
nèi zhě
  • invaginate;embolus
内褶[nèi zhě]
  1. 内褶的植物极细胞生成一片向上生长的细胞,并最后围成一个腔,即原肠。

    The inpocketed vegetal pole cells develop into a sheet of cells which grows upward and eventually encloses a cavity , the archenteron .

  2. 第50天上皮细胞已具成年大鼠主细胞的超微结构,微绒毛发达,微吞饮内褶和多泡体丰富,Golgi复合体发达。

    Golgi appartus developed , at 50 days , the epithelial cells have had the ultrastructure of the principal cell of adult rat , microvilli and Golgi apparatus were developed . Micro-invaginations and multivesicular bodies were abundant .

  3. 结果移植的10只眼,细胞成功移植到视网膜下腔,可见移植细胞贴附于受体的Bruch膜并形成基底内褶,细胞间紧密连接,细胞内可见吞噬体。

    It was shown that the transplanted cells had polarity and attached to Bruch ′ s membrane to form basal infoldings , and the relationships between transplanted cells and the host photoreceptors were also seen .

  4. 在鼠科动物试验中,Baram研究组发现海马体(大脑皮质的一个内褶区,进行学习和记忆的地方)中促肾上腺皮质激素的释放迅速破坏了树突刺,这样便影响了突触对信息的收集和储存。

    In rat and mouse studies , Baram 's group saw that the release of CRH in the hippocampus , the brain 's primary learning and memory center , led to the rapid disintegration of these dendritic spines , which in turn limited the ability of synapses to collect and store memories .

  5. 近基膜的细胞膜内褶形成发达的基底迷路系统。

    These cells also developed a highly infolded basal lamina , forming a labyrinth system .

  6. 因此,区内褶劈构造既可作为脆-韧性剪切带的基本特征.又是寻找中低温构造热液型矿床的标志。

    Therefore , the crenulation cleavage is the basic character of the brittle-ductile shear zones as well as the prospecting criteria of meso-low temperature structural-hydrothermal deposit .

  7. 本文对大鼠肝脏枯否细胞质膜内褶形成的结构做了电镜观察。

    Rat liver with glutaraldehyde perfusion and immersion fixation is prepared to be investigated by an electronic microscope , Invaginations of Kupffer cell membrane are observed .

  8. 结论:糖网病大鼠视网膜色素上皮细胞的损害主要表现于微绒毛、质膜内褶及细胞器的损害,并无脉络膜与视网膜之间屏障功能的损害。

    Conclusion : The damage were mainly in the microvilli of plasmic membrane of basis of retina pigment epithelium in DR rats , but there were no damage to the choroid membrane retina barrier .

  9. 它的近曲小管和收集管上皮细胞无质膜内褶,远曲小管上皮细胞有较少的质膜内褶。

    The plasma membrane infoldings were absent in the epithelial cells of its proximal renal tubule and collecting tubule , and were present but fewer in the epithelial cells of its distal renal tubule .

  10. 肾小管上皮细胞局灶性胞质溶解,微绒毛紊乱或脱落,线粒体出现浓聚或肿胀现象;细胞核不同程度固缩;质膜内褶出现不同程度的水肿现象。

    Local cytoplasm dissolution was appeared in renal tubular epithelial cell , microvilli was disordered or got lost , edema or aggregation occured with mitochondrial ; the phenomenon of nuclear pyknosis was found in varying degrees ; the infolding of the plasma membrane occurred different degrees of edema . 2 .

  11. 除了内眦褶、耳垂类型外,其余7项指标类型出现率性别间均无显著差异;

    Seven indexes showed no sexual difference except for mongoloid fold and lobe type ;

  12. 结果:(1)蒙古族与汉族内眦褶、上眼睑皱褶、眼外角高出现率无显著性差异。

    Results : The results showed that ( 1 ) There was no significant difference between Han and Mongol nationalities in the frequencies of the epicanthal folds , the eye folds of upper eyelids and the direction of eyelids .