
  • 【法】partnership bankruptcy
  1. 合伙企业破产法律问题研究

    Legal Issues in Relation to the Insolvency of Partnership Enterprises

  2. 合伙企业破产之法理研评

    Studies on Principle of Law of Conflicts of Partnership Bankruptcy

  3. 我国合伙企业破产财产分配制度还存在不足,需要加以完善。

    Partnership Bankruptcy property distribution system is inadequate and it still needs to be improved .

  4. 理论方面,我国在此之前对合伙企业破产的理论研究取得了一定的成果。

    From theory perspective , our previous efforts in research of bankruptcy of partnership enterprise have seen certain achievements .

  5. 但该条规定过于简单,在合伙企业破产要件立法上还有亟待完善之处。

    However , that article is too simple and the elements in the partnership bankruptcy legislation still need improvement .

  6. 合伙企业破产财产是用于清偿合伙企业债务的具体保障,如何界定其与合伙人财产的范围,关系到合伙企业债权人、合伙人及其债权人等相关主体的合法利益。

    Partnership bankruptcy property can satisfy the debts of the partnership . How to define the scope of the property with a partner , related to the partnership creditors , partners and creditors , and the legitimate interests of other related subjects .

  7. 其次,通过对合伙企业破产原因立法模式和国内外法律规定的介绍和分析,指出合伙企业破产原因概括主义立法模式是各国合伙破产立法发展的趋势。

    Secondly , through the partnership model of bankruptcy legislation and the reasons for the law at home and abroad to introduce and analyze the reasons for bankruptcy that the partnership is a general legislative model is the development trend of the insolvency legislation .

  8. 第一章分析合伙企业的破产能力问题。

    Chapter one analyzes the bankruptcy capability of partnership enterprises .

  9. 像个体制工商企业,普通人以人财产向欠下任何债务负责。假如合伙制企业破产,这些人将失去全部的人财产。

    Like sole proprietorships , general partners are personally responsible for any debt they owe and may lose all their personal property if the partner-ship goes broke .

  10. 从合伙人承担责任的性质、破产法新的价值取向等得出合伙企业的破产原因应是合伙企业财产不能清偿到期债务;

    The cause of insolvency , in the view of the way that partners take responsibilities and the new tendency of insolvency law , is that a partnership enterprise is not able to repay its due debt .

  11. 首先,对合伙企业是否具有破产能力学说及国内外立法进行分析的基础上,从理论上和实践上得出了合伙企业具有破产能力。

    First , partnerships have the ability of bankruptcy on the basis of analysis theory and practice about domestic and international legislation .

  12. 通过对法人、自然人破产能力的分析,得出合伙企业也具备破产能力。

    The conclusion that partnership enterprises are capable of being insolvent results from the analysis on the insolvent capability of legal entities and natural persons .

  13. 2006年新修订的《合伙企业法》与《企业破产法》确立了合伙企业破产,从而为合伙企业破产提供了立法基础。

    In 2006 , the newly amended Enterprise Bankruptcy Law and Partnership Enterprise Law have established the concept of bankruptcy of partnership enterprise , and consequently provided legislative authority for it .

  14. 我国合伙企业财产由三部分构成,相应地合伙企业破产财产也有三部分构成。

    Our partnership property consists of three parts , corresponding to the partnership bankruptcy property .

  15. 首先,对我国《合伙企业法》第92条进行评析,认为该条规定过于简略,在我国合伙企业破产要件在立法上存在许多法律问题。

    First of all , of Partnership Enterprise Act of PRC , a critical analysis of Article 92 , which states that too briefly , in the elements of our partnership in bankruptcy legislation there are a lot of legal issues .