
hé zū
  • cotenancy
  • rent jointly;joint rental
  1. 我想找一套合租公寓。

    I 'm looking for a flat share .

  2. 她和其他3个女孩合租一套房子。

    She rents a house with three other girls

  3. 我和他都在耶鲁法学院读书的时候,在纽黑文合租了一个房间。

    I had roomed with him in New Haven when we were both at Yale Law School .

  4. 他们合租了这间屋子,但是电视和那把木椅子是他的私人物品。

    They rented the room together , but the TV and that wooden chair were his personal belongings .

  5. 两人合租一套房,房租和水电费均摊。

    The two of them have rented an apartment , sharing rent and utilities .

  6. 事实上,这部电视剧也并非美国原创,而是依据1973年至1976年播出的英国情景喜剧《合租的他》(ManAbouttheHouse)改编而来,1974年还被翻拍成了同名电影。

    The show was actually not an original concept , instead having been based on a British sitcom called Man About the House , which aired from 1973 to 1976 and also led to a film version in 1974 .

  7. 我想和一位不吸烟的男性合租。

    I want to share a part with a non-smoking man .

  8. 在合租的人当中,有40%的人同朋友合住。

    Of those sharing apartments , 40 percent live with friends .

  9. 我住在寄宿合租公寓。

    I live in a co-op ( cooperative ) apartment .

  10. 目前我的合租伙伴惹得我愤怒不已。

    My flatmate is driving me up the wall at the moment .

  11. 为了节省房租,许多人在郊区合租公寓。

    To save on rent , many share apartments in the suburbs .

  12. 寻找伙伴合租,带午餐去上班。

    Get a roommate and take your lunch to work .

  13. 赵磊和另外五人合租了一间12平方米的屋子。

    Mr. Zhao shares a 12-square-meter with five others . '

  14. 我不太清楚哎,有去找人合租公寓之类的吗?

    I don 't know , get yourself a flat-share or something ?

  15. 三年级的时候我离开家,和大卫合租了一套公寓。

    In my third year I left home and went flatting with David .

  16. 对是两人合租

    Yeah , there are two on the lease .

  17. 高年级学生:在搬进合租房前和妈妈喝上一杯。

    Senior : Has a beer with Mom before moving into group house .

  18. 12%的受访者通过上网找合租的房子,尤其是已经设计好的。

    Twelve percent of those surveyed rented specially designed share apartments through websites .

  19. 现在的年轻人不得不与父母同住或与朋友合租。

    Young people are forced to live with their parents or flat-share with contemporaries .

  20. 我只是和他合租房子。

    I just split the rent with him .

  21. 你宁愿自己一个人住,而不愿意和别人合租公寓或房子。

    You would rather live on your own than share a flat or house .

  22. 为了节省费用,她和室友合租。

    To save on costs , she splits the rent with a room mate .

  23. 据情况见意合租,和同事或密友!

    See according to the circumstance meaning close hire , with colleague or cater-cousin !

  24. M:不错啊,你还是和那几个人一起合租吗?

    Great . Are you still sharing that house with all those other people ?

  25. 那么你最好考虑和你的朋友们合租一间公寓。

    You might want to consider sharing an apartment with one or more friends .

  26. 据第二份声明透露,潘姓男子和这名受害人是合租室友。

    A second statement said Pan and the victim shared the same rented flat .

  27. 我需要一位合租�

    I was in need of a fellow lodger

  28. 他在萨格港住在一间合租的卧室里

    He sublets a 1-bedroom in Sag Harbor .

  29. 汤尼和哈利合租了一间公寓。

    Tony and Harry share an apartment .

  30. 二人在举行婚礼之前,一直是与很多人合租房子。

    Both were sharing houses with multiple roommates up until the day of their wedding .