
  • 网络assyrian;The Assyrians;Assyrian people
  1. ISIS要在势力范围内进行大规模的种族净化活动,特别是所有非阿拉伯和非正统派的教区,包括亚述人,什叶派,雅兹迪人,曼德恩人等等。

    ISIS is responsible for ethnic cleansing on a huge scale in its regions of control targeting , in particular , all non-Arab and non-Sunni communities , including Assyrians , Shia , Yazidis , Mandeans and many others .

  2. 这些令人恐惧伊朗战士战争了强势的亚述人,Kimmerians人和Skythians人,他们通过战争建立了一个在疆域和实力上无人能及的帝国。

    These dreaded Iranian warriors had overcome the mighty Assyrians , the Kimmerians and the Skythians , they had forged an empire by the means of war that nobody could match in size or power .

  3. 亚述人要进入埃及,埃及人也进入亚述。

    The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria .

  4. 亚述人把自己看作原始的伊拉克人民。

    The Assyrians also refer themselves as the original people of Iraq .

  5. 在艺术上,亚述人最有名的是石浅浮雕。

    Artistically , the Assyrians were particularly noted for their stone bas-reliefs .

  6. 最后,亚述人成为当时最强大的军事力量。

    At last the Assyrians became the greatest military power of the time .

  7. 他们不在乎是否,把对方转变成埃及人或者亚述人。

    They didn 't really care about turning those people into Egyptians or into Assyrians .

  8. 亚述人基督教徒也是一个显著的少数民族,他们居住在叙利亚北部和东北部。

    The Assyrian Christians are also a notable minority that lives in north and northeast Syria .

  9. 用上帝的箴言做武装,亚述人又一次改变了中东。

    Armed with the word of God , Assyrians once again transformed the face of the Middle East .

  10. 亚述人必因耶和华的声音惊惶。耶和华必用杖击打他。

    The voice of the Lord will shatter assyria ; with his Scepter he will strike them down .

  11. 亚述人的艺术也与有翼的圆盘连结,象征着神和神保护国王和人民。

    Assyrian art also associates the winged disc with divinity and divine protection of the king and people .

  12. 我们投降埃及人和亚述人,为要得粮吃饱。

    We have given our hands to the Egyptians and to the Assyrians so that we might have enough bread .

  13. 在北方的高地上,亚述人和波斯人则发展了用于狩猎的密林园。

    In the highlands to the north , the Assyrians and Persians developed great tree-filled parks for hunting on horseback .

  14. 亚述人在四世纪的最大的成就之一就是建立了世界上第一个大学。

    One of the greatest Assyrian achievements of the fourth century was the founding of the first university in the world .

  15. 亚述人丧失了他们的城邦却生存了下来,他们毫不引人注意的残存了以后的600年。

    The Assyrian people survived the loss of their state , and they remained mostly inconspicuous for the next 600 years .

  16. 亚述人进入我们的地,践踏我们地界的时候,?必拯救我们。

    And He will save us from Assyria , When he comes into our land And when he treads in our border .

  17. 同阿拉伯人相比,亚述人,库尔德人和土库曼人,在文化、历史、衣着和语言上都有很大区别。

    The Assyrians , Kurds and Turkomans differ from Arabs in many ways including culture , history , clothing , and language .

  18. 其中一个与亚述人版本非常相似,拥有攻击架式的波状翅膀。攻击紧跟着反攻击;

    In one it is very much like the Assyrian version , with squared-off wavy wings . Thrust was followed by counter-thrust ;

  19. 我们可以非常确实的看到在古代,从亚述人到罗马人以及后来中世纪时代。

    We can actually seen that in ancient times , from the Assyrians to the Romans and later in the middle ages .

  20. 随后有人背诵了那个男孩子站在燃烧的甲板上,亚述人走来了等一些名篇。

    " The Boy Stood on the Burning Deck " followed ; also " The Assyrian Came Down ," and other declamatory gems .

  21. 因此,我将她交在她所爱的人手中,就是她所恋爱的亚述人手中。

    Wherefore I have delivered her into the hand of her lovers , into the hand of the Assyrians , upon whom she doted .

  22. 他们必不归回埃及地,亚述人却要作他们的王,因他们不肯归向我。

    He shall not return into the land of Egypt , but the Assyrian shall be his king , because they refused to return .

  23. 主耶和华如此说,起先我的百姓下到埃及,在那里寄居,又有亚述人无故欺压他们。

    For thus saith the Lord GOD , My people went down aforetime into Egypt to sojourn there ; and the Assyrian oppressed them without cause .

  24. 她贪恋邻邦的亚述人,就是穿极华美的衣服,骑着马的省长,副省长,都是可爱的少年人。

    She doted upon the Assyrians her neighbours , captains and rulers clothed most gorgeously , horsemen riding upon horses , all of them desirable young men .

  25. 因西元前721年亚述人征服使得北部的十支派消失后,犹大支派和便雅悯支派是仅存的摩西圣约的后继者。

    After the10 northern tribes were dispersed by the Assyrian conquest of721 BC , the tribes of JudahBenjamin were left as the sole inheritors of the Mosaic covenant .

  26. 为此我把她交在她情人手中,即她所热恋的亚述人手中。

    Therefore have I delivered her into the hands of her lovers , into the hands of the sons of the Assyrians , upon whose lust she doted .

  27. 可以说,是苏美尔人、巴比伦人、亚述人、赫梯人以及希伯来人共同缔造了古代西亚的民事规范。

    In the ancient Near East , these civil norms were enacted by the Sumerians together with the Old Babylonian , the Assyrian , the Hittite and the Hebrew .

  28. 他正确的断言以色列北部撒马利亚于西元前722年毁灭,他还宣布亚述人将是行使上帝的惩罚的工具。

    He correctly predicted the destruction of Samaria , or northern Israel , in 722 BC , and he declared the Assyrians to be the instrument of God 's wrath .

  29. 阿荷拉就与亚述人中最美的男子放纵淫行,她因所恋爱之人的一切偶像,玷污自己。

    Thus she committed her whoredoms with them , with all them that were the chosen men of Assyria , and with all on whom she doted : with all their idols she defiled herself .

  30. 就是在我地上打折亚述人,在我山上将他践踏,他加的轭,必离开以色列人。他加的重担,必离开他们的肩头。

    That I will break the Assyrian in my land , and upon my mountains tread him under foot : then shall his yoke depart from off them , and his burden depart from off their shoulders .