevant auxiliary system .

  8. 从而得出传统的先授权再使用作品的做法不适合用来解决孤儿作品公共利用问题,我们应该先使用孤儿作品而后再对权利所有人进行补偿。

    Then we conclude that the " authorized before use " is not suitable to solve the problem of orphan works used by public .

  9. 探究孤儿作品的著作权问题首先必须研究问题产生原因,才能处理好这一问题。

    Exploration on the problems of orphan works copyright must first study the causes of the problems , in order to deal with this problem .

  10. 对此本文强调在使用孤儿作品时必须经过合理勤勉的寻找和对出现的权利所有人进行合理的补偿。

    This paper emphasizes the orphans in the use of works must go through reasonable diligence searching and for the existing power all reasonable compensation .

  11. 特别是在我国,著作权法尚未对孤儿作品公共利用问题做明确的规定。

    Especially in our country , there is no clear rules in the copy right law for the problems of orphan works used by public .

  12. 其次通过对孤儿作品的两种情况的分析对解决其公共利用问题的具体规则做了简单的设计。

    Secondly through the orphan works of two kinds of situation analysis to solve the problem of public use specific rules do a simple design .

  13. 现今世界大多数国家都允许在特定的条件下使用孤儿作品,进而充分的发挥孤儿作品对社会公益的作用。

    To make orphan works play a role in social benefits , most countries in the world permit the use of orphan works in given conditions .

  14. 孤儿作品是指尚在著作权保护期内,但客观上联系不到著作权人的作品。

    Orphan Works refer to the works the rights holder of which cannot be precisely located , means-while the works are still protected by copyright law .

  15. 孤儿作品实际上已存在很长时间,但是随着谷歌数字图书馆案的出现,孤儿作品的问题才逐渐凸显。

    In fact , orphan works have been existed for a long time , only with the Google Library Project showing , the problems are increasingly coming forth .

  16. 孤儿作品使用问题在我国一直存在,因为没有相应的法律规制,使得我国对孤儿作品使用时出现了进退两难的境地。

    Orphan works using problem in our country , because there is no corresponding legal regulations , make use of orphan works appeared in China in a dilemma .

  17. 如果作品确属孤儿作品但使用人没有合理勤勉的寻找,仍应认定为侵权,使用人也应承担著作权侵权责任。

    If it works of orphan works but users without reasonable diligence search still shall be deemed to be an infringement , users also assume copyright tort liability .

  18. 当出于对社会公共利益的考虑有其他权利人想要利用该作品时,不得以已经对孤儿作品进行使用来限制其他人使用。

    As for the social public interests have other owners want to use the work , to the orphan works in has been used to restrict others use .

  19. 孤儿作品是指因难以找到权利人,利用人无法取得授权的作品。

    An orphan work is a kind of work that the user is unable to obtain the authorization because of difficult to find the person who has the right .

  20. 最后总结性的提出,解决孤儿作品的公共利用问题必须秉承着著作权法的立法宗旨,使得作品著作权人的私权利与公共利益之间达到平衡。

    Finally wrap-up puts forward , in solving the orphan works of public use problem must uphold the copyright law legislation purpose , making work copyright holders private rights and public interest balance between .

  21. 本文提出,在解决孤儿作品公共利用问题时首先应该遵循的是保障公共获取、合理勤勉及合理补偿三个原则。

    This article proposes , to the orphan works in solving the public use problem is first of all should follow is the guarantee of public access , reasonable diligence and reasonable compensation three principles .

  22. 孤儿作品使用与否,如何进行使用,如何平衡使用者与作者或作品的原件所有人之间的利益,权衡公共利益与私人利益等问题的研究尤为重要。

    How to use , how to balance the user and the author or the original works of all the interests of the people , research on the balance of public interests and private interests is particularly important .

  23. 若没有进行勤勉的寻找,而事后证明该作品并不是孤儿作品,则此时使用人是恶意利用孤儿作品,构成侵权,使用人应当承担著作权侵权责任。

    If no diligent search , and proved the work and not orphan works , then the user is malicious use of orphan works using system , constitute an infringement , user shall be liable for copyright infringement responsibility .

  24. 针对这些不足,本文提出确立孤儿作品的确定方式、设立使用人义务、设定保护模式以及选择适当管理方式的完善建议。

    To address these deficiencies , we propose a method for determining the establishment of orphan works , the obligation to establish the use of people , to set the protection mode and select the appropriate management of the suggestions for improvement .

  25. 在古今中外的文学史上,有关孤儿题材的作品可谓层出不穷。

    In the history of Chinese and foreign literature , works on orphans piled up one after another .