
shì jiè zhī shí chǎn quán zǔ zhī
  • World Intellectual Property Organization;WIPO
  1. 世界知识产权组织(WorldIntellectualPropertyOrganization)称,2012年中国的专利申请量已经超越了美国。

    The Chinese overtook the United States in 2012 , according to the World Intellectual Property Organization .

  2. 世界知识产权组织(WIPO)专利合作条约免费专利检索与评价

    Free searching and appraise for patents in the patent cooperation treaty of world intellectual property organization ( WIPO ) patent

  3. 据世界知识产权组织(WorldIntellectualPropertyOrganisation)表示,2015年华为连续第二年成为申请国际专利最多的企业。

    According to the World Intellectual Property Organisation , Huawei filed the most international patents for the second consecutive year in 2015 .

  4. 在国际上注册商标时,多数企业都会利用世界知识产权组织(WorldIntellectualPropertyOrganisation)管理的国际商标体系(InternationalTradeMarkSystem)申请在华受保护。

    When registering a trade mark internationally , most companies will file for protection in China using the International Trade Mark System run by the World Intellectual Property Organisation ( WIPO ) .

  5. 世界知识产权组织(WorldIntellectualPropertyOrganisation)在今日公布的首份专利活动综合报告中发现,中国在10年内的专利申请量已增长7倍。

    In its first comprehensive report on patent activity , published today , the World Intellectual Property Organisation found China had a sevenfold increase in patent filings in 10 years .

  6. 世界知识产权组织这份报告出台之际,中国正准备于本月在世界贸易组织(WTO)接受就其遵守知识产权保护条例情况进行的质询,包括网上出售假冒商品等事宜。

    The Wipo report comes as China prepares to face questioning in the World Trade Organisation this month on its compliance with intellectual property rules , including the internet sale of counterfeit goods .

  7. 正如世界知识产权组织总干事弗朗西斯居里(FrancisGurry)所说,这是一个令人瞩目的现象。

    As Francis Gurry , WIPO director-general , says , this is remarkable .

  8. 请允许我感谢世界知识产权组织的工作人员协助世卫组织与新罕布什尔大学FranklinPierce法律中心开展合作。

    Let me thank WIPO staff for facilitating WHO collaboration with the Franklin Pierce Law Center at the University of New Hampshire .

  9. 国际图联(IFLA)对《世界知识产权组织未来日内瓦宣言》表示认可和欢迎。

    IFLA expresses its recognition and welcome to the Geneva Declaration on the Future of WIPO .

  10. 但是确保它的成功可能更多地需要世界知识产权组织(WIPO)的支持。

    But ensuring that it does may owe more to the support of the World Intellectual Property Organization ( WIPO ) .

  11. 世界知识产权组织将其与两家最大的加拿大科技公司的困境联系起来:北电(Nortel)在2009年破产后已被清盘,而黑莓(BlackBerry)背后的ResearchInMotion大幅削减了研发。

    Wipo linked this to the woes of two of the largest Canadian technology companies , with Nortel in liquidation following bankruptcy in 2009 and Research In Motion / BlackBerry making big cuts in research and development .

  12. UNITAID提出专利池的方案正值世界知识产权组织(WIPO)在新领导人的带领下重整旗鼓。

    UNITAID 's proposal for a patent pool comes as the World Intellectual Property Organization ( WIPO ) is revitalised under new leadership .

  13. 人们展开了不少尝试,试图在更大的经济背景下考察创新,康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)、欧洲工商管理学院(Insead)以及世界知识产权组织(WIPO)创立的“全球创新指数”(GlobalInnovationIndex)就是其中之一。

    One attempt of many to try to look at innovation in a wider economic context is the Global Innovation Index , created by Cornell University , Insead , the business school , and the World Intellectual Property Organisation ( WIPO ) .

  14. 联合国下辖机构世界知识产权组织(WIPO)通过了一项新的面向发展的议程,它将考虑到发展中国家的需要。

    The World Intellectual Property Organization ( WIPO ), a UN agency , has approved a new development-oriented agenda that takes into account the needs of developing countries .

  15. 世界知识产权组织(WIPO)在一些代表表示“强烈不同意”之后,于上周(5月6日)被迫暂停了一个关于其发展议程的会议。

    The World Intellectual Property Organization ( WIPO ) was forced to suspend a meeting on its development agenda last week ( 6 May ) following " strong disagreement " among delegates .

  16. 在上周举行的世界知识产权组织(WIPO)的年会上,WIPO建立了一个委员会。这个委员会将讨论如何让发展中国家的利益在WIPO的活动和建议中占有重要的地位。

    At its annual meeting last week , the World Intellectual Property Organisation ( WIPO ), created a committee to discuss how to make these interests central to WIPO 's activities and advice .

  17. 而在国际社会,联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)与世界知识产权组织(WIPO)也以单独或合作的形式制定了相关的条约或公约。

    In the international community , United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ) and World Intellectual Property Organization ( WIPO ) have developed relevant treaties or conventions in the form of a separate or joint .

  18. 据世界知识产权组织(WIPO)统计,2016年中国专利申请数量激增45%,使其有望在两年内成为国际专利制度的最大用户,超越日本和美国。

    Chinese patenting applications surged 45 per cent in 2016 , according to the World Intellectual Property Organisation , putting the country on track to overtake Japan and the US to become the largest user of the international patent system within two years .

  19. 中国已成为首个在一年里受理专利申请超过100万件的国家;世界知识产权组织(WIPO)表示,这个纪录反映出全球人口最多的国家“非凡”的创新水平。

    China has become the first country to receive more than 1m patent applications in a year - a record the World Intellectual Property Organisation ( Wipo ) said reflected " extraordinary " levels of innovation in the world 's most populous nation .

  20. 联合国与世界知识产权组织之间的协定

    Agreement between the United Nations and the World Intellectual Property Organization

  21. 世卫组织珍视与世界知识产权组织的合作。

    WHO values its collaboration with the World Intellectual Property Organization .

  22. 本组织指世界知识产权组织;

    " Organization " means the World Intellectual Property Organization ;

  23. 管治团体会议〔世界知识产权组织〕

    Governing Bodies Meeting [ World Intellectual Property Organization ]

  24. 世界知识产权组织也提供能力建设计划,为发展中国家进行技术转让和交流提供便利。

    WIPO also offers capacity-building programs to facilitate technology transfer and exchange in developing countries .

  25. 世界知识产权组织公约

    Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization

  26. 自主创新环境下的知识产权法律制度新格局世界知识产权组织(知识产权组织)

    The New Structure of Legal System of Intellectual Property In the Environment of Independent Innovations ;

  27. 世界知识产权组织将民间文学艺术分为言语表达、音乐表达、动作表达和物态表达。

    WIPO classifies folklore into diction expression , music expression , action expression and substance expression .

  28. 世界知识产权组织对代理注册域名服务的发展尤为担心。

    Wipo is particularly concerned about the growth of services that allow registrations through a proxy .

  29. 世界知识产权组织将知识产权证券化视为知识产权未来发展的趋势。

    World intellectual property organization considered that knowledge property securitization is the future development tends of intellectual property .

  30. 世卫组织正与世界知识产权组织一道提供这方面协助。

    WHO , together with the World Intellectual Property Organization , is also providing support in this area .