
  • 网络Hamegg;Hamath
  1. 哈马,亚珥拔的神在哪里呢?

    Where are the gods of Hamath and Arpad ?

  2. 迦勒挪岂不像迦基米施吗。哈马岂不像亚珥拔吗。撒玛利亚岂不像大马士革吗。

    Is not calno as carchemish ? Is not Hamath as arpad ? Is not Samaria as damascus ?

  3. 其它搜捕活动在叙利亚北部地区哈马(Hama)和大马士革郊区展开。活动人士说,至少五名平民在哈马被捕。

    Other raids were conducted in the Northern part of Hama , where activists said at least five civilians were arrested , and in suburbs of Damascus .

  4. 自周日以来,哈马市已经遭受到军事袭击。

    The city of HAMA has been under military attack since Sunday .

  5. 所罗门往哈马琐巴去,攻取了那地方。

    And Solomon went to Hamath-zobah and took it .

  6. 你会花多少钱跟奥哈马市的圣人共进午餐呢?

    How much would you pay to dine with the Oracle of Omaha ?

  7. 哈马德国王说,安全问题对于地区发展和繁荣很重要。

    King Hamad said security is most important to regional development and prosperity .

  8. 在哈马,视频显示数万人在街道上抗议。

    In Hama , videos show tens of thousands of people in the streets .

  9. 哈马舍尔德很可能是被人谋杀的。

    Most likely , Hammarskjold was murdered .

  10. 哈马王陀以听见大卫杀败哈大底谢的全军

    When Toi king of Hamath heard that David had smitten all the host of Hadadezer

  11. 罗宾是内布拉斯加州奥哈马市的一个杂货店主,他发明这种三明治是为了给在黑石头酒店里的玩夜场扑克牌的玩家提供宵夜。

    Apparently , he devised the sandwich for late-night poker players at the Blackstone Hotel .

  12. 他住在俄克拉哈马城外一个叫埃德蒙的小镇上

    so he lives in a small town called " Edmond Oklahoma " outside Oklahoma City

  13. 1953年,联合国大会选出达格哈马舍尔德是瑞典的秘书长。

    In1953 , the UN General Assembly elected Dag Hammarskjold of Sweden to be secretary-general .

  14. 来自叙利亚城市哈马的报道称,政府的坦克随意地炮击居民区。

    Reports from the Syrian city of Hama say government tanks have been shelling residential neighbourhoods indiscriminately .

  15. 哈马王陀乌听见大卫杀败琐巴王哈大利谢的全军

    When Tou king of Hamath heard that David had defeated the entire army of Hadadezer king of Zobah

  16. 在叙利亚的联合国观察员进入了位于哈马市附近的本周屠杀事件现场。

    United Nations observers in Syria have visited the site of this week 's killings near the city of Hama .

  17. 今天,政府军队继续对哈马进行炮击,据该城市居民称,炮击已造成几人死亡。

    The shelling resumed today on parts of Hama , leaving several people dead , according to residents of the city .

  18. 琐巴王哈大底谢到幼发拉底河去,要建立自己的势力的时候,大卫就攻打他,直到哈马。

    And David smote Hadarezer king of Zobah unto Hamath , as he went to stablish his dominion by the river Euphrates .

  19. 此外,活动人士表示,政府军在炮击中部省份哈马的一个城镇时打死至少30人。

    Regime forces also killed at least 30 people when they pounded a town in the central province of HAMA , activists said .

  20. 创10:18亚瓦底人,洗玛利人,哈马人,后来迦南的诸族分散了。

    Gen10:18 and the arvadite , and the zemarite , and the hamathite : and afterward were the families of the Canaanites spread abroad .

  21. 尽管军队仍在攻击,哈马依旧在不断抵抗,例如在斋月节午夜祈祷后爆发的抗议活动。

    Despite the army assault , Hama remains defiant with protests like this breaking out after nighttime prayers for the fasting month of Ramadan .

  22. 我的前任达格哈马舍尔德曾经说过:“不要为‘和平与宁静’而否定自己的经验或信念。”

    My predecessor Dag Hammarskj ö ld once said : " Never for the sake of'peace and quiet'deny your own experience or conviction . "

  23. 叙利亚活动积极分子称,被政府军队包围五天之后,哈马市遭受着严重的食物和药品短缺。

    Syrian activists say the city of Hama is suffering severe food and medical shortages after five days of being besieged by government forces .

  24. 哈马和亚珥拔的神在哪里呢?西法瓦音的神在哪里呢?他们曾拯救撒玛利亚脱离我的手吗?

    Where are the gods of Hamath and Arphad ? where are the gods of Sepharvaim ? and have they delivered Samaria out of my hand ?

  25. 琐赐王哈大利谢(哈大利谢撒母耳下八章三节作哈大底谢)往伯拉河去,要坚定自己的国权,大卫就攻打他,直到哈马。

    Moreover , David fought Hadadezer king of Zobah , as far as Hamath , when he went to establish his control along the Euphrates River .

  26. 自从六个月前执政以来,由哈马领导的政府一直没有能力支付165000个政府职员薪水。

    The Hamas-led government has not been able to pay the salaries of 165 , 000 government employees , since it took power six months ago .

  27. 这样,境界从海边往大马色地界上的哈萨以难,北边以哈马地为界。

    The boundary will extend from the sea to Hazar Enan , along the northern border of Damascus , with the border of Hamath to the north .

  28. 哈马的王、亚珥拔的王、西法瓦音城的王、希拿和以瓦的王都在哪里呢。

    Where is the king of hamath , and the king of arpad , and the king of the town of sepharvaim , of Hena and of ivvah ?

  29. 亚述王从巴比伦,古他,亚瓦,哈马,和西法瓦音迁移人来,安置在撒玛利亚的城邑,代替以色列人。

    The king of Assyria brought people from Babylon , Cuthah , Avva , Hamath and Sepharvaim and settled them in the towns of Samaria to replace the Israelites .

  30. 通常由哈马市到的黎波里的的道路需要两个半小时,但由于情况特殊,这段旅程会花费我的妻子将近12个小时。”他说道。

    Normally the road from Hama to Tripoli takes two-and-a-half hours , but because of the situation , it took my wife about 12 hours , " said Skandar .