
nèi hán wù
  • inclusion
内含物[nèi hán wù]
  1. 水仙叶片中内含物对DNA提取影响很小,2%CTAB微量法不必添加其它辅助试剂即可获得高质量DNA。

    Inclusion in the leaf of Narcissus had little effect on DNA exacting . High quality DNA could be gained by 2 % CTAB little method without supplementing any additives .

  2. 与0.128mg/mlRES作用后透射电镜超薄切片照片显示菌体细胞壁层次不清,细胞器结构模糊,细胞质内含物大多消失,出现大量空泡。

    After affect by 0.128 mg / ml RES the layer of cellwall is indistinct , the structure of cell organ is blurred , most cytoplasmic inclusion disappeared , generous vacuole emerged .

  3. 粘液细胞内含物含有丰富的RNA,并具有较强的酸性磷酸酶和碱性磷酸酶酶活性。

    Not only plenty of RNA but also the strong activity of ACP and AKP are observed in the mucous cells .

  4. 结果表明,浓度为0.1%的纤维素酶在50℃条件下处理样品3h破壁效果最佳,能较好地使细胞内含物包括核苷类物质溶出,其次是微波法。

    The results show that the optimal conditions of cell disruption was enzymolysis with 0.1 % cellulase at 50 ℃ for 3 h.

  5. I1等级的钻石常含有肉眼可见的内含物。

    Inclusions in I1 diamonds often are seen to the unaided eye .

  6. BIT处理后,测得灰霉菌菌丝的电导率逐渐增大,溶液中可溶性蛋白以及可溶性糖的渗漏量增加,表明BIT改变了菌体细胞膜的通透性,导致内含物的渗漏。

    Conductivity of Botrytis cinerea hyphae gradually increased , the leakage of soluble proteins and soluble sugars increased in solution , which showed that cell membrane permeability was changed by BIT . resulting in leakage of the inclusions . 4 .

  7. 在花药发育过程中,表皮细胞始终积累大、小不等的圆球状内含物,该内含物经PAS、苏木精分别染色均呈负反应。

    The globular contents in different size , which have PAS and hematoxylin negative reaction respectively , exist in the epidermal cells during the development of the anther .

  8. 抽提出的细胞内含物经1H核磁共振检测,证明主要结构是聚羟基丁酸酯;经气相色谱检测,浓度在70.61%以上;

    The extracts from the cells were qualitatively identified to be mainly poly-3-hydroxybutyrate by 1H NMR tests , while their concentration was quantitatively to be over 70.61 % by GC test .

  9. TEM及AEM分别观察检测到A、B两组尘粒大小、形态、密度及元素成分均有不同,除外了细菌及其他细胞内含物。

    The size , shape , density and chemical elements of the dust granules of group A were different from those of group B under TEM and AEM , excluding bacteria and other intracellular contents .

  10. 用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)检测了杉木、马尾松种子细胞质冻结和玻璃化形成的温度,并分析了种子内含物成分与细胞质玻璃化形成的关系。

    The cytoplasmic vitrification and freezing temperature of Chinese fir and masson pine seeds were measured by using differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) . And the relationship between formation of glassy state and lipid as well as sugar content was analyzed .

  11. 授粉后16h,花粉管进入胚囊,破坏1个助细胞,并将内含物释放入该助细胞内。精子与次生核融合比与卵核的融合快。

    16 hours after pollination , one sperm nucleus moves to egg and enters it . The fusion of a sperm nucleus with a polar nucleus is faster than that with an egg cell .

  12. 腐生的菌原体直径为250nm左右,由透明单位膜包围着,其内含物存在小菌体,有的以芽殖方式生出小菌体。

    The diameter of saprophytic mycoplasma was ca. 250 nm surrounding by a transparent unit member in whose that contents existed small spherical bodies .

  13. 使用CILAS940L型激光粒度仪对刺参肠道内含物及自然沉积物的粒度进行分析。

    Particle sizes of the gut contents and the natural sediments were analyzed and compared by using CILAS940L Laser Particle Size Analyzer .

  14. 结果表明,甜菊糖苷主要存在于12000g的上清液(这部分主要包括液泡内含物和可溶性细胞质)。

    The results show that most of stevioside is in 12000 Xg supernatant ( this part mainly contains vacuolar inclusions and soluble cytoplasm ) .

  15. 150d时,光镜下大部分菌丝完全断裂,并失去菌丝形态;电镜下细胞膜及其内含物已基本消失,只剩部分严重塌陷的细胞壁残骸。

    In 150d most of hyphae were completely fractured and lost their shapes , and the cytomembrane and cell inclusions were almost disappeared , but part of collapsed cell walls were observed .

  16. 机理研究结果表明:融合菌RHJ-004细胞壁对铬的去除率和吸附量都明显高于完整细胞的,而细胞内含物的吸附量仅为完整细胞的43.88%;

    The results of mechanism research showed that the removal ratio and the biosorption capacity of chromium by the cell wall were much higher than those by the integrated cell , and the capacity of the cell inclusion was only 43.88 % of the integrated cell .

  17. 液泡中的内含物和卵黄颗粒呈现多种形态;

    The content of vesicles and yolk morphology present different forms .

  18. 猕猴桃果实发育过程中内含物的变化

    The Changes of Inclusion of Fruits of Actinidia Chinensis during Development

  19. 脂肪成份;茶叶内含物浸出的动力学研究

    Fat ; Study on the Kinetics of the Diffusing of Tea Components

  20. 因此,我们把含有蛋白质内含物的次生韧皮薄壁细胞和木质部中的各种细胞看作是荔枝的贮藏蛋白质细胞。

    So , we refered the cells as protein-storing cells .

  21. 商陆种子主要内含物的研究

    Study on the Main Contained Substances of Phytolacca americana Seed

  22. 其中的节理或裂缝可视为介质的内含物。

    The joint or crack is treated as inclusion in the media .

  23. 带清水样内含物的疱,不含血或脓。

    A blister having watery contents without blood or pus .

  24. 植物个体发育中同化物的保持与细胞内含物的再利用

    Conservation of assimilates and reutilization of cellular contents in plants

  25. 铬云母内含物发出的是绿光。

    Fuchsite inclusions give the gem a green sheen .

  26. 两种品系油菜植株内含物的研究

    Studies on some substances in the two rape strains

  27. 大豆种子吸胀时内含物外渗及其与种子活力的相关性研究

    Studies on solute exudate during soybean seed imbibition and relation with seed vigor

  28. 液泡中的丹宁内含物也已用显微镜证实。

    Tannin inclusions in vacuoles have also been demonstrated by the electron microscope .

  29. 一串红种子发育及内含物对种子萌发的影响

    Effects of Seed Development and Its Constituents on Seed Germination of Slavia splendens

  30. 不同甜樱桃品种果实主要内含物测试与分析

    Determination and Analysis of Main Fruit Inclusions of Different Varieties of Prunus avium