
  • 网络collaborative filtering
  1. 为了提供给用户更准确的信息,提出基于用户反馈的智能合作过滤模型和一种基于用户兴趣的动态Q学习算法,并建立用户兴趣模型。

    In order to serve users with more accurate information , the Agent collaborative filtering model & ACFM based on users ' feedback and the dynamic Q learning algorithm are put forward , and users ' interesting model is built .

  2. 基于用户兴趣反馈的智能合作过滤模型的研究

    Research of Agent collaborative filtering model based on user ' feedback

  3. 基于合作过滤机制的ICMP回溯DDoS攻击源方法

    An ICMP Traceback Method of DDoS Attack Source Based on Cooperative Filtering Mechanism

  4. 检测病毒与垃圾邮件融合的分层合作过滤方案

    Layers of Cooperation Filtering Scheme that Examining Virus and Spamming

  5. 另一类使用合作过滤技术实现网站个性化服务。

    The other is collaborative filtering technology which can accomplish individual services for the websites .

  6. 通过隐式反馈和显式反馈这2种反馈方式更新用户模型并实现合作过滤。

    ACFM uses the method of users ' interesting feedback consisted of implicit feedback and interactive feedback to realize collaborative filtering .

  7. 微软在一份声明中称Bing将合作“特定的过滤技术和过滤程序确保遵守当地的法律。”

    Microsoft said in a statement that Bing will use " certain filtering technologies and processes to ensure that we are in compliance with local laws . "

  8. 在埃及,SabryCorp正在与沙漠研究所和农业与研究部合作,把纳米过滤系统商业化。

    In Egypt , SabryCorp , is working with the Desert Research Institute and the Ministries of Agriculture and Research to commercialise novel nanofiltration systems .

  9. 本文提出了基于合作模式的文本过滤模型。

    The paper presents the model for text collaborative filtering .

  10. 另一种是基于合作模式的文本过滤。

    And the other is text filtering on the basis of the mode of cooperation .