
  • 网络unep;United Nations Environment Program;the United Nations Environment Programme
  1. 本文以联合国环境规划署化学加工助剂专家组(PAWG)最近开展的研究工作为背景综述了消耗臭氧层物质(ODS)在化学加工过程中使用及其替代技术的现状与趋势。

    Based on the research work currently carried out by the UNEP Chemical Process Agent Working Group ( PAWG ) , the present situation and tendency of the use of Ozone Depleting Substances ( ODS ) in chemical process industries and their alternatives are globally summarized in this paper .

  2. 解决肥料问题&联合国环境规划署提倡天然固氮

    Solving the Fertilizer Issue : UNEP Promotes Natural Nitrogen Fixation

  3. 联合国环境规划署(UnitedNationsEnvironmentProgramme)最近的一份报告称,2006年,可再生能源领域的投资额已从2005年的800亿美元攀升至1000亿美元。

    Investment in renewables climbed to more than $ 100bn in 2006 from $ 80bn in 2005 , according to the recent United Nations Environment Programme report .

  4. 联合国环境规划署(unenvironmentprogramme)近期发表的一项研究发现,哥本哈根协议中的承诺将不足以将气温升幅控制在2摄氏度以内。

    A study published recently by the UN Environment Programme found that the pledges in the accord would not be sufficient to limit temperature rises to 2 degrees Celsius .

  5. 为保护臭氧层,联合国环境规划署通过了《蒙特利尔协议》,规定必须逐步淘汰CFCs,寻找其替代品。

    To protect the ozone layer , the Montreal Protocol stipulates that CFCs must be phased out and substitutes for CFCs must be found .

  6. 联合国环境规划署(unenvironmentprogramme)主任阿齐姆施泰纳(achimsteiner)警告称:“不应低估小国或最不发达国家的力量,它们可能会明显影响哥本哈根会议的结果。”

    Achim Steiner , head of the UN Environment Programme , warned : " do not underestimate the power of small nations or least developed countries to significantly affect the outcome in Copenhagen . "

  7. 联合国环境规划署的副执行主任AngelaCropper说,全世界每年由于破坏生物多样性造成损失达5万亿美元。

    Annual losses because of the destruction of biodiversity worldwide amount to US $ 5 trillion , said UN Environment Programme deputy executive director Angela Cropper .

  8. 联合国环境规划署(UNEP)上周(10月16日)在内罗毕发布了一份广泛的文献综述,还包括了对独立专家的访谈。

    The UN Environment Programme ( UNEP ) launched an extensive literature review , combined with interviews with independent experts , in Nairobi last week ( 16 October ) .

  9. 全球环境基金是由政府支持的,通过联合国环境规划署(UNEP)、联合国开发计划署(UNDP)和世界银行开展的项目来实现。

    This is financed by individual governments , and projects are developed through the United Nations Environment Programme ( UNEP ), the United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP ) and the World Bank .

  10. 联合国环境规划署的官员在高高的喜马拉雅山上召开一次记者招待会,强调碳化合物HCFC对臭氧层的危害。

    Officials from the United Nations Environment Programme have held a news conference high in the Himalayas to underline the dangers still facing the ozone layer from carbon compounds known as HCFCs .

  11. 我们采访到的是联合国环境规划署的经济学家史蒂芬斯特恩。

    Here is economist Steven Stone of the United Nations Environment Program .

  12. 联合国环境规划署执行主任;

    Executive director of the United Nations Environment programme ;

  13. 联合国环境规划署理事会的两年制会议周期

    Biennial cycle of sessions of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme

  14. 联合国环境规划署概况中文本出版

    " UNEP Profile Chinese Version " Published

  15. 联合国环境规划署委员会针对这些问题,提出了发展发展旅游的新策略。

    In regard to these problems , the UNEP suggests a new strategy of ecotourism .

  16. 联合国环境规划署表彰为保护臭氧层做出突出贡献的组织和人士

    UNEP Honours Those Who Have Made Outstanding Contributions Towards the Success of Ozone Layer Protection

  17. 透过这主题,联合国环境规划署希望世界各国认真探讨防治海洋污染的重要性。

    Do we want to keep seas and oceans healthy and alive or polluted and dead ?

  18. 这发表在联合国环境规划署和国际刑事警察组织的一份新报告上。

    That 's according to a new report from the United Nations Environment Programme and Interpol .

  19. 为了地球的现在与未来&联合国环境规划署召开第18届理事会

    For the Present and Future of the Earth ── The 18th Committee of UNEP Held in Nairobi Kenya

  20. 年荣获联合国环境规划署授“环保艺术大师”称号。

    In year of2010 , Yuan was given the title of " Great Master of Environmental Art " by UNEP .

  21. 根据联合国环境规划署提供的资料,塑料袋禁令在南非很有成效。

    In South Africa , according to the United Nations Environment Programme ( UNEP ), a ban is already working .

  22. 联合国环境规划署之所以能够对全球环境治理发挥重要作用,是由于该国际组织所具有的权威性。

    It argues that , it is the authority of the UNEP that leads to its important roles in global environmental governance .

  23. 联合国环境规划署执行全球环境基金所资助的活动技术合作信托基金;

    Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for the United Nations Environment programme 's implementation of the activities funded by the global environment facility ;

  24. 联合国环境规划署的报告提出了政府间气候变化专门委员会在2007年发表最后的报告之后出现的科学证据。

    The UNEP report presents scientific evidence that has emerged since the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its last report in2007 .

  25. 联合国环境规划署说,尽管石油和化学污染正在下降,其它形式的营养污染例如农业污染正在使海洋富营养化。

    UNEP says that while oil and chemical pollution are declining , other forms of nutrient-rich pollution such as agricultural waste are'fertilising'the sea .

  26. 去年,二十国集团(全世界20个最富裕和新兴的经济体)接受了由联合国环境规划署提出的《全球绿色新政》。

    Last year , the G20 the world's20 wealthiest and emerging economies embraced the Global Green New Deal proposed by the UN Environment Programme .

  27. 联合国环境规划署正在呼吁采取紧急行动,减少来日益增长的化工产品的危害。

    The United Nations Environment Program is calling for urgent GetWord (" urgent "); action to reduce what it says are growing risks from chemicals .

  28. 这次会议由世界卫生组织和联合国环境规划署共同组织,由安哥拉共和国政府主办。

    It is organized by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme and hosted by the Government of the Republic of Angola .

  29. 联合国环境规划署发布报告说,对环境保护计划进行投资,能够产生巨大的经济效益,尤其是有助于贫困国家的开发。

    Investing in environmental initiatives can have major economic benefits and aid development in poorer countries according to a new report from the United Nations Environment Program .

  30. 三国能源效率项目是由世界银行、联合国环境规划署和巴西、中国和印度当地的合作者联合进行的。

    The Three Country Energy Efficiency project was a collaboration between the World Bank , the UN Environment Programme and partners in China , Brazil and India .